Dr. Shanker Adawal
the Planets Occupying Kendra Houses
the Planets Occupying Kendra Houses
Chatussagara Yoga arises
in a horoscope when all the planets occupy the Kendra houses, namely the 1st
4th 7th and the 10th house from the Ascendant
or if all the planets occupy the Chara signs, namely Aries, Cancer, Libra and
Capricorn. The presence of this Yoga in a horoscope destroys any number of
afflictions present I a horoscope and at the same time it ensures wealth,
prosperity, riches and high status to the native.
in a horoscope when all the planets occupy the Kendra houses, namely the 1st
4th 7th and the 10th house from the Ascendant
or if all the planets occupy the Chara signs, namely Aries, Cancer, Libra and
Capricorn. The presence of this Yoga in a horoscope destroys any number of
afflictions present I a horoscope and at the same time it ensures wealth,
prosperity, riches and high status to the native.
Planets Occupying the Upachaya Houses
Planets Occupying the Upachaya Houses
Vasuman Yoga or Vasumati
Yoga gets formed in a horoscope when all the benefics, namely Mercury, Venus
and Jupiter, gets positioned in the Upachaya houses, namely the 3rd
6th 10th and 11th house, from the Moon. This
Yoga blesses the native with immense wealth and prosperity, and the native enjoys
all the material comforts of life while staying at home.
Yoga gets formed in a horoscope when all the benefics, namely Mercury, Venus
and Jupiter, gets positioned in the Upachaya houses, namely the 3rd
6th 10th and 11th house, from the Moon. This
Yoga blesses the native with immense wealth and prosperity, and the native enjoys
all the material comforts of life while staying at home.
The Upachaya houses,
namely the 3rd 6th 10th and 11th
house, are the houses of expansion and the planets positioned in these houses
yield income and profits to the native through struggles, hard work and
personal efforts. Ehen two of the benefic planets, namely Mercury, Venus and
Jupiter, get positioned in the Upachaya houses, namely the 3rd 6th
10th and 11th house, from the Moon, then this Yoga
produces medium wealth and prosperity to the native. If only single benefic
occupies any of the Upachaya houses from the natal Moon then it produce only
ordinary wealth to the native.
namely the 3rd 6th 10th and 11th
house, are the houses of expansion and the planets positioned in these houses
yield income and profits to the native through struggles, hard work and
personal efforts. Ehen two of the benefic planets, namely Mercury, Venus and
Jupiter, get positioned in the Upachaya houses, namely the 3rd 6th
10th and 11th house, from the Moon, then this Yoga
produces medium wealth and prosperity to the native. If only single benefic
occupies any of the Upachaya houses from the natal Moon then it produce only
ordinary wealth to the native.
A Vasuman Yoga or Vasumati
Yoga also comes into effect if all the four benefics including the Moon, namely
Moon, Mercury, Venus and Jupiter, get positioned in the Upachaya houses, namely
the 3rd 6th 10th and 11th house,
from the Ascendant. This Yoga is highly benefic in result and bestows good
fortune to the native. The presence of this Yoga in a horoscope blesses the
native with everlasting wealth and prosperity to the native.
Yoga also comes into effect if all the four benefics including the Moon, namely
Moon, Mercury, Venus and Jupiter, get positioned in the Upachaya houses, namely
the 3rd 6th 10th and 11th house,
from the Ascendant. This Yoga is highly benefic in result and bestows good
fortune to the native. The presence of this Yoga in a horoscope blesses the
native with everlasting wealth and prosperity to the native.
The result of Vasuman Yoga
or Vasumati Yoga prevails even if there are other malefic Yogas present in the
horoscope of the native. Since the
Upachaya houses are the houses of growth and expansion, it helps the native to
ear and accumulate wealth, prosperity and riches in life even if malefic are
present there. The presence of the malefic planets in the Upachaya houses ensures
accumulation of wealth, prosperity and riches but through struggle, hard work
and self efforts. While, the presence of benefic planets in the Upachaya houses
of any horoscope ensures accumulation of enormous wealth, prosperity and
riches, without much struggle and with lesser efforts.
or Vasumati Yoga prevails even if there are other malefic Yogas present in the
horoscope of the native. Since the
Upachaya houses are the houses of growth and expansion, it helps the native to
ear and accumulate wealth, prosperity and riches in life even if malefic are
present there. The presence of the malefic planets in the Upachaya houses ensures
accumulation of wealth, prosperity and riches but through struggle, hard work
and self efforts. While, the presence of benefic planets in the Upachaya houses
of any horoscope ensures accumulation of enormous wealth, prosperity and
riches, without much struggle and with lesser efforts.
Example 1: KK Birla
Birth Date: 11.11.1918
Birth Time: 07:10:00
Birth Place: Pilani
Balance of Dasha: Moon
Chart no. 57
Remarks: He had been
strong and powerful industrialist with political links. In his horoscope
Mercury, Venus and Jupiter are placed in The Upachaya houses from the natal
Moon to form Vasuman Yoga or Vasumati Yoga in his chart. This Yoga blessed him
with everlasting name, fame, wealth, prosperity, strength, power and good
fortune in life.
strong and powerful industrialist with political links. In his horoscope
Mercury, Venus and Jupiter are placed in The Upachaya houses from the natal
Moon to form Vasuman Yoga or Vasumati Yoga in his chart. This Yoga blessed him
with everlasting name, fame, wealth, prosperity, strength, power and good
fortune in life.
Dr. Shanker Adawal
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