Shanker Adawal
Shanker Adawal
The 5th house is general house for progeny and the 1st
child and hence called Putra Brava.
The desire to have progeny after marriage is the most universal method of
self-expression and frustration of this impulse has caused havoc to many. The
promise/ capability to have children, their timing, number and quality can be
assessed from 5th house. The aspects/ association of Malefics will
hinder the process, while benefics will be good & progressive. The 5th
house also represent Poorva Punya emotion,
creativity, recreation etc. Scrutiny of birth chart, Moon lagna, Navamsha, Saptamsha, Beej/Kshetra Sphuta, Trikone
houses & their lords, Karaka Jupiter, appropriate dasha and transit should
always be made for studying various aspects related with progeny. Out of the
surviving children, the 1st child is seen from 5th house,
2nd from 7th, 3th from 9th house and so on.
The 5th house is general house for progeny and the 1st
child and hence called Putra Brava.
The desire to have progeny after marriage is the most universal method of
self-expression and frustration of this impulse has caused havoc to many. The
promise/ capability to have children, their timing, number and quality can be
assessed from 5th house. The aspects/ association of Malefics will
hinder the process, while benefics will be good & progressive. The 5th
house also represent Poorva Punya emotion,
creativity, recreation etc. Scrutiny of birth chart, Moon lagna, Navamsha, Saptamsha, Beej/Kshetra Sphuta, Trikone
houses & their lords, Karaka Jupiter, appropriate dasha and transit should
always be made for studying various aspects related with progeny. Out of the
surviving children, the 1st child is seen from 5th house,
2nd from 7th, 3th from 9th house and so on.
13.5.2 The favourable operating Dasha for birth of
children are of 5th lord, 7th lord, 9th lord,
Lagna lord of Saptamsha, of Jupiter,
of depositor of 5th lord, or of planets posited in or aspecting 5th
house. In transit Jupiter and Saturn should separately but simultaneously
influence 5th/ 9th house or their lords. The Sun may
indicate month of birth of child and the Moon the date of birth.
children are of 5th lord, 7th lord, 9th lord,
Lagna lord of Saptamsha, of Jupiter,
of depositor of 5th lord, or of planets posited in or aspecting 5th
house. In transit Jupiter and Saturn should separately but simultaneously
influence 5th/ 9th house or their lords. The Sun may
indicate month of birth of child and the Moon the date of birth.
13.5.3 Example:
Let us study the chart No. 10 of the native given above.
Let us study the chart No. 10 of the native given above.
Dasha of the native: Saturn (2nd Oct 1984 – 2nd Oct 2003)
Dasha of the native: Saturn (2nd Oct 1984 – 2nd Oct 2003)
First Child:
The native had his first child on 10th Dec 1984 at 12-55 AM at Delhi
during operating Dasha of Sat-Sat-Sat. In the natal chart, Lagna lord Saturn
aspects 5th house by 10th aspect. In Saptamsha, Saturn, conjunct with child karaka Jupiter, aspects 5th
house by 3rd aspect. During transit on 10 Dec 1984,
Jupiter in Sagittarius, conjunct with 2-5th lord Mercury aspects 5th
house and Saturn, exalted in Libra, aspect Mercury by 3rd aspect
(double transit). The Sun was in Scorpio, denoting period of birth as between
mid-Nov to Mid-Dec and the Moon was transiting natal 5th house.
Hence all parameters set for transit conditions are fulfilled.
The native had his first child on 10th Dec 1984 at 12-55 AM at Delhi
during operating Dasha of Sat-Sat-Sat. In the natal chart, Lagna lord Saturn
aspects 5th house by 10th aspect. In Saptamsha, Saturn, conjunct with child karaka Jupiter, aspects 5th
house by 3rd aspect. During transit on 10 Dec 1984,
Jupiter in Sagittarius, conjunct with 2-5th lord Mercury aspects 5th
house and Saturn, exalted in Libra, aspect Mercury by 3rd aspect
(double transit). The Sun was in Scorpio, denoting period of birth as between
mid-Nov to Mid-Dec and the Moon was transiting natal 5th house.
Hence all parameters set for transit conditions are fulfilled.
Second Child:
The native had his second child on 31st Aug 1986 at 4-15 at Delhi
during opereating dasha of Sat-Sat-Mon. In the natal chart, Lagnesh Saturn
asapects 5th house by 10th aspect and the Moon was in 9th
house with 5th lord Mercury. In Saptamsha,
the Moon was in 7th house (representing 2nd child) aspected
by Jupiter, the karaka for children. During transit on 31st Aug
1986, Saturn, in Scorpio by 10th
aspect and Jupiter by 7th aspect from Aquarius aspect 5th
lord Mercury in 9th house (double transit). The Sun was in 7th
house of Leo denoting birth period as mid-Aug to Mid-Sep, while the Moon was in
9th house. Thus all parameters of transit are again met.
The native had his second child on 31st Aug 1986 at 4-15 at Delhi
during opereating dasha of Sat-Sat-Mon. In the natal chart, Lagnesh Saturn
asapects 5th house by 10th aspect and the Moon was in 9th
house with 5th lord Mercury. In Saptamsha,
the Moon was in 7th house (representing 2nd child) aspected
by Jupiter, the karaka for children. During transit on 31st Aug
1986, Saturn, in Scorpio by 10th
aspect and Jupiter by 7th aspect from Aquarius aspect 5th
lord Mercury in 9th house (double transit). The Sun was in 7th
house of Leo denoting birth period as mid-Aug to Mid-Sep, while the Moon was in
9th house. Thus all parameters of transit are again met.
Third Child:
The native had his third child on 30th Nov 1988 at 4-15 AM at Delhi
during operative dasha of Sat-Mer-Mon. In the natal chart, Saturn aspect 5th
house by 10th aspect, Mercury was 5th lord in 9th
house with Moon, and the combination is in mutual aspect with Jupiter, the
karaka of children. In Saptamsha,
Saturn conjunct with Jupiter aspect 5th & 9th house
(representing 3rd child) and both Mercury & Moon are in signs of
Saturn. In transit, on 30th Nov 1988, Saturn, Sagittarius, aspects 5th
house by 7th aspect and Jupiter by previous house aspects 5th
lord Mercury and the Moon in 9th house. The Sun is in Scorpio,
denoting birth period between mid-Nov & mid-Dec, while the Moon is in 7th
house; thus again upholding the transit parameters.
The native had his third child on 30th Nov 1988 at 4-15 AM at Delhi
during operative dasha of Sat-Mer-Mon. In the natal chart, Saturn aspect 5th
house by 10th aspect, Mercury was 5th lord in 9th
house with Moon, and the combination is in mutual aspect with Jupiter, the
karaka of children. In Saptamsha,
Saturn conjunct with Jupiter aspect 5th & 9th house
(representing 3rd child) and both Mercury & Moon are in signs of
Saturn. In transit, on 30th Nov 1988, Saturn, Sagittarius, aspects 5th
house by 7th aspect and Jupiter by previous house aspects 5th
lord Mercury and the Moon in 9th house. The Sun is in Scorpio,
denoting birth period between mid-Nov & mid-Dec, while the Moon is in 7th
house; thus again upholding the transit parameters.
Dr. Shanker Adawal
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