Dasa of the Lord of the Fifth House Part 3

Dr. Shanker Adawal


The learned should take
into his consideration the favourable or unfavourable tendencies of the planets
and predict their influences and effects. An association of benefic will produce
favourable and propitious results and the association of malefic will cause
malevolent and unpropitious results.

8) If
the lord of the fifth bhava is posited in the twelfth bhava in combination with
the lord of the twelfth bhava during the time for the fruition of the yoga for
diseases, the Native will have old age problems, mental aberration, wanderings
of mind etc. During this period, the Native will be afflicted with idiocy,
imbecility, jaundice and other diseases which are caused by an excess of bile.
His father will become sickly, his children will have trouble and danger to
their lives and he (Native) will be mentally worried, unhappy and gloomy and
will incur the displeasure of his dignified person. If there is an association
of a benefic planet, he will be progressing in his philosophical and
metaphysical studies and will display more and more of his renunciation of
worldly matters and affairs and pleasures; he will have the comforts of the bed
and will spend his income in good and commendable ways. If there is an
association of malefic planets, the expenditure will be in bad and
objectionable ways and if there is Mixed (i.e., mixed) association of benefic
and malefic planets, the expenditure will be on account of good and bad ways.
If, in the above mentioned yoga, the Lord of Ascendant (lord of the Ascendant)
is weak, the Native will be poor and will be roaming about in distant places
and will be tossed about without corresponding benefit.

9) If
the lord of the fifth bhava is posited in the first bhava with the Lord of
Ascendant and with the association of a benefic planet, the Native will become
the leader of men during the period of the lord of the fifth bhava, will become
the leading person of his community and in family. He will be blessed with the
acquisition of wealth, conveyances, etc., will undergo adoption in his youth
and will have a few children. If the lord of the fifth bhava is posited in the
Navamsa-Chart in the eighth etc. amsa (in, the sixth, eighth and twelfth amsa –
Rasis from the lord of the Lagna in the Navamsa-Chart) and is also weak, the
Native will approach a very low status dignified person or government employee,
will undergo no adoption and will not himself attain the status of a dignified
person; if, however, there is the association of a benefic planet, the Native
will make friends with dignified persons, will have the favour of kings,
acquisition of wealth, and fruition of witch-crafts, and godly grace; if there
is a yoga for asceticism or Sanyasa, the Native will become the head of a mutt
with numerous disciples in attendance and persons offering him their presents;
if however this planet (i.e., the lord of the fifth bhava) is weak, the Native
will have a few and low disciples with small presents from devotes.

10) If
the lord of the fifth bhava is posited in the second bhava in combination with
the lord of the second bhava the members of the Native’s family will be happy
and comfortable, the Native will enjoy a good and sumptuous meal, his saying or
predictions will be fulfilled by the grace of God and he will some-times
acquire wealth; if the lord of the fifth bhava is devoid of strength, these
results will be on a very small scale; and these also will be the results if
the lord of the fifth bhava is in the eighth etc. amsa (i.e., is in the
Navamsa-Chart in the sixth, eighth or twelfth amsa or rasi from the lord of the
second bhava in the Navamsa-Chart).

11) If
the lord of the fifth bhava is posited in the third bhava in combination with
the lord of the third bhava, the Native will have a child during the period and
sub-period of the lord of the fifth bhava; his brother will become feamous and
he himself will become a very great man during the period, if it occurs in the
early part of his life; he will have ear-ornaments, will have peace and
happiness of mind, courage, and strength of body; if however, the lord of the
fifth bhava is weak, the Native will become weak in body, and this also will be
the result of the lord of the fifth bhava if situated in the eighth etc. amsa
(i.e. in the sixth, eighth and twelfth amsa or Rasis in the Navamsa-Chart from
the lord of the third bhava in the Navamsa-Chart).

12) If
the lord of the fifth bhava is situated in the fourth bhava in combination with
its lord, the Native will, always enjoy comforts of conveyances etc., will,
enjoy comforts and happiness through a industrialist, will have presents from
kings and will be acquiring wealth and Vehicles on an increasing scale. If
however, the lord of the fifth bhava is weak, the Native will be afflicted with
loss of children. He will be a teacher to a dignified person who will go to his
house for instruction, will obtain lands through a dignified person, and will
also sometimes get Vehicles. If the lord of the fifth bhava is weak, the results
will be on a small scale in general. If however, the lord of the fifth bhava is
in the eighth etc. amsa (i.e. in the sixth, eighth and twelfth amsa or Rasis in
the Navamsa-Chart from the lord of the fourth bhava in the Navamsa-Chart), the
Native will not have even these small beneficial results. If, however, there is
an association of benefic planets, the Native will become the king of many
countries; will have much benefits through his high education and many Vehicles
(conveyances). If, however the lord of the fifth bhava, is weak, these results
will be on a very little scale, and the Native will be the king of a small
country; and if there is a Raja yoga, the Native will have a very large,
spacious and high palace etc. The learned should predict the various events by
taking into account the nature, strength etc., of the planets involved and the
nature of the sub-periods concerned and also the positions of the planets at
birth and at the period covered by the prediction (i.e. during the Transit).

Dr. Shanker Adawal
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