Dr. Shanker Adawal
This is a research based on studying the leaves which were in Hoshiarpur etc. where predictions have been made by our ancient sages. They were done on the basis of a chart and no mention is made of dasha bhukti and other parameters applied in the Parashari system. I have great respect for all that has been told by various sages from time to time. However, the issue is the method to arrive at a conclusion, though the basic principles remain the same.
The charts and events explained are based on application of principles and statistical research.
The results arising out of rotation of Jupiter and other planets playing their roles coupled with the superimposition of transit, we can zero in on the events which can take place. It is common that each chart will show a number of events though all of them may not happen. People with powerful Yogas are like conductors in a bus.
Positive and negative results are evident from the principles explained. The degrees which show the planets’ position while in conjunction, ahead or back make great difference in the events. Planets in conjunction engage in a friendly relationship or a hostile one also make the third or other planets to slip/move on to the sign ahead impacting the results. The planets are to be seen as moving and thus the ones in second twelfth and seventh including the signs play a critical role. The planets at different points are loaded energies which are not the same in each rotation of Jupiter, Saturn, Venus, Mars etc. depending on the aspect of life being studied. This is the Key which has been explained in the more than seventy-five charts explained in the previous pages.
We need to work more precisely by taking the Nakshatra while the planets are rotated and further interlink to provide more accuracy. Movement of planets every degree and the impact of sub-lords with the same principles is a matter to be researched. This is a start and the intent is to get feedback while continuing the research. This is a beginning. Many more factors can be superimposed – work and research never ends.
This is a book where the principles need to be tested by the readers and those who have awn analytical / out of the box mindset will appreciate this. This is a science like any other field where the power to look at things holistically is important. This analysis of things in totality with experience of reading charts and a satwik approach is necessary. Intuition also plays an important role.
There are people who would into an intellectual discussion and the easiest thing is to condemn/criticize. The aim of this book is not commercial but to put forth principles which make chart reading easy and predicting a life sketch with fair bit of accuracy even if the time is not hundred per cent accurate. I came across a book by the name of Bhrigu Sahmita by a Nagpur Publisher which by various dates, months and year gives lifetime prediction. Other such books are available too across the country and this is a research where the logic and some principles explained.
If the principles are adopted and results honestly told, talked and debated constructively it will be an encouragement for writing another book explaining more charts, combinations, events and logic. Principles cannot be applied blindly but after an understanding of the underlying logic.
I again would repeat that though with the grace of Almighty I have every week seen charts of people without charging nor disclosing my identity, testing the principles in the process. This is a study done by my father whose understanding was deeper which will be a step for readers to apply and then discuss/modify/do further research through groups. This is an emotional book which is a tribute to my late father whose work partially I have tried to assimilate in this book.