Dr. Shanker Adawal
Importance of Signs in
9. As
in Parashari, the importance of signs occupying various houses has been
stressed in Tajika as well. Acharya Neelkantha in his treatise “Tajika
Neelkanthi”, in the 1st part, Sloka 2 to 13, has given the details
of the 12 signs of the natural zodiac and brings out the characteristic
features, nature and inherent qualities of each of the signs. These are similar
to those given by Parashara. However in
annual horoscopy and horary, they play more crucial role to influence/ indicate
results/ position, especially when placed in lagna of a Prashna/ annual chart.
Here also the signs are classified as males and females. All odd signs are
males, that is they are passive. There is a classification based on three
humours i.e. wind, bile and phlegm. In sloka 15, the author gives clue to
remember about various humours governed by each sign. Aries is windy, Taurus is
bilious, Gemini is bilious & windy, and Cancer is phlegmatic. Same order
applies for next four signs and so on. In vedic system, all types of diseases
originates from imbalance of one or more of these humours.
in Parashari, the importance of signs occupying various houses has been
stressed in Tajika as well. Acharya Neelkantha in his treatise “Tajika
Neelkanthi”, in the 1st part, Sloka 2 to 13, has given the details
of the 12 signs of the natural zodiac and brings out the characteristic
features, nature and inherent qualities of each of the signs. These are similar
to those given by Parashara. However in
annual horoscopy and horary, they play more crucial role to influence/ indicate
results/ position, especially when placed in lagna of a Prashna/ annual chart.
Here also the signs are classified as males and females. All odd signs are
males, that is they are passive. There is a classification based on three
humours i.e. wind, bile and phlegm. In sloka 15, the author gives clue to
remember about various humours governed by each sign. Aries is windy, Taurus is
bilious, Gemini is bilious & windy, and Cancer is phlegmatic. Same order
applies for next four signs and so on. In vedic system, all types of diseases
originates from imbalance of one or more of these humours.
The next classification based on mental nature is movable, fixed and dual
signs. The movable signs (numbering 1, 4, 7 & 10) indicate a change in
activity/ status, whether for good or bad, and there is no going back. The
fixed signs (numbering 2, 5, 8 & 11) indicate the nature of fixed ideas and
there is no indication of any change in activity or native’s attitude. The dual
signs (numbering 3, 6, 9 & 12) indicate indecisiveness of the native on
mental plane and uncertainty/ delay in results. Some astrologers believe that
first half of the dual signs acts as fixed signs and the second half as
The next classification based on mental nature is movable, fixed and dual
signs. The movable signs (numbering 1, 4, 7 & 10) indicate a change in
activity/ status, whether for good or bad, and there is no going back. The
fixed signs (numbering 2, 5, 8 & 11) indicate the nature of fixed ideas and
there is no indication of any change in activity or native’s attitude. The dual
signs (numbering 3, 6, 9 & 12) indicate indecisiveness of the native on
mental plane and uncertainty/ delay in results. Some astrologers believe that
first half of the dual signs acts as fixed signs and the second half as
The other important classification is of fiery (numbering 1, 5 & 9), earthy
(numbering 2, 6 & 10), Airy (numbering 3, 7 & 11) and watery (numbering
4, 8 & 12). The fiery signs indicate quick action, earthy signs material
gains & their consolidation, airy signs increased mental activities and
watery signs peace & prosperity. The Acharya further suggests that that
fiery signs have an affinity towards airy signs and earthy signs towards watery
signs. These help to judge mutual compatibility of two persons for marriage or
business. There is a prevalent misbelieve that if two persons have same signs
in their lagna, they will be friendly. However experience suggests otherwise.
It is said that similar poles always repel each other, while opposite poles
attract because each gives to the other what it does not possess.
The other important classification is of fiery (numbering 1, 5 & 9), earthy
(numbering 2, 6 & 10), Airy (numbering 3, 7 & 11) and watery (numbering
4, 8 & 12). The fiery signs indicate quick action, earthy signs material
gains & their consolidation, airy signs increased mental activities and
watery signs peace & prosperity. The Acharya further suggests that that
fiery signs have an affinity towards airy signs and earthy signs towards watery
signs. These help to judge mutual compatibility of two persons for marriage or
business. There is a prevalent misbelieve that if two persons have same signs
in their lagna, they will be friendly. However experience suggests otherwise.
It is said that similar poles always repel each other, while opposite poles
attract because each gives to the other what it does not possess.
Another classification depending on mode of rising, indicates type of results.
The Shirshodaya signs (numbering 3,
5, 6, 7, 8, & 11) indicate positive results, where as Prishtodaya signs (numbering (1, 2, 4, 9 & 10) shows negative
results and Pisces alone is of dual nature. Another useful classification is
based on usefulness of the signs. The signs numbering 4, 8, 11 & 12 are
considered fruitful signs indicating success/ good results. Signs numbering 1,
3, 5, & 6 are considered barren signs indicating failure/ serious
difficulties in the way. The signs numbering 2, 7, 9 & 10 are considered semi-fruitful
signs indicating that success will come only after sustained efforts/ help from
Another classification depending on mode of rising, indicates type of results.
The Shirshodaya signs (numbering 3,
5, 6, 7, 8, & 11) indicate positive results, where as Prishtodaya signs (numbering (1, 2, 4, 9 & 10) shows negative
results and Pisces alone is of dual nature. Another useful classification is
based on usefulness of the signs. The signs numbering 4, 8, 11 & 12 are
considered fruitful signs indicating success/ good results. Signs numbering 1,
3, 5, & 6 are considered barren signs indicating failure/ serious
difficulties in the way. The signs numbering 2, 7, 9 & 10 are considered semi-fruitful
signs indicating that success will come only after sustained efforts/ help from
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