Encyclopedia of Vedic Astrology: Remedies: Gems, Chapter VIII, Part – 29

Dr. Shanker Adawal
Heartache And Gems
Pleurisy is caused by
inflammation and infection of the pleura, the membrane enveloping the lungs and
lining the chest cavity. It is of many types, however is a primarily
complication of T.B. The common symptoms are knife-like pain in the lungs
followed by chills, fever and dry cough and difficult breathing.
The signs Gemini and Leo
cause pleurisy. The planets Jupiter and Mars give pleurisy. Mars gives all
inflammatory complaints and fevers. Therefore pleurisy is under, the domain of
the planet Mars. Jupiter in Gemini or Leo by gochara movements at the
birth-chart gives pleurisy. Mars in Leo or Aquarius during transit may give
rise to this disease.
The gems Red Coral in 7 ½ rattis,
Emerald in 5 Rattis and Yellow Sapphire in 5 rattis will give immediate relief.
Substitutes of gems will not give the desired results. Avoid using any
It is commonly known as
phthisis, consumption, white plague and T.B. It is an infectious disease caused
by the tubercle bacillus Mycobacterium. It can be any part of body-bones,
joints, bladder, spine, lungs, kidneys, glands etc. But in most cases, the
affected organs are the lungs. Now it is not so dangerous and it can be cured
if defected and treated early.
Leo rule over this
disease. The Moon is the karaka for the 4th house and if the Moon is
afflicted by Saturn or Rahu in the 4th house, the person becomes
liable to suffer from T.B. The Lord of Lagna in the 8th house may
give rise to this diseases. Again Saturn and Jupiter in the 8th
house may cause this trouble.
Only gems cannot cure this
disease as surgical operations are absolutely necessary. The gems can give
relief to some extent and they can stop future recurrence.
Here the stones will be
Red Coral 7 ½ rattis, Yellow Sapphire in 5 Rattis and Emerald in 5 rattis.
power of healing
Writing down the name of
goddess Durga/Mahamaya ten times in red ink on plain paper every morning as “Om
Shree Shree Durga” brings her blessings. It is said that there is magic, power,
charm and occult significance in Her very name. Lord Shiva said that he who
writes her name attains salvation. Her name is powerful mantra is curing all

Dr. Shanker Adawal
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