Dr. Shanker Adawal
Heartache And Gems
The usual symptoms are
shortness of breath after slight exertion, pain in the chest, dizziness,
vertigo, fatigue etc. Worry is the most subtle and destructive of all human
diseases and anxiety is the great modern plague.
shortness of breath after slight exertion, pain in the chest, dizziness,
vertigo, fatigue etc. Worry is the most subtle and destructive of all human
diseases and anxiety is the great modern plague.
The best medicines for a
victim of heartache is to return once again to the normal courses of your life
and to keep yourself busy into the main stream of your life’s activities. It
will be better to get yourself busy in simple walking and playing i.e. to get
the blood move into your system. A secret of curing heartache is to be as
normal as possible. There are various kinds of heart-diseases:-
victim of heartache is to return once again to the normal courses of your life
and to keep yourself busy into the main stream of your life’s activities. It
will be better to get yourself busy in simple walking and playing i.e. to get
the blood move into your system. A secret of curing heartache is to be as
normal as possible. There are various kinds of heart-diseases:-
A group of various
respiratory infections, is commonly known as `flu’. It is a virus disease
affecting the respiratory, nervous and gastro-intestinal system.
respiratory infections, is commonly known as `flu’. It is a virus disease
affecting the respiratory, nervous and gastro-intestinal system.
It is a kind of lung
disease which is caused by an inflammation of bronchial tubes. It is usually
accompanied by common cold, and fever.
disease which is caused by an inflammation of bronchial tubes. It is usually
accompanied by common cold, and fever.
It is purely a Mars
disease as he gives all sorts of fevers and inflammatory complaints. Mars or
Sun during transit or gochara movements when passes through the signs Gemini,
Leo Aquarius causes bronchitis.
disease as he gives all sorts of fevers and inflammatory complaints. Mars or
Sun during transit or gochara movements when passes through the signs Gemini,
Leo Aquarius causes bronchitis.
Two gems Red Coral and
Yellow Sapphire may give adequate relief. The gem Moonstone will be found useful
Yellow Sapphire may give adequate relief. The gem Moonstone will be found useful
An inflammation of the
lungs with consolidation caused by bacteria, viruses or chemical irritants, is
known as pneumonia. It is particularly a lung disease. The common symptoms are
shaking chills, high and rising fever, knife-like pains in the chest, a painful
cough, blood-flecked or rusty sputum.
lungs with consolidation caused by bacteria, viruses or chemical irritants, is
known as pneumonia. It is particularly a lung disease. The common symptoms are
shaking chills, high and rising fever, knife-like pains in the chest, a painful
cough, blood-flecked or rusty sputum.
In astrology, it is purely
a Mars disease who is held to be responsible for giving all inflammatory
complaints and fevers. Mars in Gemini or Leo during transit or at the
birth-chart may cause this trouble. Jupiter in Gemini or Leo during transit or
at birth-chart if heavily afflicted by the malefics causes this trouble, as he
governs the lungs.
a Mars disease who is held to be responsible for giving all inflammatory
complaints and fevers. Mars in Gemini or Leo during transit or at the
birth-chart may cause this trouble. Jupiter in Gemini or Leo during transit or
at birth-chart if heavily afflicted by the malefics causes this trouble, as he
governs the lungs.
The Gems Emerald in 6
rattis, Red Coral 7 ½ rattis and Yellow Sapphire in 5 rattis, if used jointly may
confer quick and permanent recovery.
rattis, Red Coral 7 ½ rattis and Yellow Sapphire in 5 rattis, if used jointly may
confer quick and permanent recovery.
Difficulty in breathing
accompanied by wheezing sound. Dyspnoea. It may be either bronchial / cardiac /
or renal asthma. It is the most serious allergic disease. The patient wheezes
and coughs. Asthmatic patients usually suffer from sleeplessness.
accompanied by wheezing sound. Dyspnoea. It may be either bronchial / cardiac /
or renal asthma. It is the most serious allergic disease. The patient wheezes
and coughs. Asthmatic patients usually suffer from sleeplessness.
In astrology, Saturn is
the causative planet for this disease as he governs the breath. Saturn is
responsible for worst, and chronic diseases. It is practically an incurable
disease. Medicines have miserably failed to give complete cure. Gems here can
come to solve this age-old problem, but gems can provide relief up to 60% and
they will reduce the effect considerably and can provide sound sleep which is
most essential and desirable for asthmatic patients. Here the planet Mercury
plays an important part as he governs the brain nerves.
the causative planet for this disease as he governs the breath. Saturn is
responsible for worst, and chronic diseases. It is practically an incurable
disease. Medicines have miserably failed to give complete cure. Gems here can
come to solve this age-old problem, but gems can provide relief up to 60% and
they will reduce the effect considerably and can provide sound sleep which is
most essential and desirable for asthmatic patients. Here the planet Mercury
plays an important part as he governs the brain nerves.
The prescription of gems
for asthma is as under:
for asthma is as under:
For Gents
Emerald in 6 rattis on middle finger plus Moonstone in 5 rattis on middle
finger plus Yellow Sapphire in 4 rattis on anamika.
Emerald in 6 rattis on middle finger plus Moonstone in 5 rattis on middle
finger plus Yellow Sapphire in 4 rattis on anamika.
Emerald plus White Pearl (4 or 5 rattis) plus Blue Sapphire in 4 rattis on
Emerald plus White Pearl (4 or 5 rattis) plus Blue Sapphire in 4 rattis on
N.B. Red Coral in 4 rattis
may be required as additional gem during winter months. Lapis Lazuli is a
substitute for Blue Sapphire.
may be required as additional gem during winter months. Lapis Lazuli is a
substitute for Blue Sapphire.
White Pearl in 10 or 12
rattis on two fingers anamika and kanistha of left hand.
rattis on two fingers anamika and kanistha of left hand.
The Moon rules over the
breasts, stomach, ovary, generative organs, uterus, fallopian tubes, mind and
mental structure all female horoscopes. So White Pearl is the only gem for ladies
to wear.
breasts, stomach, ovary, generative organs, uterus, fallopian tubes, mind and
mental structure all female horoscopes. So White Pearl is the only gem for ladies
to wear.
It will protect them from
all sorts of troubles.
all sorts of troubles.
Red coral in 4 rattis may be used during day time and it should be removed
before retiring to bed at night. A horse-shoe iron ring on the middle-finger at
night (when Red Coral is to be removed) will be found to be very useful. This
horse-shoe iron ring will induce quick and sound sleep.
Red coral in 4 rattis may be used during day time and it should be removed
before retiring to bed at night. A horse-shoe iron ring on the middle-finger at
night (when Red Coral is to be removed) will be found to be very useful. This
horse-shoe iron ring will induce quick and sound sleep.
Dr. Shanker Adawal
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