Encyclopedia of Vedic Astrology: Planetary Transit: What is Transit, Chapter I, Part – 4

Dr. Shanker Adawal
1.4 Aspects/
1.4.1 In
natal astrology, considerable large allowances are made for the orbs of
influence of different types of aspects, but in transit, the orbs allowed are
much smaller. Opinions may vary as to the size of allowable orbs for transiting
aspects, but their effects will be felt most strongly when they are exact to
within just one degree and are unlikely to be felt at all outside a distance of
six degrees. This applicable right across the board for all major aspects which are as under:
is a first house aspect. It marks the beginning of a
new cycle or phase of life, with the transit by one planet over another or over
a house cusp. It indicates an event/ matter either within yourself or with the
most intimate surrounding. It also marks the culmination of the process that
began at the last opposition transit involving the same two planets.
is a 7th house aspect. It marks a time of
dynamic changes and confrontation with others. It denotes the culmination of
affairs in certain manner or the total collapse of some areas of life that has
not worked successfully. It brings about events that increase
self-consciousness through meetings with others and inter-action between one’s
inner & outer worlds.
is a 3rd or 11th house aspect.
It denotes matters involving one’s relationship to groups and interaction with
immediate surroundings. It is a time of balance, when one can and should take
initiative; or a time of reviewing recent events and bring changes involving
relatively little efforts with little resistance from outside circumstances.
Square/ quartile
is a 4th or 10th
house aspect. It marks challenges from circumstances of others that force one
to prove self or to make necessary change by way of relating to others. It is a
time when a course of action proves incorrect or, if the challenge is
withstood, a time of new initiative and active forward motion. In western
astrology, it is an evil aspect but as per Vedic astrology, it gives benefic/
mixed results.

is a 5th or 9th house aspect. It is one of the best
aspect both as per western and Vedic astrology. It is a period of easy energy
flow and relative less stress, when one can make creative changes but are
tempted to just flow along. It is a time when one’s experience &
self-expression expand to make one wiser and more effective. Even when there is
considerable activity, matters often work out with little efforts.
vi) In
addition, 4th & 8th aspects of Mars, 3rd
& 10th aspects of Saturn, and 5th & 9th
aspects of Jupiter, Rahu & Ketu should also be considered.

Shanker Adawal

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