Encyclopedia of Vedic Astrology: Tajik Shastra and Annual Horoscopy: The Planetary Strengths/ Balas, Chapter III, Part – 6


Dr. Shanker Adawal

Miscellaneous Strengths

1. In
addition to above, sources of strength, Acharya Neelkantha in sloka 58-59 of
chapter 1 and sloka 62-63 of chapter 2, says that the planets get residential
strength also depending on the house they are posited in. All planets in own/
exaltation house wields special strength to grant good results. Any planet
occupying a Kendra house (Lagna, 4th, 7th & 10th)
or 11th, 5th or 9th house also gain special
strength. The measure of strength gained by a planet is in a decreasing order
starting with a maximum in Lagna, followed by in 10th, 7th,
4th, 11th, 5th and the least in 9th
house. The above principle applies to all planets. The Moon gets additional
strength in 2nd & 3rd house, Venus in 5th,
Mars in 6th, Sun in 9th, Jupiter in 11th and
Mercury in lagna gets additional strength. Generally planets in Trika (6, 8 or
12th) house never give good results.

The strength or weakness of a planet is also influenced by the house, it
occupied and strength gained in natal chart.

3. In
Tajika writings, little has been said about Rahu and Ketu. However, Sloka
76  of Tajik Neelkanthi states that Rahu
is like Saturn and rules over bones and SW Direction. Ketu is also like Saturn
or Rahu with a difference that it has a Shikha
(long hairy tail on head) and denotes a person having many facets. However in
other classics, Ketu is like Mars. Rahu often creates confusion like Saturn and
a great affinity to any or all foreign thinigs. Whereas Ketu is impulsive like
Mars. Rahu and Ketu are always 180 degrees apart and in retrograde motion. Shri
Manik Chand Jain, a reputed astrologer terms Rahu as the deeds/ misdeeds of the
past that have matured to give their results during the native’s present life;
while Ketu represents those deeds of the past that may be lying dormant during
the present life time but occasionally do spring up to influence our present
course of action.

Analysis of Weak Planets

Even chart, whether birth or annual chart, contains some weak as well as some
strong planets. The correct & comprehensive analysis of weak planets is
equally important to arrive at the correct timing and successful predictions. A
weak planets not only fail to deliver positive results of its significations
but spoil the results of the house, where it is posited or which it rules or
aspects, and cause their negative significations during its period or
sub-period as per its natal or transit strength. A planet may become weak due
to any or combination of two or more of the following factors;

A planet becomes in its Deen awastha, during its stay in the
sign of its debilitation. The planet is weaker while approaching its deep point
of debilitation than after it has crossed that point. The deep points of
debilitation of planets from Sun to Saturn are Libra-10 degree, Scorpio-3
degree, Cancer-28, Pisces-15, Capricorn-5, Virgo-27, and Aries-20 degree
respectively. In Tajika system, there is no mention of cancellation of
debilitation, as suggested by Parashar.

Planets when too near the Sun, lose their vitality and
are said to be combust. A combust planet is weak and lack necessary power to
protect and/ or promote the significations of its own or of the house it rules.
When a planet is combust, the native suffers with regard to general
significations of the planet and the significations of the Mooltrikone house,
it rules in such a manner that the sufferings become memorable. It is like a
tragedy or serious setback during the sub-period of the combust planet. In case
it is further afflicted by functional malefics, the significations of the said
house are totally destroyed. The results will be worse, if Sun is lord of a
Trika house, as well. However if Sun itself is debilitated (being posited in
Libra), it loses its power to make any other planet combust. Secondly some
astrologers are of the view that since Mercury in its orbit is always close to
Sun (Being never away from Sun by +/- 28 degrees), it does not suffer from
combustion unless it is within 3 degree range. Rahu & Ketu instead of
getting combust, eclipse the Sun/ Moon.

Loss In Planetary War:
When two planets are within a degree
of each other, they are said to be in planetary war. The planet with lesser
longitude wins and the other loses. A planet, who is lost in planetary war,
becomes astrologically very weak to promote its positive significations and
causes negative results only. However The Sun & Moon never enters into
planetary war and it is said that the Mars being the Commander of Planetary
Council is always the winner in such a war.


Shanker Adawal

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