Charms Talismans and Spells: Classification of Charms, Chapter II, Part – 1

Chapter No. 2

Dr. Shanker Adawal

Charms have taken as many forms in design and material as they have been varieties of magic practiced by their use. Minerals, metals precious stones may have been said to possess a magical property; while any object may be converted into charm by one who possessed the necessary knowledge and essential qualifications. Among charms we find gems, jewels, coins, vases, goblets, stones, weapons, herbs, trees, skulls, bones, buildings, animals, water, human beings; there is also that large section called spells where the charm consists of a formula of words or written characters often the object and formula being used in conjunction. They may also be classed as individual, family, tribal and national. Classification of charms is a difficult matter for the forces at work though sometimes distinct will often unite and work in conjunction.

Artificial charms

Let us take a glance at what we will term artificial charms as; these appear to owe their efficacy to some outside influence, usually the human will or thought, and this may be brought about unconsciously. Under this heading we will class those charms such as religious relics and images. These have been converted into such and strengthened in their power by every devotee; and though in most cases this has been done unconsciously, yet they have become soaked with human magnetism of a devotional nature so that relic or image has become a “psychic dynamo”.

Another type of artificial charm, though consciously made so, is holy water which has been magnetized by the priests with a definite object, say mantra or some religious couplet; for water easily takes on the magnetism of any one and a sensitive individual can distinguish between water which has been magnetized, and that which has not. Holy water impregnated by the good thoughts of a man is highly charged with magnetism and very potent for good. In the same manner any object, whether valuable or worthless, may be converted into an artificial charm for good or evil. If charged by some one of trained will and one having knowledge of the forces brought into play, the power will remain in the object for a long period and if it is made to radiate at the same rate of vibration as that of the marker, it can be made a channel for his good or evil influence.

All objects worn by people take on their magnetism and become tuned to their rate of vibration these may be termed artificial charms, some objects taking this on more than others, thus their chief power will have much to do with the character of the wearer. This is the reason why something worn by a lucky man is eagerly sought for, and will in a certain measure help to bring luck to its new owner; much depends on whether the former owner of the present one’s vibrations are the stronger, or, in other words whether the charms’ vibrations are stronger than the new owner’s for the stronger will tune the weaker to its vibration. The same applies to those things worn by the unlucky, vibrations of the evil person; those worn by the good and pure take on the high vibrations of the evil person, those worn by the good and pure take on the high vibrations, and will help to fructify the germ of good or evil in any one who may wear them. Their strength depends on the individuality of their former owner and whether he was an ordinary or an extraordinary personage.

It is not wise to wear the cast off clothing of others, unless the character of their previous wearer is well known.

Natural Charms

Natural charms may be said to owe their power to both outside and inside influences. To this class belong all virgin metals, minerals, stones, and most plants and animals. They appear to possess a magical power of their own, and probably they owe this to the elements of which they are composed, and to the nature spirits watching over their growth. Their efficacy depends chiefly on the sympathy existing between them and the wearer or possessor, thus we find that certain stones are of value to one individual and not another; the same with plants and herbs, as witnessed in curative work. For this reason it is recommended that the gem belonging to a person by right of birth should be worn. The various gems have each their own natural rate of vibration, and that of the ruby differs from that of the turquoise, and so with all. This law of sympathy and antipathy is the reason why gems lose their brilliancy with the health of the wearer; and in case of the ruby it is said to change colour when misfortune threatens its wearer. At the present day medical men recognize the natural curative vibrations of amber, and recommended its being worn as a charm against certain ailments.


Shanker Adawal

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