Encyclopedia of Vedic Astrology: Remedies: Notable Herbs in Human Welfare, Chapter XV, Part – 17


Dr. Shanker Adawal

Methi / Fenugreek

The other names are
Trigonella foenumgraeceum, Leguminosae, Leguminosae.

The part used are seeds.
This is one of the oldest known medicinal herbs. It is bitter, pungent and
sweet. It effects digestive, respiratory, urinary, and reproductive systems. It
is stimulant, tonic, and expectorant, rejuvenative, aphrodisiac, and diuretic.

It is good herbal food for
convalescence and debility, mainly of the nervous, respiratory, and
reproductive systems. Methi traditionally used to counteract catarrh and
phlegm, prevent fever, treat stomach and digestive disorder and regulate
insulin in diabetes. In leucorrhoea the methi powder is used.

The paste of leaves is
used in Indian homes in headache, burning sensation in feet, etc. A decoction
of leaves is used in gargle in sore throat. The leaves are applied locally on
boils, burns, and skin diseases. It increase milk flow and promote hair growth
when used as gruel.

/ Ardraka

The other names are
Zingiber officinale, Zingiberaceae, Sunthi, Nagara (dry).

The platn is six to
sixteen inches tall, and a good all round herb. It is pungent, sweet, and

The part used are the
rhizome. It has volatile oil known as zingerone, campene, phellandrene, cineol,
borneol, citral, gingerol, and arid resin, starch 20 p.c.

It is stimulant,
diaphoretic, antispasmodic, carminative, and emmenagogue. It is best and most
sattvic of the spices.

Dried ginger is aromatic
and carminative, produces a sensation of warmth internally and expels flatus,
while fresh ginger is more used as a warming diaphoretic. It is given in colic,
relaxed throat and to increase the saliva. When chewed fresh ginger is stomachic
and digestive. The dry rhizome powder when made into a paste with warm water is
used as fomentation to the forehead in headache, neuralgia, colic and
toothache, also given in atonics dyspepsia, loss of appetite, to treat
flatulence in colic diarrhea, chronic bronchial cough, palpitation of heart,
dropsy, cholera, and timpanists, and corrective to nauseous medicines and to
check griping of purgatives. With honey, ginger relives kapha, with rock candy
it relives pitta, with rock salt it relives vata. The uses of ginger in
digestive and respiratory disease are widely known.

/ Podina

The other names are Mentha
spp., Labiatae, Peppermint, Spearmint and horsemint.

Then plant is an erect
branched herb up to two and two & half feet tall, flowers small and leaves
apex, two inches. The part used are herb, the leaves and flowers. It is pungent
and slightly cooling. It used to treat bronchial disorders, cold and chest
complaints, and as mild relaxant which helps to relax the body and clear the mind
and senses giving it a wide popularity and usage.

It is stimulant,
diaphoretic, carminative, nervine, analgesic.

Infusion of the leaves is
used in rheumatic pains and indigestion. The dried leaves and flowering tops of
the plant constitute the drug Peppermint. The drug is used in treatment of gas,
flatulence, vomiting, diarrhea and nauseas. Bruised leaves are applied in
headache and other pains.

The main use of this drug
is for extraction of Peppermint oil, which contain menthol and is largely used
in medicine for stomach disorders, in ointments for headache, rheumatic and
other pains and in cough drops, inhalations, mouth washes, etc. The oil is also
antiseptic. It is the most stimulating and the best to improve digestion.
Spearmint is more relaxing and better in diuretic action i.e. for urinary
inflammation. Horsemint is a stronger antispasmodic properties, but not all
mints are cooling.


Dr. Shanker Adawal
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