Encyclopedia of Vedic Astrology: Tajik Shastra and Annual Horoscopy: Tajika Yogas, Chapter IV, Part – 9


Dr. Shanker Adawal
4. General Principles
of analysis of Prashna by Tajik Yogas
While discussing the “Prashna”,
we have not incorporated the use of Tajika Yoga in analyzing a Prashna chart.
Tajika yogasa give vital clues in solving the worries/ queries of a native. As
a first step, in a Prashna hart, consider the planets which denote Lagnesh and
Karyesh. Lagnesh is lord of lagna and Karyesh is significator lord or lord of
the house in question. For example if query relates to marriage, 7th
lord is Karyesh, if it relates to progeny, it will be 5th lord; and
if it relates to profession/ business, it will be 10th lord. For
success of a query, the Lagnesh and Karyesh must be associated with any of the
Lagnesh in lagna and Karyesh in his own house.
Lagnesh in house of Karyesh and Karyesh in lagna.
Lagnesh & Karyesh posited together.
Lagnesh and Karyesh in mutual aspect.
Lagnesh & Karyesh in a favourable Ithasala or Kamboola yoga for
fructification of the event.
The yogas between the two must be free from retrograde, combust, or debilitated
planets or 6, 8, 12th house/ lords.
7. The
yoga forming planets must be free from association of Rahu Ketu axis or
closeness of degrees with Rahu/ Ketu.
indicates mental inclination or a desire towards fulfillment of the query. A
strong Moon should join a positive association with Lagnesh/ Karyesh or both by
conjunction, aspect or Kamboola Yoga.
Time of Fructification of Yogas
The various yogas manifest
themselves during dasha/ antar-dasha of planets participating in a yoga. The
most illustrative dasha system is Mudda
dasha. When the two planets are in Ithasala, the difference in longitudes
between Lagnesh and Karyesh, if
multiplied by 12, gives the number of days within which the event is likely to
happen. Suppose Lagnesh is at 24-25’ and lord of 10th house (Karyesh) is at 21-45’ and the two are
forming an Ithasala. The difference between the longitudes between Lagnesh and Karyesh is 2-30’ or 2.5 degrees. This
when multiplied by 12 gives 30. It means that the event pertaining to 10th
house is likely to materialize within 30 days. In general, a Poorna Ithasala gives result immediately
or in early part of the year, while a Bhavishyat/
Rashyant Ithasala
does so after some delay or in later part of the year.
The Tajika yogas as
mentioned above represent a very important aspect of Horary & Annual
Horoscopy. The presence or absence of the yogas is not the only point of
significance. The strength of planets participating in a yoga and aspects
(whether benefic or malefic) on them are equally important. A weak or afflicted
planet is incapable of providing any fruitful use. If Lagnesh is weak, most of
the yogas lose their potency.
The experience suggests
that while analyzing these yogas Parashari principles should always  be simultaneously considered. For example
Trika houses (6, 8 & 12th) or their lords when involved in these
yogas render them crippled. Relation of 10th lord with 8th
house/ lord afflicts profession. Involvement of 3rd or 6th
lord increases struggles, Yogas involving 11th house/ lord give
fruitful results, while those involving 12th house/ lord prove
harmful or expensive.

Shanker Adawal

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