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Here is My

Books & Publications

Here area few collections of my books on the subject of Astrology:

  1. Mirror of Fortune – Auspicious and Ominous Circumstances of Life, (Publication: October 2021), Publisher ‘Prabhat Paperbacks’.
  2. Encyclopedia of Vedic Astrology: Prashna, (Publication: 25 March 2022), Publisher ‘Sagar Publications.
  3. Know About Astrology (Complete Guide to Self-Learning Course in Astrology), (Publication: 1 January 2008), Publisher ‘Sagar Publications.

Books on Human Rights and Other Topics

  1. Human Rights Theory and Practice – Two Different Worlds in collaboration with Dr.Girija B. Nanda, 2007
  2. Two Different Worlds – (Publication: 1st January 2007 by Dr. Shankar Adawal and Dr.Girija B. Nanda)
  3. Human Rights – The Reality & Challenges, Academic Excellence, New Delhi, 2009.
  4. The Novel Covid-19 The Human Rights Issues in India in collaboration with Bhagaban Behera, Academic Excellence, New Delhi, 2020 (ISBN: 978-93-83246-81-6)
  5. Still another book is on the theme of agricultural entitled is “Role of Nationalised Banks in Agricultural Productivity” Academic Excellence, New Delhi, 2008.