Encyclopedia of Vedic Astrology: Remedies: Remedies According to Lal Kitab, Chapter X, Part – 18

Dr. Shanker Adawal
Mars in 5th
The 5th house
belongs to the Sun, who is a natural friend of Mars. Hence Mars ensures very
good results in this house. The sons of the native becomes instruments of
wealth and fame for him. His prosperity increases manifold after the birth of
sons. The things and relatives represented by Venus and Moon will prove
beneficial in every manner. Someone from his forefathers must have been a
doctor or Vaidya.
The prosperity of the
native will continue to grow more and more with the growth in age. But romance
and emotional affairs with the opposite sex will prove highly disastrous for
the native, which will destroy his mental peace and night sleep too.
1. Maintain
a good moral character.
Keep water in a pot below the head side of your bed at night and drop it in a
flower pot in the morning.
Offer Shraddha to your ancestors and plant a Neem tree in the house.
in 6th House
This house belongs to
Mercury and Ketu. Both are mutual enemies and inimical to Mars also. Hence Mars
in this house will keep himself away from both. The native will be courageous,
adventurous, lover of justice and powerful enough to set fire into water. He
will be highly benefited by the trade and business associated with Mercury. His
pen will wield more power than the sword. If Sun, Saturn and Mars are placed
together in one house, the brothers, mother, sisters and wife will be affected
very adversely.
Distribute salty preparations in place of sweets on the birth of a male child.
His brothers should keep the native happy by offering him something or the
other for their protection and prosperity. But if he does not accept such
things, the same should be thrown in water.
The male children of the native should not wear gold.
Adopt remedies of Saturn for family comfort. Worship Ganeshji for parents’
health and destruction of enemies.

Dr. Shanker Adawal
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