Encyclopedia of Vedic Astrology: Tajik Shastra and Annual Horoscopy: The Planetary Strengths/ Balas, Chapter III, Part – 1

Dr. Shanker Adawal

The Planetary
Strengths/ Balas

1. Strength of Planets

It is well known principle
of astrology that only strong planets are capable of giving good/ favourable
results. The weak planets not only fail to deliver timely good results of their
significations but spoil the results the Brava where they are posited or the
Bhavas they influence. The strength of planets have no be judged in horary,
birth, and Varshphal charts. In Parashari system, there is an elaborate system
of measuring the strengths of planets by making use of divisional charts
(Vargas). The correct timing of events and successful predictions by Vedic
astrologers are because of the extensive use of these Vargas. In Parashari, Shadbalas and 16 types of Vargas are
used to measure the Bala of any
planet. The Tajika writers have used three types of Balas for measuring relative strength of planets. These are at
little variance with Parashari System. Of these the most elaborate though less
often employed is Dwadasvargiya Bala.
The simplest to determione is the Harsha
But the most important and popular in use is the Panchvargiya Bala. There is, however, no calculation for finding
out the strength of Rahu and Ketu in any of the Tajika system of measuring
strength of planets. However it is seen that they do affect the result/

2. Dwadasvariya Bala:

The 12-sub-divisions of a
sign constitute 12 different Vargas of first harmonics or physical plane and
determine the 12 sources of strength to a planet depending upon its position in
these Vargas. In Tajika System, unlike in Parashari, each Varga is given equal
importance, while assessing the strength of a planet. Moreover, these Vargas
are used only for this purpose and not for delineating a chart. These Vagas

Rasi or Varshphal chart
D-1 comprising one full
sign of 30 degrees.
Hora or D-2 chart
Half of a sign or of 15 degrees
Drekkana or D-3
One third of a sign or
10 degrees each.
Chaturthamsha/ D-4
One fourth of a sign or
7-30’ each.
Panchamsha/ D-5
One fifth of a sign or 6
degrees each.
Shashtamsha/ D-6
One sixth of a sign or 5
degrees each.
Saptamsha/ D-7
One seventh of a sign or
4-17’ each.
Ashtamshua/ D-8
One eighth of a sign or
3-45’ each.
Navamsha/ D-9
One ninth of a sign or
3-20’ each.
Dasamsha/ D-10
One tenth of a sign or 3
degrees each.
Ekadasaamsha/ D-11
One eleventh of a sign
or 2-43’-38” each.
Dwadasamsha/ D-12
One 12th of a
sign or 2-30’ each.

It can be seen that out of
the 12 Vargas, only eight (D-1, D-2, D-3, D-4, D-7, D-9, D-10 and D-12) are out
of Parashar’s 16 vargiya scheme. The balance four (D-5, D-6, D-8 and D-11) are
of sage Jaimimni or of Yavanacharya scheme; but together they complete all the
12 possible charts of first harmonics. No Varga of second or third harmonics
are considered in Tajika system. The results 
of a planet would depend upon the sign wherein it is placed and its
relations with the depositor sign lord.

3. Casting of the
Vargas (divisions)

Rasi Chart (D-1):
This is the basic and the most important
chart and represents the birth or the annual chart. The zodiac is divided into
12 signs of 30 degrees each starting from Aries. The mutual relationship of the
planets herer determines whether a planet is benefic, malefic or neutral.

Hora Chart (D-2):
It is the division of a sign into two
parts of 15 degrees each. In odd signs (1, 3, 5, 7, 9, & 11), the first 15
degrees goes to the Hora of Sun, while the last 15 degrees goes to the Hora of
Moon. In case of even signs (2, 4, 6, 8, 10, & 12), the first 15 degrees
goes to Moon, while the last 15 degrees goes to Sun. Whether a planet is in a
benefic, malefic or neutral Hora, is decided by its relationship with the Hora
Lord (the Sun or the Moon).

Drekkana (D-3):
In a given sign, the first 10 degrees
belong to the same sign; the next 10 degrees belong to the sign 5th
from it; and the last 10 degrees to the sign placed in the 9th from
it. The lords of the respective signs become the Drekkana lords. A planet’s
relationship with its Drekkana lord decides whether it is a benefic, a malefic
or a neutral in effect according to its Drekkana position.

Chaturthamsha (D-4):
In a given sign, the first 7-30’ belong to
the same sign, the next 7-30’ (i.e. upto 15 degrees) belong to the sign falling
in the 4th house from it; the next 7-30’ (Up to 22-30’) to the sign
in 7th from it; and the last 7-30’ to the sign falling in the 10th
from it. The planets behave as benefic, malefic or neutral, depending on their
disposition towards their Chaturthamsha

Panchamsha (D-5):
In add odd sign, the first six degrees
belong to Mars; the next six degrees to Saturn; the next six to Jupiter; the
next six to Mercury; and the last six to the Venus. In the even signs, this
order of lordship gets reversed with Venus, Mercury, Jupiter, Saturn and Mars,
in this order, owning the six successive degrees in a sign. Please note that
the planetary order here is similarl to the Trimashma of the Parashari system,
though the degree wise allotment here is uniform.


Shanker Adawal

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