Encyclopedia of Vedic Astrology: Tajik Shastra and Annual Horoscopy: House-wise Analysis of Annual Chart, Chapter XIII, Part – 9

Dr. Shanker Adawal
8. Seventh House of
marriage & spouse
Strong Venus as  year lord in 7th
gives marriage or happiness from wife.
2. If
there is aspect of Jupiter on such a Venus, there is much happiness in marriage
and early birth of a child.
3. Mars
as one of the five office bearers, if aspects such a Venus, or vice-versa gives
marriage and much mutual love.
Such a Venus, if aspected by Mercury, gives a secret love with a girl other
than his wife and much younger in age.
Such a Venus aspected by Saturn gives extra-marital relations with an elderly
Strong natal lagna lord occupying 7th house of annual chart, gives a
loving & charming wife and is source of comfort.
7. If
sign occupied by natal Venus happens to be in 7th house of annual
chart and Venus is year lord, there could be marriage during the year.
Lagna lords of birth & annual chart placed in 7th house under
benefic influence, ensures favours from women.
Ithasala between lagna lord and 7th lord/ Venus gives marriage.
Strong Venus as year lord placed in 7th house and getting aspect of
Jupiter, gives happiness from wife; aspected by Mars causes deeper love with
wife; but if Venus is debilitated or aspect by malefic and the Sun is also in 7th,
native gets troubles & displeasures from wife.
11. If
Muntha occupies sign of any of the five office bearers and is aspected by
Jupiter, also gives marriage.
12. Vivah Saham/ Saham
for wife is aspected by its lord and by Venus/ Mars, gives marriage.
Lords of birth chart, Muntha and of the year together located in 7th/
10th house gives marriage.
Jupiter is associated with Muntha or Muntha lord also gives marriage.
15. A
strong 5th lord in 7th or vice-versa aspected by Venus/
Mars gives love marriage.
Marriage alongwith excessive sexual indulgence, results from:
a). 7th
lord of birth chart is in Ithasala with Venus, who is Year lord also.
Lord of Hudda of Lagna of annual chart is in the sign of natal Venus and placed
in a Kendra/ Trikone.
Lord of Vivah Saham in sign of natal Venus and placed in a Kendra/ Trikone.
17. If
Muntha is located in 7th house in association with Sun & Mars
causes troubles from wife nad/ or children.
Weak Moon in sign of Venus in annual chart denotes pre-mature ejaculation and
little comforts from wife.
Afflicted Saturn in 7th house causes controversies and humiliation.
Sun as one of the five office bearers, if afflicted gives eagerness to marry to
the extent of giving anxieties.
The Moon, exalted or in its own sign, in the 7th from Muntha denotes
foreign travel.
No. 43: Sanjay Gandhi: 28th Annual Chart for 1973-74: Marriage

Shanker Adawal

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