Encyclopedia of Vedic Astrology: Remedies: Mantras, Chapter III, Part – 37

Shanker Adawal     
Lord Savita is the Lord of Hasta
A person born in this constellation is charitable, large
hearted, famous, engrossed in religious rituals, philanthropic and devoted to
Brahmins and Gods. He may be untruthful, stubborn and habitude to drinking,
theft and visiting other women.
Hasta nakshatra controls the large intestines, small intestines,
digestive tract and enzymes and these are afflicted when malefic planets show
their effects. To get relief and increase good results, Lord Savita’s golden idol should be
worshipped with red sandalwood, saffron, fragrance, lotus flower, ghee, googal, dhoop, ghee, milk pudding and
ghee lamp. Sweets should also be offered. The Jaati Mool should be worn on a silken thread on the arm or on the
heart. Homa is performed while mixing
curd and ghee and the following mantra should be recited for hundred and eight
bibrangvarhatpipatu saumayam madhvayurdadhdhyagpattavavhihutam| Vatjuto yo
abhiraksh titmana praja puposh purudha virajati om savitra namah||
Vishwakarma is
the Lord of Chitra Nakshatra. A
person born in this constellation may be frank, brave, enterprising, energetic,
sharp tempered, spendthrift, logical, impatient, short tempered, fond of
beautiful clothes and ornaments, skilled at doing amazing things, an actor,
desirous of becoming a politician, keen to be educated, skilled at talking and
experienced. He may attack enemies suddenly. His speciality may be wondrous
appearance and honesty of character.
controls the lower abdomen and this is afflicted when
inauspicious planets show their effect. To mellow down their effect offer ghee
and seventypes of cereals on Tuesday, the day of Chitra Nakshatra. Donate sesame seeds, jiggery and chayapatra. Wear a makhva
on the arm or on the heart. Worship Lord Vishwakarma or an aged Brahmin, who may be the form of Brahma, with saffron fragrance, coloured
flowers, ghee, gugal, dhoop and ghee lamp daily. Perform homa with sesame seeds, ghee and tandul and recite the following mantra for hundred and eight times.
twasta turyo adbhoot indraagni pushtivardhnam| Dwipada chandaindriyamuksha
gotravayodha om vishwkamarne namah||
Lord Vayu is the Lord of Swati
A person born in this constellation may be emotional,
sympathetic, judicious, frank and intelligent. He may stutter in speech and be
good at premonitions. He possesses an amazing memory, has a good grasp of
things, and,  is prudent, capable of
comparative logic and debating, highly ambitious, polite, sweet natured,
humanitarian, having more than one businesses, fond of having friends and prone
to consuming alcohol and drugs. He may be fortunate, may possess independent
thinking, cause much harm to himself and his house when in anger and face many
obstacles in the path to success. He may be stubborn and may stick to his words
and suffer a terrible physical injury once.
controls skin; kidneys, hernia, urinary tract etc and
these are afflicted with ailments when malefic planets show their effect. For
mellow down their malefic effect the native should offer ghee and kheer (sweet made of rice & milk).
One should worship Lord Vayu, Lord Shiva or Lord Hanuman with sandalwood, incense, flowers, incense sticks, dhoop,
ghee lamp and ghee, sweets. One should wear the Jaati Mool on the arm or the heart. Perform homa with sesame seeds, yava
and ghee and recite the following mantra for hundred and eight times.
vayuoo ye sahastrine rathaa saste chiraghee niyutvam som pitye om vavyee

Dr. Shanker Adawal
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