Bhrigu Samhita: Basic Astrology, Part – 96


Dr. Shanker Adawal


He will incur losses

(As Moon is behind Venus).


If not married at 27, he will marry at 34-35

(At 27 Jupiter will be transiting in sign Libra owned by Venus he could have got married. Obviously he could not have got married as Jupiter transited Venus and local influences were not in favor. As Jupiter transited Gemini and aspected by Moon or as it transit Cancer and aspected by Venus at 35, he gets married. At a time when Jupiter transits Gemini as lord conjoined with Venus and aspect of Moon i.e. 34-35 years).


Lives up to 69-70 years

(When Jupiter contact Capricorn whose lord Saturn is placed with enemy Mars and Rahu. In 6th round when Jupiter transit in Gemini whose lord Mercury is in 8th i.e. years or as mentioned 69-70 years).

Troubles from government

He will have troubles from government

(Sun in an inimical sign owned by Saturn and so troubles from government).

Troubles some period

29, 30, 33, 43, 45th year are troublesome period

(Jupiter transit on Mercury and Venus in Capricorn (Venus surrounded by Moon and Sun) at 29 and Sun surrounded by enemies so 30, transit in sign of Venus Taurus at 33, and again transit over Sun at 42-43 and again transit over Aries with Mars in 12th at 44-45 and transit at Taurus).

Chart No. 76

Father’s hurdle

Hurdles to be overcome by father

Sun representing father is in conjunction with Saturn and Rahu and Mars placed in adjoining house.

Father employment in chemical industry

Father employed in a government chemical industry

Sun and Jupiter have exchange of place hence, Ketu positions in the 2nd while Sun will have Moon, Mercury and Venus in 7th indicate father employed in government chemical industry.

(Due to exchange of Sun and Jupiter, Sun comes to Leo with Ketu in 2nd and Moon, Venus and Mercury in 7th indicating employment in government chemical industry. Ketu indicates chemical and Moon and Venus watery and Mercury business organization).

Grandfather – 2 wives (Rahu Ketu axis)

Native’s grandfather had 2 wives

Saturn and Jupiter on one side and Moon, Venus and Mercury on the other side of Rahu Ketu axis indicate this.

Grandfather and uncle enjoy wealth

Grandfather and uncle enjoy all the wealth

(Rahu having Venus behind and Venus with Mercury (uncle))

Parental property small

Reduces the parental property to small figures

Opposition of Sun and Venus reduces his parental property to small a figure (due to exchange Sun comes in Leo and opposes Venus an enemy. Venus represents parental property being money of father and grand father as Venus is behind Sun and Rahu).

Intellect native

Nativge is an intellectual

(Mercury with Venus and Moon).


Shanker Adawal

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