Encyclopedia of Vedic Astrology: Remedies: Mantras, Chapter III, Part – 16


Dr. Shanker Adawal 
Mantras for Mars


Mars, known as Mangal,
Angaraka, Kuja and Chavai is the Commander in the planetary cabinet. He is the
war lord. Mangal means the auspicious one. Angaraka is the one who is like
burning coal. Kuja is the significator of brothers or sisters, aggressive
attitude, war, sports, martial arts, analytical subjects like math, statistics,
engineering. He also indicates loans, diseases that look violent particularly
of nerves, liabilities and violence. He is the significator of vehicles and
communication skills. Mars is known as “bhumi putra” (Son of Earth). Latest
pictures taken of the surface of Mars suggest similarities between Earth and Mars.
Regular prayer to Mars, frees one from loans, poverty, sickness that effect
brain. It gives immense courage and also gives communication skills. Kuja in
certain placement causes `kuja dosha’ (Defects caused by Mars), as he
predisposes the native towards harshness. The role of kuja depends on
individual charts – harshness for a policeman may be a gift but for a professor
it may be a curse!

Worship of Mars should be
done during Siddha Yoga, on any
Tuesday and the devotee has to do dasopchar
  It may be noted here that the
mantra sadhana should end on Tuesday.

Worshipping Mars with the
following mantra bestows sons and wealth. This mantra also bestows desired
objects and eliminates debts. The sage of this Mantra is Virupa, the metre is Gayatri
and the deity is Agni. The aspirant
devotee should perform sadanga Nyasa
with the six syllables of the Mantra. The devotee shall repeat the mantra for
ten thousand times. The requisite number of Homas
with the twigs of Khadira shall be
performed. Mars should be worshipped in Saiva
When the mantra is perfectly realized, he should perform repeat
rites for realization of specific desires. The Mantra is as follows:


agnier mudhorti mantrasye virupaangiras rishi, gayatri chand, agnir devta, bhom
pritarthe jape viniyoga||


rishiye namah sirshi, gayatri chandse namo mukhe, Bhomo devtayee namo hridayee,
bhom pritye jape viniyogayee namah sarvange||


angustabhyam namah
(Touch the thumb with index finger), Divye tarjani bhayam namah, (Touch the
index fingers with thumb), kakutpati
madhyama bhyam namah
(Touch the middle fingers with thumb) prathivyaayam anamikabhyam namah (Touch
the ring fingers with thumb), Apaaretasi
kanistika bhayam namah
(Touch the little fingers with thumb), jinvati kartalkarpristhabhayam namah
(Touch the back of the palms)


hridayae namah
(Touch your heart with your hand), Divye sirse swah (Touch your head) kakutpati sikhayee vast (Touch your
hairs), prathivyaayam kavchayee hum
(Touch your right shoulder with left hand and left with right), Apaaretasi netartrayee vaushat (Touch
your eyes) jinvati astrayee phat
(clap, after taking circle around your head)


Take red flowers in your
hands and do dhyana as under.


meshgamo varda sayadhrasuta||

After dhyana perform mental pooja
of Mars as under.

Prithvivyatmak Bhomaye namah gandham parikalpyami|

Aakashatmak Bhomaye namah Pushpam parikalpyami|

Vyaayatmak Bhomaye namah dhupam parikalpyami|

Brahmyatmak Bhomaye namah dipam parikalpyami|

Lalatmak Bhomaye namah navedyam parikalpyami|

Now perform pooja of Mars by taking rosary in the
hand and recite the following mantra for the rosary.

male mahamale sarvshakti sawrupani|


Dr. Shanker Adawal

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