B. V. Raman in his book `Hindu Predictive Astrology’ has said, `A debilitated
planet gives evil results like losses, mean birth, troubles from various
sources, quarrels with parents and relations, imprisonment, hating of God.
Later at a time until and unless its debilitation gets cancelled, the native
hardly gets success in his life.
Gopesh Kumar Ojha in his book `Hindu Predictive Astrology’ has said that
planets in debilitation confer the most worst and evil results. Phaladeepika
(verses 26-30) states that if at birth a planet is debilitated all if the lord
of its sign of its exaltation b e in a Kendra (square) of the moon or
ascendant, the native will be king and a righteous ruler.
Rajayoga is formed when the lord of the sign in which the debilitated planets
is placed be in an angular house from the Moon or ascendant. It is believed
that the native after cancellation of debilitation becomes very rich, wealthy
and prosperous.
Rajayoga is formed when the lord of the sign in which the debilitated planets
is placed be in an angular house from the Moon or ascendant. It is believed
that the native after cancellation of debilitation becomes very rich, wealthy
and prosperous.
general belief is that a debilitated planets unless gets cancelled usually
confers very evil results. The native suffers too much in his life. If two or
three such debilitated planets are placed in a horoscope, the native turns into
a violent criminal. Take for example the horoscope of Nathuram Vinayak Godse
who killed Mahatma Gandhi. In his horoscope, there are two debilitated planets
i.e. Mars in Cancer and Saturn in Aries. The lord of the lagna is placed in the
12th. All these evil planetary positions made him very cruel. (Born
on 19-5-1910 a 8-29 a.m.)
general belief is that a debilitated planets unless gets cancelled usually
confers very evil results. The native suffers too much in his life. If two or
three such debilitated planets are placed in a horoscope, the native turns into
a violent criminal. Take for example the horoscope of Nathuram Vinayak Godse
who killed Mahatma Gandhi. In his horoscope, there are two debilitated planets
i.e. Mars in Cancer and Saturn in Aries. The lord of the lagna is placed in the
12th. All these evil planetary positions made him very cruel. (Born
on 19-5-1910 a 8-29 a.m.)
like Venus and Jupiter when get debilitated inflict less miseries, troubles,
obstacles in the path of progress. But malefic when debilitated inflict more
troubles, miseries, sickness, chronic ailments and various other hardships. The
native hardly succeeds in life. The violent malefic are Mars, Saturn, Rahu and
Ketu. But the most worst result is seen when Ketu is posited in Gemini and
Saturn in Cancer or in Leo. The usual debilitated position of the planets are
the Sun in Libra, Moon in Scorpio, Mars in Cancer, Mercury in Pisces, Jupiter
in Capricorn, Venus in Virgo, Saturn in Aries, Rahu in Sagittarius and Ketu in
Gemini. As Rahu and Ketu eclipse the Sun and Moon, Leo and Cancer are their
inimical or detrimental signs. If Ketu is placed in Leo along with Mars and afflicted
by 2 other malefic, the native may meet his death by decapitation or he may be
beheaded. Take for example the horoscope of Forward Block leader – Hemanta
Kumar Basu who was beheaded on 20-2-71 by some naxalites. In his birth-chart,
Ketu and Mars are placed in Leo and in his 3rd house aspected by
Rahu. The 6th lord is placed in the 3rd. (Born on
5-10-1895 at 3.30 a.m.)
like Venus and Jupiter when get debilitated inflict less miseries, troubles,
obstacles in the path of progress. But malefic when debilitated inflict more
troubles, miseries, sickness, chronic ailments and various other hardships. The
native hardly succeeds in life. The violent malefic are Mars, Saturn, Rahu and
Ketu. But the most worst result is seen when Ketu is posited in Gemini and
Saturn in Cancer or in Leo. The usual debilitated position of the planets are
the Sun in Libra, Moon in Scorpio, Mars in Cancer, Mercury in Pisces, Jupiter
in Capricorn, Venus in Virgo, Saturn in Aries, Rahu in Sagittarius and Ketu in
Gemini. As Rahu and Ketu eclipse the Sun and Moon, Leo and Cancer are their
inimical or detrimental signs. If Ketu is placed in Leo along with Mars and afflicted
by 2 other malefic, the native may meet his death by decapitation or he may be
beheaded. Take for example the horoscope of Forward Block leader – Hemanta
Kumar Basu who was beheaded on 20-2-71 by some naxalites. In his birth-chart,
Ketu and Mars are placed in Leo and in his 3rd house aspected by
Rahu. The 6th lord is placed in the 3rd. (Born on
5-10-1895 at 3.30 a.m.)
Mantreswar has said, `Neechabhanga Rajayoga usually
makes a native a great political leader or a great statesman”. I will now
explain this with some example horoscopes as under:-
makes a native a great political leader or a great statesman”. I will now
explain this with some example horoscopes as under:-
1. Alobert Einstein:
Born on 14-3-1879 at 12.00 p.m. Birth chart: Gemini-ascendant; Cancer-Ketu;
Scorpio-the Moon; Capricorn-Rahu and Mars, Aquarius-Jupiter; Pisces the Sun,
Mercury, Venus and Saturn.
Born on 14-3-1879 at 12.00 p.m. Birth chart: Gemini-ascendant; Cancer-Ketu;
Scorpio-the Moon; Capricorn-Rahu and Mars, Aquarius-Jupiter; Pisces the Sun,
Mercury, Venus and Saturn.
was a German-American Scientist. He was famous for his Theory of relativity. He
also made outstanding contributions to the Kinetic theory of matter and the
theory of specific heats, and was one of the pioneers of Quantum theory.
Mercury is debilitated in his birth-chart but the lord of the sign Jupiter is
placed in an angular house from the Moon. Mercury itself is placed in the 10th
from the ascendant which constituted Neechabhanga Rajayoga. The result is that
the native rose very high in life.
was a German-American Scientist. He was famous for his Theory of relativity. He
also made outstanding contributions to the Kinetic theory of matter and the
theory of specific heats, and was one of the pioneers of Quantum theory.
Mercury is debilitated in his birth-chart but the lord of the sign Jupiter is
placed in an angular house from the Moon. Mercury itself is placed in the 10th
from the ascendant which constituted Neechabhanga Rajayoga. The result is that
the native rose very high in life.
2. Chakraborty Rajagopalachari
(Born in 1879). Birth chart: Scorpio-ascendant, Venus and the Sun,
Sagittarius-Mercury; Capricorn-Jupiter and Rahu; Pisces-Saturn; Taurus-the
Moon; Cancer-Ketu; Libra-Mas.
(Born in 1879). Birth chart: Scorpio-ascendant, Venus and the Sun,
Sagittarius-Mercury; Capricorn-Jupiter and Rahu; Pisces-Saturn; Taurus-the
Moon; Cancer-Ketu; Libra-Mas.
was Governor General of India from June 1948 to January 1950. He was the Chief
Minister of Madras from 1937 to 1939. Jupiter is debilitated in Capricorn and
its exalted sign in Cancer. Its lord the Moon is placed in an angle (7th)
from the Ascendant which constituted Neechabhanga Rajayoga. The result is that
the native rose to the top position in his life.
was Governor General of India from June 1948 to January 1950. He was the Chief
Minister of Madras from 1937 to 1939. Jupiter is debilitated in Capricorn and
its exalted sign in Cancer. Its lord the Moon is placed in an angle (7th)
from the Ascendant which constituted Neechabhanga Rajayoga. The result is that
the native rose to the top position in his life.
3. Dr. Sarvapalli Radhakrishnan
(Born on 5-9-1988 at 9.00 p.m.). Birth Chart: Aquarius-Ascendant; Cancer-Saturn
and Rahu; Leo- the Moon, Sun and Mercury; Virgo-Venus, Scorpio-Jupiter and
Mars: Capricorn-Ketu.
(Born on 5-9-1988 at 9.00 p.m.). Birth Chart: Aquarius-Ascendant; Cancer-Saturn
and Rahu; Leo- the Moon, Sun and Mercury; Virgo-Venus, Scorpio-Jupiter and
Mars: Capricorn-Ketu.
was President of India from 1962 to 1967. Venus is debilitated in Virgo and its
lord Mercury is placed in an angular house (7th) from the Ascendant
which constituted Neechabhanga Rajayoga. It helped him to become the President
of India.
Shanker Adawal
Email: connectingminds@gmail.com, shankerstudy@gmail.com
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6 replies on “Effects of Neechabhanga Rajayoga”
Unknown September 25, 2021 at 10:09 am
Four grahams viz. sun,Mercury,Mars and Venus are placed in the 8th place from lagna ie placed at Pisces. The lord of 8th place is at 7th along with Ragu aspecting these debilitated stars. Is it neecha panga rajayoga and what will be the effect? I am presently at miserable position.
Butterfly September 25, 2021 at 10:09 am
Dear sir,
I am priya, Please let me know if I have neecha bhanga raja yoga and if its powerful or not?
Date of birth : 26 march 1990
Birth of time : 06.50 am
Birth of place : palakkad, kerala, india
Unknown September 25, 2021 at 10:09 am
Dear Sir,
My Name is Namratha
I have Seen many troubles in My Life which normal girl may not have seen..
please let me know what will be my future, at least the way which i can survive. .
DOB : 07-Aug-1992 (Female)
Time: 21:15 PM
Dodballpaur (Bangalore)
Thanks in advance
Unknown September 25, 2021 at 10:09 am
Dear Sir,
I AM Narendra Babu,
Please let me know i have Neecha Bhanga Raja Yoga in My Chart?
Time: 6:30 Am
Dod Ballapur(Bangalore)
Email Id: narendrababudbp@gmail.com
Anonymous September 25, 2021 at 10:09 am
hi sir,
please let me know if i have neecha bhanga raja yoga and if its powerful or not?
my details are:
21 march 1990
1.30 am
kollam, kerala india
Unknown September 25, 2021 at 10:09 am
Hi sir,
Please let me know if I have neecha bhanga raja yoga and if its powerful or not?
My details are:
20 June 1991
Jaipur, Rajasthan India
Thanks so much in advance