Encyclopedia of Vedic Astrology: Tajik Shastra and Annual Horoscopy: Lord of the Year, Chapter XII, Part – 6

Dr. Shanker Adawal
Venus as lord of the Year
In Full Strength:
It bestows domestic bliss of the highest
order including conjugal happiness, health, wealth, all types of comforts, new
knowledge or expertise in fine art. One is successful in all affairs including
love affairs & marriage, auspicious events mark the year and there is
elevation in status.
Of Moderate Strength:
The income & comforts get reduced. One
suffers from diseases/ troubles, mental worries & misunderstanding of or
due to spouse. If Venus is afflicted, loss of wife or heavy loss of money is
No. 34: Annual Chart For 45th year of J.L. Nehru 1933-34
Cn 40
Venus is the lord of
Varsh-lagna, Lord of the year and Karaka of wife. The strength of Venus is only
moderate. Venus is associated with 2-7th lord Mars in 3rd
house in Paapkartari between Sun
& Saturn. Moon & Saturn are in inimical aspect and in Ithasala. Muntha
though in 9th house, is aspected by Mars and Rahu. The native lost
his wife in Mar 1934.
Weak/ afflicted Venus:
The native suffers from mental agony &
anxiety, obstacles in profession, failure in undertakings, and quarrels with
wife & children throughout the year. One may lose business or service,
conjugal unhappiness and fear from low caste women.
Saturn as Lord of the year
In Full Strength:
It indicates Success in litigation &
election, leadership among own clan, longevity, health & happiness, ability
for hard work & concentration of mind, acquisition of old house, land or
property, gains from low caste people or foreigners.
Of Medium Strength:
It reduces the above results to a great
extent and makes the life of the native miserable & degraded, suffers from
anguish & body ache, loss of fame & wealth, gives association with low
caste people and increase of opponents.
Weak/ afflicted Saturn:
It indicates poverty, mental anguish,
disgrace, depression, diseases & sorrows, windy ailments, loss of some near
or dear one, financial losses, failure in all ventures, enmity with own people,
fear from foes and general deprivation.
The above results are fairly general in nature. They are further modified by
various factors such as location of the year lord in annual & birth chart,
the influence of other planets, Muntha & Muntha lord on the year lord,
involvement of year lord in various yogas specially Tajika yogas etc. However
one thing is certain that if the lagna lord of birth & annual chart, and Muntha
& its lord are strong and well placed in Kendra/ Trikone houses, the year
will pass with peace & happiness. When lord of the year is in any of the
houses 6, 8 or 12 and 10th lord of the annual chart is weak, the
year proves very inauspicious.

Shanker Adawal

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