Dr. Shanker Adawal
9. To increase/memory power the child after taking bath recites Gayatri mantra for twenty one times while facing Sun. After that he should recite `Om’ for three times and again recite Gayatri mantra from eleven times. After that he should rub his hands and message his face. This will increase the memory power of the child and if the child continuously does it a change would be observed in him.
10. While studying a student should face towards east direction. This will increase his retention power. During the period of examinations he can study while facing towards north direction. This would not only increase his retention power but will also provide energy to understand the subject.
11. While studying do not sit in North-West direction because the students who study in this direction could not retain because this area is governed by air and what so ever is learnt becomes air and mixes with the atmosphere.
12. While worshipping goddess Saraswati, worship goddess Laxmi and lord Ganesh. After every good work one should pay thanks to the god.
13. Students must affix the photograph Goddess Saraswati in his study room and before starting his studies he should lit three dhoop sticks while offering prayers to her.
14. Those students who are devoted towards worshipping they must recite the mantra `mm’ in front of the idol or photograph of devi Saraswati. This would help them in retaining the subject. The number of mantras should be equal as per the capacity of the student but he should keep in mind that the number should be equal for the daily recitation which should not be changed. The minimum mantras should be twenty one in one row.
15. Those students whose memory power is not good they take eleven leaves of basil plant and take their juice with sugar candy.
16. On first Sunday of shukla paksha take twenty two leaves of tamarind. Offer eleven to Sun god and the remaining leaves be kept in the book. This would increase the memory power of the student.
17. Students who loose their concentration while studying they should hang green curtains in his room and when they sit for study then recite the mantra “LL” for twenty one times.
18. Child who has the problem of stammering or hesitate to speak in front of teachers then he should message his teeth with the powder of alum and offer green grass to a cow. If some enunch across him then he should donate him some money and seek his blessings.
19. It is a common thing but we again underline here that a student must respect his elders and teachers because their blessings work and blesses the native with long life, intellect and good health which are good for study.
Talismans for the students
1.. On any Thursday morning prepare 249 talismans on a bhoojpatra with the ink made of turmeric and saffron. After preparing them flow them in water the same day evening between 5 to 6 pm. This process should continue for twenty one days in a row. The native would be blessed with the desired goal in the field of education.
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2. Before 21 days of the examinations the native should prepare this talisman on bhoojpatra with the ink of ashatgand. He should prepare 43 talismans daily and flow them in the flowing water for 21 days in a row. On 22nd day he should make an amulet of silver and put the talisman in it and wear it on the neck in yellow thread. He will be crowned with success in the examinations.
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3. On Basant Panchmi make the following talisman with the ink of saffron on bhoojpatra with the stylus of peacock feather. After making talisman, perform its pooja. Apply white sandal, red vermillion, dhoop, white flowers, and yellow mustard. Now with the rosary of basil recite the following mantra for thousand and eight times. Perform homa and give hundred and eight offerings to the fire. Feed five girls below the age of nine years. If you want to wear the talisman then make two pieces. The first talisman is kept in the room in front of the child and the other one should be worn by the child in an amulet made of silver. Process for the other talisman is same and could be done together.
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4. For getting education write this talisman on bhoojpatra with ashatgand and wear in neck or body.
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Shanker Adawal
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