Encyclopedia of Vedic Astrology: Tajik Shastra and Annual Horoscopy: Tajika Yogas, Chapter IV, Part – 4


Dr. Shanker Adawal

Ishrafa Yoga:
This is a yoga of separation. The word
Ishrafa means wastage or expense. It is also called `Mushrif yoga’. This yoga
is the reverse of Ithasala and indicates obstacles and failures. The special
feature of this yoga is that the faster moving planet is ahead of slow moving
planet by more than one degree. With fast moving planet ahead of the slow
moving planet, the two have no chance of meeting each other. This yoga of
separation start operating as soon as the fast moving planet is ahead of slow
moving planet by more than one degree. The two planets start losing intensity
as the difference between the two increases, until it ceases to exist as they
separate beyond their Deeptamsha range., An Ishrafa yoga between two benefic
planets only tend to hamper work but is not considered too harmful. But if
caused by two malefics, it is particularly bad, and not only cause failures in
undertakings but brings additional troubles & disappointments. In the
example chart No. 7 above, Lagnesh Mercury and 12th lord Sun are in
10th house within their Deeptamsha range (11 degrees), but the
faster planet, Mercury is ahead of Sun, hence Ishrafa yoga is formed indicating
failure of Prashna. Similarly there is another Ishrafa Yoga between Saturn and

Nakta Yoga:
This is an auspicious yoga with a fast linkage. The
necessary condition for this yoga are:

There is no mutual Tajika aspect between Lagnesh & Karyesh.

ii) A
faster moving planet is located between Lagnesh & Karyesh, in mutual with
both, encompassing them both, within its individual Deeptamsha.

This yoga accomplishment
with the help of some one represented by third (faster moving) planet. When the
two planets are not in mutual aspect, there is no relationship between them.
The intervening planet passes on the strength (Teja/ glow) from the planet behind (faster of the two planets) to
the planets ahead (slower of the two). The intervening planet must be faster
than both the unrelated planets to ensure a smooth accomplishment of a purpose.
Thus Nakta yoga cannot form with Moon as one of the non-aspecting planet,
because there is no planet which is faster than Moon. The standard Nakta yoga
has three possible variations:

Intervenng planet making Ithasala with both non-aspecting planets:

This is the best form of a Nakta yoga as it shows two way Ithasala yoga
indicating a sure success through the intervention of the person represented by
the intervening planet. For example see Chart – 3 (the annual chart for 41st
year of Rajiv Gandhi). Here there is no mutual aspect between Lagnesh Mars and
2nd lord Jupiter, as the two are posited in 2/ 12 position in the
chart. However the 10th lord Sun has mutual Tajika aspects with both
of them from 10th house. The Sun is faster than both Mars &
Jupiter and is related with both of them separately in Ithasala yoga as both
Mars & Jupiter falls within the Deeptamsha range of Sun. Thus both Mars and
Jupiter form Nakta yoga with the help of Sun. The native acquired sudden gain
in wealth and rise in status during the 41st year.

Yoga with one Ithasala and one Ishrafa:
This is standard Nakta
Yoga mentioned in Tajika classics. In Chart – 4 below, there is no aspect
between Lagnesh Saturn and 11th lord Jupiter being in 6/ 8 position
from each other, though both are in their Deeptamsha range. However 5th
& 8th lord Mercury, a planet faster than both is Located in 5th
house and aspects both Jupiter (Ishrafa yoga) and Saturn (Ithasala yoga). Thus
a link is established between Jupiter and Saturn. The Ishrafa link reduces the
quality of the Nakta yoga. Lagna lord Saturn is in 8th house and is
12th lord also. Therefore the native had to suffer due to loss of
his child.

Nakta with double Ishrafa Yoga:
Such a Nakta yoga has to
be qualitatively much inferior to other two Nakta yogas since the link provided
by the faster moving planets to the two non-aspecting planets are through Ishrafa
yogas. In chart – 4 above, 3-10th lord Mars in 12th house
has no relation with 4-9th lord Venus in 7th house as the
two planets are in 6/ 8 position from each other. However 6th lord
Moon from has double Ishrafa Yoga with both Mars and Venus as Moon is located
ahead of both of them. During the year native had ill health and suffered loss
in business and lost valuables.


Shanker Adawal

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