Encyclopedia of Vedic Astrology: Tajik Shastra and Annual Horoscopy: Tajika Yogas, Chapter IV, Part – 1

Dr. Shanker Adawal
Tajika Yogas
Yogas are the planetary
combinations indicating good or bad results. The clue to successful predictions
on the basis of Tajika Shastra lies to a great extent in a proper understanding
of its yogas. These yogas are as appropriately applicable to Horary charts as
they are to the annual charts. Unlike Parashari System, where there are
hundreds of Yogas, the Tajika shastra has only 16 yogas. Tajika astrologers
have evolved very ingenious method for understanding the intricacies of a
particular event through these yogas. These yogas are formed due to specific
disposition of planets, their speed for mutual aspect on each other and their
specific orb or Deeptamsha. The
various names given to these yogas have been derived from the Persian or Arabic
languages. The Vedic astrologers should be given credit that the alien names of
the yogas have been retained as such and graciously incorporated in the Sanskrit
verses for Horary and Annual horoscopy. Several of Tajika yogas may be present
in any one Prashna or Varshphal chart. The correct delineation of a chart
involves a balanced interpretation of various yogas present in the chart. It
may be noted that Rahu and Ketu do not figure in formation of any these yogas.
The Lagnesh and the Karyesh
These two terms are
regularly used while describing most of the Tajika yogas and they participate
in formation of several yogas. The Lagnesh or lagna lord represents the native
himself. Hence the involvement of Lagnesh is necessary in order to ensure the
occurrence of any event to the native. The nature of this event is governed by
another planet or significator (Karaka), which represents an event by its being
the lord of a particular house ruling that event. For example when Lagnesh
establishes some relationship with the lord of say, the 5th house
(significator/ Karyesh for the 5th house), some event pertaining to
one’s progeny (ruled by 5th house) is likely to materialize.
The above strict
application of the terms Lagnesh & Karyesh holds good in case of Prashna or
Horary chart because generally one is to find out the occurrence of one event
from a chart. However in an annual chart, any house may be treated as lagna and
the relationship of its lord (Lagnesh) with another lord (Karyesh) may be
studied to know about the events pertaining to a particular house. For example
a relationship, through yogas, between lord of 5th & 12th
lords may indicate loss of progeny. Similarly a relationship between 7th
and 11th lord may indicate some gains accruing from wife or business
The actual interpretation
of each of the Tajika yoga may thus require the consideration of the following
Lordship of the planets over houses.
The natural significations of the planets.
Houses in which yoga producing planets are posited.
Various planetary aspects or influences within their specific orab between yoga
producing planets.
Strength of the yoga producing planets.

Shanker Adawal

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