Dr. Shanker Adawal
Example 4: Ms. Lara Dutta
Birth Date: 16.04.1978
Birth Time: 04:48:00
Birth Place: Ghaziabad,
Balance of Dasha: Sat.
Remarks: Winner of Miss
India and Miss Universe title for the year 2000 and later bollywood actress.
Fourth lord Mercury is placed in Pisces and the Ascendant lord Jupiter is
placed in Gemini.
India and Miss Universe title for the year 2000 and later bollywood actress.
Fourth lord Mercury is placed in Pisces and the Ascendant lord Jupiter is
placed in Gemini.
33. If
there is exchange of signs between the 5th and 9th lords
then also the native is bestowed with Bhagyavahan yoga and is supposed to own a
vehicle in his life.
there is exchange of signs between the 5th and 9th lords
then also the native is bestowed with Bhagyavahan yoga and is supposed to own a
vehicle in his life.
34. If
there is exchange of signs between the 5th and 11th lords
then also the native is bestowed with Bhagyavahan yoga and is supposed to own a
vehicle in his life.
there is exchange of signs between the 5th and 11th lords
then also the native is bestowed with Bhagyavahan yoga and is supposed to own a
vehicle in his life.
Example 1: Albert
Birth Date: 14.01.1875
Birth Time: 03:30:00
Birth Place: 9E43 &
Balance of Dasha: Mercury
Remarks: He was awarded
Nobel Prize for the year 1953. Fifth lord Venus is placed in Scorpio and the
eleventh lord Mars is placed in Libra.
Nobel Prize for the year 1953. Fifth lord Venus is placed in Scorpio and the
eleventh lord Mars is placed in Libra.
Bhagyavahan yoga also occurs if the 4th and 5th lords are
placed in their own respective houses within a horoscope and the native is
supposed to own a vehicle in his life.
Bhagyavahan yoga also occurs if the 4th and 5th lords are
placed in their own respective houses within a horoscope and the native is
supposed to own a vehicle in his life.
Bhagyavahan yoga also takes place if the 9th and the Ascendant lords
are placed in their own respective houses within a horoscope and the native is
supposed to own a vehicle in his life.
Bhagyavahan yoga also takes place if the 9th and the Ascendant lords
are placed in their own respective houses within a horoscope and the native is
supposed to own a vehicle in his life.
Bhagyavahan yoga occurs also in case if 5th lords occupies the 9th
house and the 9th lord in turn happens to occupy the 10th
house within a horoscope then also the native is supposed to own a vehicle in
his life.
Bhagyavahan yoga occurs also in case if 5th lords occupies the 9th
house and the 9th lord in turn happens to occupy the 10th
house within a horoscope then also the native is supposed to own a vehicle in
his life.
38. If
the significator planet of any house occupies the 12th house in a
horoscope then the native is supposed to experience good fortune concerning the
house signified by the planet that occupies the 12th house.
the significator planet of any house occupies the 12th house in a
horoscope then the native is supposed to experience good fortune concerning the
house signified by the planet that occupies the 12th house.
39. If
in a chart the lord of Ascendant occupies the Ascendant itself then the wealth
remains with the native like the spouse.
in a chart the lord of Ascendant occupies the Ascendant itself then the wealth
remains with the native like the spouse.
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