Dasa of the Lord of the Fourth House Part 1

Dr. Shanker Adawal


Helping relations,
promotion of agriculture, company of females, acquisition of vehicles, land,
new home, wealth, higher status may all be expected by the native during the
progress of the Dasa of the lord of the 4th house.

When the lord of the 4th
house is badly posited, he will, during his Dasa, cause distress to the mother
(of the native), sickness to his close friends, danger to his lands and
property, loss of cattle etc., and danger from water.


When the period of the lord of 4th who is strong and well placed
progresses, there will be help from relatives and friends, association with
famous and learned men, income from agricultural operations, purchase of landed
property, house, vehicles, etc. The native will have a higher status in society
and if in service, will get a promotion. There will be perfect harmony in
domestic affairs, mother’s health and affairs will be moving smoothly,
educational pursuits will be accomplished and will have enjoyments in short
journey and pleasure trips realised.

If the 4th lord
is weak, badly placed and afflicted, during its periods, mother will fall ill.
There will be domestic quarrels and unhappiness, loss of ancestral property,
danger of accidents from vehicles and cattle, removal from the house,
wickedness and loss of friends, association with wicked people and loss
thereby, quarrels and misunderstandings with relatives, etc. There will be
scandals and false accusations against the person.

Period of the Lord of the Fourth Bhava (from classics)

1) If
the lord of the fourth bhava is situated in Kendra or Trine or in his Own house
with strength, the Native will have education, gain and happiness through lands
etc, agriculture will be profitable to him; he will construct a new house, sink
a new well, will plant fruit-bearing trees etc, will have vehicles or
conveyances and happiness through mother and will be initiated into learning.
If the karaka planet of these several kinds of results or significations is
also strong, the Native will have the scope of attaining the signification on a
commendable scale.

If however, the lord of
the fourth bhava is weak, contrary results must be predicted and the Native’s
endeavours in these directions will be unproductive of favourable results; if
the lord of the fourth bhava has sovereignty over unpropitious bhava also,
every result will be of a mixed nature. The effects or signification of the
planets that are the lords of the benefic amsa or benefic Trimsamsa in which
the lord of the fourth bhava is situated, should be taken into account and
added as results are bound to happen in that Period (i.e. the Period of the
lord of the fourth bhava) or in his sub-period.

2) If
the lord of the fourth bhava is posited in the fifth bhava in combination with
the lord of the fifth bhava, or if these planets are in mutual reception (i.e.
occupy each other’s Rasis), the Native will achieve good reputation in
Government; will acquire wealth through education and lands in his father’s
birth-place; his house will abound in grains and cows; and he will, above all,
have the friendship of a dignified person or lord. If the lord of the fifth
bhava is strong, the Native will have children in his days of fortune, his
children will prosper and he will command much happiness and comfort through
his father; if, however, the lord of the fifth bhava is weak, the Native will
be poor, but happy in his father’s house. If the lord of the fourth bhava is
very strong and if the karaka planet also is strong, the Native will certainly
have a vehicle (conveyance) which is bedecked or embedded with golden materials
and which is a presentation to him by the Government. The nature of the vehicle
must be described with reference to the character of the planet or the rasi
producing this vehicle-yoga. If the rasi or planet is in movable, the vehicle
will be a very costly one, if it is fixed, the vehicle will be a palanquin and
if it is dual, the vehicle will be of other kinds. If the lord of the fourth
bhava is, in the Navamsa- Chart, in the sixth, eighth or twelfth amsa-rasi from
the lord of the fifth bhava in the Navamsa Chart, there will be a set-back to
the combination and the vehicle will be one that has been purchased; if the
Lord of Ascendant is weak and is posited in a bad bhava, the Native will be in
exile as the result of king’s wrath, or will have the presentation of a damaged
or used transport etc. in a king’s court or council. If both the lords of the
fourth and fifth bhavas are weak, the Native will get no fortune on account of
his enemies even though he has approached the authority, will have no vehicles,
will derive no benefits through his witchcraft and he will be unprofitably
engaged in sorcery. These results must be predicted during the Period of the
lord of the fourth bhava.

3) If
the lord of the fourth bhava is posited in the sixth bhava is posited in the
sixth bhava in combination with the lord of the sixth bhava and if the
karaka-planet also is strong, the Native will, during the Period of the lord of
the fourth bhava, have an increased yield from his lands; his mother will be
happy; he will also be happy; his assets will prosper; he will thrive well in
his education; his vehicles also will thrive well and his maternal uncle will have
much happiness. If these planets are weak, the results will be contrary to the
results mentioned above, the Native will have a fall from a vehicle, his mother
will become unhealthy, his property etc, will have to be sold away and their
will be litigation about lands and interruption in education etc. If they are
in the Navamsa-Chart in the sixth, eighth and twelfth amsa from each other,
these bad effects will be on a small scale.

Dr. Shanker Adawal
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