Dr. Shanker Adawal
Mantras for Saturn
Saturn, Shani also known
as Manda means slow. It also means to be full of forgiveness, tolerance and
peace as in “shankara”, “shanno danti prachodayat”. Saturn indicates the
solitaire life and spirituality. He signifies cold diseases, hard work, public
office, political success and chronocity of any disease. Saturn is a karaka of
anything slow – be it a disease, a long stay in the office. A well posited
Shani gives excellent longevity. Similarly, Shani would cause delay in the
aspects of life he is associated. Shani is in-charge for bones and quality of
blood. Adverse Shani would cause fractures, dental problems and anemia.
Remedial measures to Shani will mainly reduce the delays, cure from cold and
bone disorders and also reduce the adverse effects of Shani caused by his
position, ownership and association in the chart.
as Manda means slow. It also means to be full of forgiveness, tolerance and
peace as in “shankara”, “shanno danti prachodayat”. Saturn indicates the
solitaire life and spirituality. He signifies cold diseases, hard work, public
office, political success and chronocity of any disease. Saturn is a karaka of
anything slow – be it a disease, a long stay in the office. A well posited
Shani gives excellent longevity. Similarly, Shani would cause delay in the
aspects of life he is associated. Shani is in-charge for bones and quality of
blood. Adverse Shani would cause fractures, dental problems and anemia.
Remedial measures to Shani will mainly reduce the delays, cure from cold and
bone disorders and also reduce the adverse effects of Shani caused by his
position, ownership and association in the chart.
On a Saturday, on which sarwarth siddhi yoga is there and Moon
is favourable to the devotee, recital of Saturn mantra is to be started. The
mantra is to be recited twenty three thousand times. 1/10 of homa with the twigs of shani and 1/10 is done as tarpan and 1/10 of that should be done
as marzan. Shani should be worshipped
with the iron made idol. After that the devotee should donate the articles of
Saturn. After recital of the mantra the devotee should fed Brahmins as per his capabilities. The food of Brahmins should include articles made of black sesame or powder of
black sesame should be used as one of the ingredients of the food.
is favourable to the devotee, recital of Saturn mantra is to be started. The
mantra is to be recited twenty three thousand times. 1/10 of homa with the twigs of shani and 1/10 is done as tarpan and 1/10 of that should be done
as marzan. Shani should be worshipped
with the iron made idol. After that the devotee should donate the articles of
Saturn. After recital of the mantra the devotee should fed Brahmins as per his capabilities. The food of Brahmins should include articles made of black sesame or powder of
black sesame should be used as one of the ingredients of the food.
When Saturn is malefic in
a horoscope, in transit or causes the 7 ½ years cycle, recital of Shani mantra is very beneficial along
with Mritunjayee. It is also recommended that the native should observe fast on
Saturday and worship Lord Saturn with its kavach,
stotra and mantra. The sage of the Mantra is Ddhyadgathavarn. The metre is gayatri.
The deity is aapo. Worshipping lord Hanuman
is advised during the sadhesati of Saturn. The Mantra for recital is:-
a horoscope, in transit or causes the 7 ½ years cycle, recital of Shani mantra is very beneficial along
with Mritunjayee. It is also recommended that the native should observe fast on
Saturday and worship Lord Saturn with its kavach,
stotra and mantra. The sage of the Mantra is Ddhyadgathavarn. The metre is gayatri.
The deity is aapo. Worshipping lord Hanuman
is advised during the sadhesati of Saturn. The Mantra for recital is:-
sanno devi its sani mantrasye ddhyadgathavarn rishi, gayatri chand, aapo devta,
shani pritye jape viniyoga||
sanno devi its sani mantrasye ddhyadgathavarn rishi, gayatri chand, aapo devta,
shani pritye jape viniyoga||
rishiye namah sirshi, gayatri chandse namo mukhe, aapoo devtayee namo hridayee,
shani pritye jape viniyogayee namah sarvange||
rishiye namah sirshi, gayatri chandse namo mukhe, aapoo devtayee namo hridayee,
shani pritye jape viniyogayee namah sarvange||
sanno devi angustabhyam namah (Touch the thumb with index
finger), abhisteyee tarjani bhayam
namah, (Touch the index fingers with thumb), aapo bhavantu madhyama bhyam namah (Touch the middle fingers with
thumb) pityee anamikabhyam namah
(Touch the ring fingers with thumb), sayoonrabhi
kanistika bhayam namah (Touch the little fingers with thumb), sarvanto kartalkar pristhabhayam namah
(Touch the back of the palms)
sanno devi angustabhyam namah (Touch the thumb with index
finger), abhisteyee tarjani bhayam
namah, (Touch the index fingers with thumb), aapo bhavantu madhyama bhyam namah (Touch the middle fingers with
thumb) pityee anamikabhyam namah
(Touch the ring fingers with thumb), sayoonrabhi
kanistika bhayam namah (Touch the little fingers with thumb), sarvanto kartalkar pristhabhayam namah
(Touch the back of the palms)
Dr. Shanker Adawal
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