Encyclopedia of Vedic Astrology: Remedies: Colour Therapy, Chapter XI, Part – 15

Dr. Shanker Adawal
More Information About
Colours And Numbers
Going back to the “periods
of the number 9” for a moment we find the basic colours for both these periods
are red, crimson and pink, but the same rule applies in the examples for the “period
of the 8.” A person born on a 6, such as on the 6th, 15th,
or 24th in the period of the 9, would have as his or her principal
colour all shades of blue, with red, crimson, or pink, as his or her secondary
The same rule applies to
every month in the year and to every date of birth. It is quite simple when one
has once grasped this principle and can appreciate the marvelous harmony of
this wonderful universe in which we live.
If people will follow even
in some degree the rules, given about numbers and colours, they will very
quickly be astonished by the good results they will notice in their daily
There is no guesswork or
mere theory about the rules. These have been, taken from ancient writings of
the highest authority, all the dross or superfluities weeded out of them, and
The law of the “vibrations
of things” is as great as the law of gravitation. It has, however, a wider and
a higher scope, for it concerns our thoughts as well as our actions. Professor
Proctor, in his great work on astronomy, has laid down the rule that not the
slightest vibration in the smallest atom in the farthest planet of our solar
system but is intimately felt and associated with our human life on this
planet, and, although many of these vibrations may be beyond our limited
observation, as colours beyond the ultra-red and the ultraviolet are beyond our
range of vision, yet that is no proof that they are not equally as powerful as
those we can more readily examine.
It is a well-known fact
that there are tones and vibrations in music that are beyond our range of
hearing, yet there are other animals that as readily perceive these sounds as
we do those that come within our scope.
We receive light and heat
only by a certain tension of vibration, and scientists have declared that even
life is only a question of vibration-that when it falls below a certain point
it ceases to exist.
By following out the
simple rules, one comes into harmony with Nature, there is less friction, as it
were, in the vibrations of the human machine, and so one will be able to
accomplish more and so become more successful.
Success and happiness are,
after all, the principal pivots on which so much depends, both for ourselves
and for those with whom we are brought into contact in our short journey from
the cradle to the grave.

Dr. Shanker Adawal
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