Encyclopedia of Vedic Astrology: Yogas:- Arishta Yogas, Chapter XIV, Part – 8

Dr. Shanker Adawal

27. Urinary &
Kidney Troubles’ Yoga

The 6th house,
6th lord, and Mercury control urinary system, whereas all glands
including Kidney etc are controlled by 7th house & Venus. Moon
controls blood circulation, Saturn the stones and Jupiter various generative
organs located in belly. So any affliction to these may cause disease in
urinary system, kidneys or generative organs. As per Jatak Parijaat, if Moon
& 6th lord are posited in a watery sign, while Mercury is
afflicted, native suffers from urinary troubles. Similarly, if 7th
house, its lord, Libra sign, Moon, Venus & Jupiter are afflicted, one may
suffer diseases of Kidney, ovaries etc. If Saturn is the afflicted planet,
there may be problem of stones. Affliction by Mars indicates Surgery.

For illustration, please
refer Chart No. 19 of VP Singh. He had 6th lord Jupiter in Cancer
and 7th lord Saturn in Scorpio (both watery signs). Saturn (R)
aspect 7th house, and Venus (in mutual aspect). 6th lord
Jupiter aspected 7-8th lord Saturn in 5th and 7th
house. Rahu from 9th house afflicts 6th lord Jupiter in
lagna and 7th lord Saturn in 5th house. Hence he suffered
Chronic renal (Kidney) failure and died of it on 27 Nov 2008.

28. Vamsacheda Yoga

This yoga means doom over
the family. The native will be the extinguisher of his family. Either the
native has no children or all of them die early. This is a rare but unfortunate
yoga and has following variants;
i) 4th,
7th & 10th houses are occupied by malefics, Venus and
Moon respectively.

Moon & Venus are in 7th house and malefics occupy 4th
& 10th house.

Jupiter and lords of 1st, 5th and 7th are al

Malefics in inimical vargas or signs in 1st, 7th, 9th
and 12th houses.

29. Vrana (Cancer)

The cancer is a group of
diseases in which a group of cells display uncontrolled growth, invasion and
sometimes metastasis (spread to other parts in the body via lymph or blood).
Cancers are caused by abnormalities in the genetic material of the transformed
cells. Astrologically, cancer is generated in the body when 1st, 6th
or 8th lord makes relationship with Moon, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn and
Rahu. Various planets involved in the combinations denote the part of the body
wherein cancer may be produced. Some of the astrological yoga for cancer are as
When 6th lord is a malefic and is posited/ aspect 1st, 8th
or 10th house.

Jupiter, Moon, & Ketu are afflicted together in a house.

When Moon is afflicted by three malefics, and Lagnesh is weak.

When Saturn & Mars are related with Jupiter or Rahu.

When 6th or 8th lord is posited in lagna and is

When Sun, Moon and lagna are afflicted.

Mars in 6th in a fixed sign aspected by a malefic.

When Mars, Saturn & Rahu are posited together, with none of them being a

When Moon along with Cancer, Scorpio, & Pisces are afflicted.

When weak Mercury is afflicted by Mars and Rahu.

The native was famous
actress of Bollywood in post-independence era. She was born with the dasha of 8th
lord Jupiter posited in lagna with Sun & Mercury. Her Lagnesh cum 6th
lord Venus was weak being in the sign of Mars and in Nakshtra of Ketu and in
Rahu-Ketu axis. He Moon was without any digbala
and afflicted by three malefics Mars, Ketu and Saturn separately and without
any benefic influence. Thus lagna, Sun & Moon were all weak &
afflicted. Hence during Ketu-Moon she died of cancer on 3 May 1981.

30. Summary

In day-today life of our’s
and our near ones, there are so many incidents arising out of various Arishta,
that we get baffled by their enormity, severity, and regular occurrence. We
fail to understand why it happens and it is impossible to record all of them
within a chapter. However an effort is made and 42 Arishta yoga have been
explained in this chapter along with their astrological reasons with the help
of 14 new charts and some charts previously explained in some different

Shanker Adawal
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