and can be solved via the Divine Science-Astrology. Here the question involved
is why people get TWINS though some case of ladies giving birth to three
children, quadruplets and also giving birth to animals are also indicated by
some of the astrological principles.
2) Before discussing the principles of Twins, it is
necessary to say that potency of male and of female cannot be ignored.
Similarly the organs of both have also to be considered. Planets involved are
Mars, Venus and Jupiter with Mercury the Sun and the Moon. Venus and Jupiter
with Mercury the Sun and the Moon. A lady giving birth to twins must have large
necessary to say that potency of male and of female cannot be ignored.
Similarly the organs of both have also to be considered. Planets involved are
Mars, Venus and Jupiter with Mercury the Sun and the Moon. Venus and Jupiter
with Mercury the Sun and the Moon. A lady giving birth to twins must have large
The sexual organ of a lady is considered large/long in the
following combinations:
following combinations:
I. When Sun or Mars joins Saturn/ Rahu or Mandi and the lord
of 7th house become malefic.
of 7th house become malefic.
II. When the lord of 7th house is Jupiter or Venus and a
malefic joins.
malefic joins.
III. When the lord of 7th house if Saturn and Mercury joins.
3) In general, 5th house and 5th lord have a major role to
play with regard to birth of children. The first child shall be looked from 5th
house. Where a couple is blessed with the first childe and then get twins, then
the 7th house and 7th lord shall be considered with reference to conjunction, aspect
or association of other planets.
play with regard to birth of children. The first child shall be looked from 5th
house. Where a couple is blessed with the first childe and then get twins, then
the 7th house and 7th lord shall be considered with reference to conjunction, aspect
or association of other planets.
4) According to Prashara Hora Shastra birth of twins is
indicated when the native, who has the sun in a quadruped sign while others are
in dual signs with strength, is born as one of the twins. Quadruped signs are
second part of Taurus, Leo. First half of Capricorn and second part of
indicated when the native, who has the sun in a quadruped sign while others are
in dual signs with strength, is born as one of the twins. Quadruped signs are
second part of Taurus, Leo. First half of Capricorn and second part of
If the Sun is in a quadruped sing while others are in dual
signs is in a quadruped sign while others are in dual signs i.e. Gemini, Virgo,
Sagittarius (half-first part) and Pisces, the native may be born as one of the
twins. It goes without saying that other six planets be endowed with strength.
signs is in a quadruped sign while others are in dual signs i.e. Gemini, Virgo,
Sagittarius (half-first part) and Pisces, the native may be born as one of the
twins. It goes without saying that other six planets be endowed with strength.
5) Twins shall be born when they are conceived as such. For
conception it shall take place when the Moon and Mars (in case of a woman) or
the Sun and Venus (in the case of a man) occupy their own house or their
conception it shall take place when the Moon and Mars (in case of a woman) or
the Sun and Venus (in the case of a man) occupy their own house or their
In addition Jupiter has also an equal role to play when it
occupies Lagna or a Trine. Be that as it may, conception of Twins shall depend
on the virility (semen) of the male and fertility of the female as we have
separate combinations for giving birth to a male child, a female child or even
a eunuch.
occupies Lagna or a Trine. Be that as it may, conception of Twins shall depend
on the virility (semen) of the male and fertility of the female as we have
separate combinations for giving birth to a male child, a female child or even
a eunuch.
6) Then there are cases where twins born are boys and in
other cases there are girls and still in other cases there are one girl and one
boy. This iall dependson the force of Male Planets and Female planets specially
in the 5th house and 5th Lord. If the Lords of 1st and 5th house are together
in Kendra in association with a benefic planet and the lord of 2ndhouse is
strong, the native may be blessed with twin boys. For want of space, this and
other principles are not being mentioned.
other cases there are girls and still in other cases there are one girl and one
boy. This iall dependson the force of Male Planets and Female planets specially
in the 5th house and 5th Lord. If the Lords of 1st and 5th house are together
in Kendra in association with a benefic planet and the lord of 2ndhouse is
strong, the native may be blessed with twin boys. For want of space, this and
other principles are not being mentioned.
7) According to astrological principles one gets different
types of children and in the case to twins, normally Nakshtra in which the
twins are born may not change and thus the conditions of both will remain the
same including for longevity but if the Nakshtra has changed, then it is
possible that one may be an ‘accused’ and other may be a ‘Judge’.
types of children and in the case to twins, normally Nakshtra in which the
twins are born may not change and thus the conditions of both will remain the
same including for longevity but if the Nakshtra has changed, then it is
possible that one may be an ‘accused’ and other may be a ‘Judge’.
8) Some die in the womb as in the case of single child. Under
Horary, if the quarry is ‘whether the child in the womb will die or live, the astrologer
can say that it will live if the Lord of 12th is in a Kendra in conjunction
with aspected by benefices or if the query is put during the Shukla Paksha
(waning Moon) and the Moon is in the 12th conjoined with benefice, the child in
the womb is expected to live. These principles and other such principle equally
apply to twins.
Horary, if the quarry is ‘whether the child in the womb will die or live, the astrologer
can say that it will live if the Lord of 12th is in a Kendra in conjunction
with aspected by benefices or if the query is put during the Shukla Paksha
(waning Moon) and the Moon is in the 12th conjoined with benefice, the child in
the womb is expected to live. These principles and other such principle equally
apply to twins.
9) For giving birth to a single child or twins, the woman
must be receptive and for this the Moon and Mars causing monthly menses must be
taken into account. When the Moon is in Upachaya Rasis (3rd, 6th, 10th and 11th)
and thw woman gets sexual union, the chances of twins are bright depending on
the power of Jupiter, Mars and the Sun. Bahuputra Yoga (more than one child
either simultaneously or at intervals) comes into play when Rahu in the 5th
house and is in a Navamsha other than Saturn. Similar results are indicated if
the Lord of the Navamsha occupied by planets who is in association with 7th
Lord is in the 1st, 2nd or 5th house.
must be receptive and for this the Moon and Mars causing monthly menses must be
taken into account. When the Moon is in Upachaya Rasis (3rd, 6th, 10th and 11th)
and thw woman gets sexual union, the chances of twins are bright depending on
the power of Jupiter, Mars and the Sun. Bahuputra Yoga (more than one child
either simultaneously or at intervals) comes into play when Rahu in the 5th
house and is in a Navamsha other than Saturn. Similar results are indicated if
the Lord of the Navamsha occupied by planets who is in association with 7th
Lord is in the 1st, 2nd or 5th house.
10) Even form principle of ‘Bhavat Bhavam’, the 9th house is
capable of giving Twins-sons/ daughters depending on the force of planets
involved as indicated above (9th house is 5th from 5th). If there is marked
influence of female planets specially of Saturn, Moon and Venus, twins born
shall be girls.
capable of giving Twins-sons/ daughters depending on the force of planets
involved as indicated above (9th house is 5th from 5th). If there is marked
influence of female planets specially of Saturn, Moon and Venus, twins born
shall be girls.
Summing up astrological principles on Twins, it can be said
Male planets influencing the 5th lord give male twins and when the 5th house
belong to a female planets having influence of female plants, female planets,
female twins shall be born depending on Beeja or Kshetra.
Male planets influencing the 5th lord give male twins and when the 5th house
belong to a female planets having influence of female plants, female planets,
female twins shall be born depending on Beeja or Kshetra.
Shanker Adawal
Email: connectingminds@gmail.com, shankerstudy@gmail.com
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Posted in: Hindu Vedic Astrology,sun and moon
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