Combination for Debts And Poverty Part 1

and fore aim of any person is to fulfill basic needs of himself and his

horoscope GIFGenerally
food, clothing and shelter are quite important to protect life to live in
society. Now a days many highly educated class of persons are also suffering
from dire poverty, at the same time many illiterates are enjoying rich posh
comforts of the life. Some earns lakhs of rupees effortlessly, but some others
hardly earn their bread. All these facts can be traced successfully through the
individual horoscope (Birth chart) by competent astrologer or a palmist. In my
opinion person’s future depends solely on their birth time i.e. (Birth chart)
which cannot be demolished or renewed like building by men.

favourable Dasha Bhuktis are cause of little fortunes well within the scope of
basic horoscope. In every chart there will be Dhana Yoga and as well as Daridra
Yoga, of the two which ever is strong native under goes its influence. Here my
chosen heading is Poverty/Debts and hence, I try to place certain such Yogas
before you, they are as follows:

(a) Lagna lord in 12th
house and 12th lord of lagna.

(b) Exchange of 12th
lord and 2nd lord.

(c) 4th, 5th,
9th, and 10th, Lords in 12th or 6th.

(d) 2nd, 3rd,
11th Lords in 12th or 6th.

(e) 2d Lord debilitated
and placed between malefic.

(f) Persons born in
Gola Yoga.

(g) Those born in
Sakata Yoga.

(h) Those born in
Kalasarpa Yoga. In addition to above 2 or 3 conjunctions.

(i) When 3 or 4 planets
in their deep debilitation and without Neechabhanga.

(j) When Lagna Lord
placed in 12th and aspected by Maraka Planet.

(k) If Lagna is
occupied by Saturn & placed between Malefic Planets (Lords of 12th
& 6th).

(l) If the 6th,
8th or 12th from Lagna becomes Arudha, poverty results

(m) When “Kemadruma
Yoga” exists without canceling effects.

(n) When “Yuga Yoga”

(o) When 6th,
8th & 12th Lords occupies 2nd house.

(p) When all planets
are in debilitated condition and placed in Kendra.

(q) When Lagna Lord is
placed in 6th, 8th or 12th along with malefic
and aspected by 8th Lord, will be poverty stricken even though born
in rich family.

(r) When Lagna and
Amsha both in moveable sign and aspected by Saturn or debilitated Jupiter, he
would beg for his food.

(s) Rahu in 2 in some
signs cause extravagant expenses and heavy debts. Many combinations are still
there. I request the learned readers to apply these rules to compare/contrast
their case studies and

Dr. Shanker Adawal


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