Dr. Shanker Adawal
Retrogression: Although planets always move in direct
motion, but since we observe all movements from earth, a planet at times
appears to move in backward direction and is called retrograde. The Sun &
Moon are never retrograde ad Rahu & Ketu are always retrograde. Other
planets during their revolution around the Sun sometimes appear to be
retrograde. A retrograde planet is considered weak and always indicates some
obstacles/ impediments in events causing repetition, delay or even cancellation
during the period of retrogression. Retrograde motion gives the planet Chesta Bala conferring good or evil
according to its function. In Tajika system, a benefic retrograde planet
indicates delay and the event will materialize, when retrograde planet becomes
direct and passes beyond the point from where retrograde motion started. But if
retrograde planet is a malefic, the result may be negative.
Retrogression: Although planets always move in direct
motion, but since we observe all movements from earth, a planet at times
appears to move in backward direction and is called retrograde. The Sun &
Moon are never retrograde ad Rahu & Ketu are always retrograde. Other
planets during their revolution around the Sun sometimes appear to be
retrograde. A retrograde planet is considered weak and always indicates some
obstacles/ impediments in events causing repetition, delay or even cancellation
during the period of retrogression. Retrograde motion gives the planet Chesta Bala conferring good or evil
according to its function. In Tajika system, a benefic retrograde planet
indicates delay and the event will materialize, when retrograde planet becomes
direct and passes beyond the point from where retrograde motion started. But if
retrograde planet is a malefic, the result may be negative.
Detrimental Signs: A planet is considered strong when in its
sign of exaltation/ Mooltrikone sign. However, it becomes weak when posited in
the sign opposite (180 degree away) its Mooltrikone sign. Such a planet cannot
deliver/ promote its positive results and causes sorrows/ miseries to the native.
If it is associated with any other factor of weakness, could cause serious
problem pertaining to its negative significations during its planetary period/
Detrimental Signs: A planet is considered strong when in its
sign of exaltation/ Mooltrikone sign. However, it becomes weak when posited in
the sign opposite (180 degree away) its Mooltrikone sign. Such a planet cannot
deliver/ promote its positive results and causes sorrows/ miseries to the native.
If it is associated with any other factor of weakness, could cause serious
problem pertaining to its negative significations during its planetary period/
Adverse Aspect/ Placing: A planet becomes weak when it is
aspected by malefics. This problem gets further compounded if the planet does
not get any benefic influence or is functionally malefic for a particular chart
or is placed in a Trika (6, 8, or 12th) house from lagna or a
combination of these factors. Such a planet depending on the degree of adverse
influence, cause unpleasant event/ situations.
Adverse Aspect/ Placing: A planet becomes weak when it is
aspected by malefics. This problem gets further compounded if the planet does
not get any benefic influence or is functionally malefic for a particular chart
or is placed in a Trika (6, 8, or 12th) house from lagna or a
combination of these factors. Such a planet depending on the degree of adverse
influence, cause unpleasant event/ situations.
Position of planet within a Brava: A planet becomes weaker
as it is placed away from mid-cusp of a Bhava and is the weakest at the Brava-Sandhi i.e. at the beginning or
the end of a bhava. The position becomes worse if it is posited as the sandhi of Brava and Nakshtra
simultaneously i.e. in Gand-Mool
Position of planet within a Brava: A planet becomes weaker
as it is placed away from mid-cusp of a Bhava and is the weakest at the Brava-Sandhi i.e. at the beginning or
the end of a bhava. The position becomes worse if it is posited as the sandhi of Brava and Nakshtra
simultaneously i.e. in Gand-Mool
Due to Weak Depositor: A planet becomes weak if its depositor is
weak due to any or combination of the factors mentioned above.
Due to Weak Depositor: A planet becomes weak if its depositor is
weak due to any or combination of the factors mentioned above.
Weak Sun: During the periods of weak Sun, depending on the
degree of its weakness, makes one egoist, fond of flattery/ false pride, being
ignored by the society or some conflict springs up with government authorities,
or there may be problems to or from father/ boss, or one has to put in lot of
efforts to gain any success/ recognition. Weak Sun is particularly bad in
houses 4, 5, 7, 8 & 12th houses. When a weak Sun is under
affliction of Rahu/ Ketu, one suffers from loss of reputation, cardiac problems
and chaos in life. If afflicted by Mars, Saturn or lord of 6th/ 8th
house, one suffers from blood problems, indigestion, bone fractures, government
action or death of relation signified by house ruled by Sun or prolonged
medication due to some chronic ailment.
Weak Sun: During the periods of weak Sun, depending on the
degree of its weakness, makes one egoist, fond of flattery/ false pride, being
ignored by the society or some conflict springs up with government authorities,
or there may be problems to or from father/ boss, or one has to put in lot of
efforts to gain any success/ recognition. Weak Sun is particularly bad in
houses 4, 5, 7, 8 & 12th houses. When a weak Sun is under
affliction of Rahu/ Ketu, one suffers from loss of reputation, cardiac problems
and chaos in life. If afflicted by Mars, Saturn or lord of 6th/ 8th
house, one suffers from blood problems, indigestion, bone fractures, government
action or death of relation signified by house ruled by Sun or prolonged
medication due to some chronic ailment.
Shanker Adawal
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