Encyclopedia of Vedic Astrology: Wealth & Prosperity: Analysing a Horoscope to Decipher Wealth and Prosperity, Chapter III, Part – 17

Dr. Shanker Adawal


A strongly placed and
unblemished Saturn in a horoscope makes the native hard working, skillful and
efficient in work. Such native is very laborious and remain ready to serve
others. Saturn helps the native to earn through hard work and strong labour in

Saturn is a significator
career or service in a horoscope. Therefore a strong and unblemished Saturn
helps the native to make progress in his career or service. Whereas a weak or
ill placed Saturn or malefically aspected Saturn may cause obstacles and hindrances
in progress of job or career. It may cause delay in promotion and obstruct the
smooth advancement of career.

Saturn acts as the bridge
between the high and the low, but it generally cause affliction to the other
planets to bring adverse and negative results in life.

Following are the results
of Saturn placed in various signs of zodiac:


Saturn in Aries gives
failures and unhappiness to the native. It makes the native wanderer and
instable in life. Native becomes depressed and quarrelsome in nature. This
placement of Saturn in a horoscope gives misfortune to the native.


Saturn in Taurus gives
success and achievements to the native. But the native loves loneliness and
isolation. It also makes the native restless and the native worries over minor
issues in life.


Saturn in Gemini makes the
native miserable and narrow minded. It gives misfortune to the native in
financial matters.


Saturn in Cancer makes the
native selfish and narrow minded. This native may be deprived of mothers
association. This native may remain unfortunate in terms of wealth and property


Saturn in Leo makes the
native a good writer or author or journalist. Native also behaves in an
obstinate manner. This placement of Saturn in a horoscope gives misfortune to
the native.


Placement of Saturn in
Virgo gives quarrelsome and rude nature to the native. Native remains poor in
life and fails to accumulate wealth and prosperity in the life. Native remains
unfortunate I terms of financial matters. This native also suffers from bad
health and weak constitution.


Saturn in Libra give name,
fame and popularity to the native. Native may become leader of his or her
community. Native is learned and earns respect in the society. Native may
become a good social or political leader in his life. Placement of Saturn in
Libra helps in earning wealth and prosperity in life but the native also spends
his money for charitable purposes and in helping others. Native becomes strong,
powerful and influential in life.


Saturn in Scorpio gives
unhappiness and poor health to the native. Native remains unfortunate in terms
of wealth and prosperity in life. Native becomes rude, angry and violent in his
action. Native suffers danger from accident, fire, poison, arms and weapons in
his life. Native has to spend his money over his bad health or on hospitalization.


Placement of Saturn in
Sagittarius helps the native to earn name, fame, wealth and prosperity in life.
This native is peace-loving in nature but the married life may remain unhappy.
But I general this native is blessed with good fortune and happiness in life.


Saturn in Capricorn makes
the native learned, intelligent and hard working. Native leads a happy domestic
life. It gives philosophical temperament to the native. Native loves
mountaineering and other outdoor sports.


Placement of Saturn in
Aquarius sign in a horoscope makes the native clever, cunning and diplomatic in
nature. It also makes the native learned, intellectual and skillful. Native
suffers from more than one enemies or rivals in life.


Saturn in Pisces gives
name, fame, wealth, prosperity and happiness to the native. Native is of polite
and helpful nature. It also gives good fortune to the native in life.


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