Dr. Shanker Adawal
4. Balarishta
This is a sub-span of short life and extends from birth to 8 years of age. Shri
Mantreshwar in Phaldeepika has stated
that a child may die during the first four years due to past evil Karma of his
mother and may die between 4 to 8 years due to past evil Karma of his father.
The birth of a child may bring Arishta
to mother and/ or father. Therefore the parents in such cases, propitiate the
evil planets/ yoga by Japa, Havan, &
oblations and protect the child through proper medical care. A child born with
Balarishta yoga dies early or is very seriously ill initially. However, should
he survive, such a native lives a long kingly life.
This is a sub-span of short life and extends from birth to 8 years of age. Shri
Mantreshwar in Phaldeepika has stated
that a child may die during the first four years due to past evil Karma of his
mother and may die between 4 to 8 years due to past evil Karma of his father.
The birth of a child may bring Arishta
to mother and/ or father. Therefore the parents in such cases, propitiate the
evil planets/ yoga by Japa, Havan, &
oblations and protect the child through proper medical care. A child born with
Balarishta yoga dies early or is very seriously ill initially. However, should
he survive, such a native lives a long kingly life.
4.2 Special Concepts
for Balarishta
for Balarishta
Gand-Mool Nakshtra: It is effective during Sandhi of sign & Nakshtra (in its
last/ first quarter). If birth is in last quarter of Jyeshtha (Scorpio) or 1st quarter of Moola (Sagittarius),
it is called big Moola and
propitiation can be done only after 27 days, when the concerned Nakshatra falls
again. If the birth is in last quarter of Ashlesha
(Cancer) / Revati (Pisces) or 1st quarter of Magha (Leo) / Ashwani (Aries), it is
called small Moola, and propitiation
can be done on the same, 10th or the 19th day from the
birth. During these periods of approx. 48 minutes, lagna and Moon becomes weak,
giving native / his close relations bad health, poor longevity and unwanted
worries. If Ketu also joins in, it causes disorder in brain/ spinal cord.
Gand-Mool Nakshtra: It is effective during Sandhi of sign & Nakshtra (in its
last/ first quarter). If birth is in last quarter of Jyeshtha (Scorpio) or 1st quarter of Moola (Sagittarius),
it is called big Moola and
propitiation can be done only after 27 days, when the concerned Nakshatra falls
again. If the birth is in last quarter of Ashlesha
(Cancer) / Revati (Pisces) or 1st quarter of Magha (Leo) / Ashwani (Aries), it is
called small Moola, and propitiation
can be done on the same, 10th or the 19th day from the
birth. During these periods of approx. 48 minutes, lagna and Moon becomes weak,
giving native / his close relations bad health, poor longevity and unwanted
worries. If Ketu also joins in, it causes disorder in brain/ spinal cord.
Yamganta: It affects longevity of a child, when at the time of
his birth, the Moon is in a specific Nakshtra on a specific day as under:
Yamganta: It affects longevity of a child, when at the time of
his birth, the Moon is in a specific Nakshtra on a specific day as under:
in Magha Nakshtra.
in Magha Nakshtra.
Monday in Vishakha Nakshtra.
Monday in Vishakha Nakshtra.
in Ardra Nakshtra.
in Ardra Nakshtra.
Wednesday in Mool Nakshtra.
Wednesday in Mool Nakshtra.
Thursday in Krittika Nakshtra.
Thursday in Krittika Nakshtra.
Friday in Rohini Nakshtra.
Friday in Rohini Nakshtra.
Saturday in Hasta Nakshtra.
Saturday in Hasta Nakshtra.
Din-Mrityu: If a child is born in 1st quarter of Dhanishta/Hasta or 2nd
quarter of Vishakha/Ardra, or 3rd
quarter of Uttar-Bhadrapad/Ashlesha
or in last quarter of Bharini/Moola
Nakshtra, in day time, it is called Din-Mrityu Yoga causing early death of
the child.
Din-Mrityu: If a child is born in 1st quarter of Dhanishta/Hasta or 2nd
quarter of Vishakha/Ardra, or 3rd
quarter of Uttar-Bhadrapad/Ashlesha
or in last quarter of Bharini/Moola
Nakshtra, in day time, it is called Din-Mrityu Yoga causing early death of
the child.
Din Rog: Similarly, if a child is born in day time in 1st
quarter of Ashlesha/Uttar-Bhadrapad or
in 2nd quarter of Bharini/Mool
or in 3rd quarter of Uttar-falguni/Shravan, or last quarter
of Swati/Mrigshira Nakshtra, it is
called Din-Rog yoga and may cause
serious illness or death to the child. However, there is no evil if the birth is in night time in Din-Mrityu or Din-Rog Yoga.
Din Rog: Similarly, if a child is born in day time in 1st
quarter of Ashlesha/Uttar-Bhadrapad or
in 2nd quarter of Bharini/Mool
or in 3rd quarter of Uttar-falguni/Shravan, or last quarter
of Swati/Mrigshira Nakshtra, it is
called Din-Rog yoga and may cause
serious illness or death to the child. However, there is no evil if the birth is in night time in Din-Mrityu or Din-Rog Yoga.
Vish-ghati: In every Nakshtra a period of four ghati (96 minutes)
is called Vish-ghati. In Aswani 50 to 54th, in Bharini, 24 to 28th, in Krittika 30 to 34th, Rohini, 40 to 44th, Mrigshira, 14 to 18th, Ardra, 21 to 25th, Punurvasu, 30
to 34th, Pushya, 20 to 24th, Ashlesha, 32 to 36th,
Magha, 30 to 34th, Poorva-falguni, 20 to 24th,
Uttar-falguni, 18 to 22th, Hasta, 21 to 25th, Chitra, 20 to 24th,
Swati, 14 to 18th, Vishakha 14 to 18th, Anuradha 10 to 14th,
Jyeshta 14 to 18th, Moola 56 to 60th, Poorvashada 24 to
28th, Uttar-ashada 20 to 24th, Shravan 10 to 14th,
Dhanishta 10 to 14th, Shatbhisha 18 to 22nd,
Poorva-bhadrapad 16 to 20th, Uttar-Bfadrapad 24 to 28th,
and in Revati 30 to 34th ghati are called Vishghati. Shri Mantreshwar, in Phaldeepika
has stated that if a child is born in any of the above period during day-time, he is likely to die
Vish-ghati: In every Nakshtra a period of four ghati (96 minutes)
is called Vish-ghati. In Aswani 50 to 54th, in Bharini, 24 to 28th, in Krittika 30 to 34th, Rohini, 40 to 44th, Mrigshira, 14 to 18th, Ardra, 21 to 25th, Punurvasu, 30
to 34th, Pushya, 20 to 24th, Ashlesha, 32 to 36th,
Magha, 30 to 34th, Poorva-falguni, 20 to 24th,
Uttar-falguni, 18 to 22th, Hasta, 21 to 25th, Chitra, 20 to 24th,
Swati, 14 to 18th, Vishakha 14 to 18th, Anuradha 10 to 14th,
Jyeshta 14 to 18th, Moola 56 to 60th, Poorvashada 24 to
28th, Uttar-ashada 20 to 24th, Shravan 10 to 14th,
Dhanishta 10 to 14th, Shatbhisha 18 to 22nd,
Poorva-bhadrapad 16 to 20th, Uttar-Bfadrapad 24 to 28th,
and in Revati 30 to 34th ghati are called Vishghati. Shri Mantreshwar, in Phaldeepika
has stated that if a child is born in any of the above period during day-time, he is likely to die
4.3 Yogas for
Moon placed in a Trika house, aspected by malefic, causes death soon after
Moon placed in a Trika house, aspected by malefic, causes death soon after
at Sun-rise or Sun-set in the Hora of
Moon (Monday at Sun-rise or Thursday at Sun-set) or if birth lagna is in Gandanta with the Moon & malefic in
Kendra, causes death at birth.
at Sun-rise or Sun-set in the Hora of
Moon (Monday at Sun-rise or Thursday at Sun-set) or if birth lagna is in Gandanta with the Moon & malefic in
Kendra, causes death at birth.
Weak Moon in lagna and malefic in Kendra/8th house, causes death of
a new born.
Weak Moon in lagna and malefic in Kendra/8th house, causes death of
a new born.
Lagna lord defeated in a planetary war by a malefic and placed in 7th
house causes death within a month.
Lagna lord defeated in a planetary war by a malefic and placed in 7th
house causes death within a month.
One is bereft of longevity in case of Cancer/Scorpio lagna, with all malefic in
4th to 10th houses and benefics in 10th to 4th
houses (Vajramukhi yoga).
One is bereft of longevity in case of Cancer/Scorpio lagna, with all malefic in
4th to 10th houses and benefics in 10th to 4th
houses (Vajramukhi yoga).
vi) If
malefic occupy 6th and 12th houses from Lagna, child dies
soon after birth.
malefic occupy 6th and 12th houses from Lagna, child dies
soon after birth.
vii) If
retrograde benefics occupy 6, 8, & 12th houses, aspected by malefic,
the child dies within a month.
retrograde benefics occupy 6, 8, & 12th houses, aspected by malefic,
the child dies within a month.
viii) If
Lagna and 7th house are hemmed between malefic, the child dies
Lagna and 7th house are hemmed between malefic, the child dies
in lagna, Mars in 8th, Sun in 9th and Saturn in 12th
house, all unaspected by strong Jupiter, the child dies early.
in lagna, Mars in 8th, Sun in 9th and Saturn in 12th
house, all unaspected by strong Jupiter, the child dies early.
Sun, Mars & Saturn together in 6th or 8th house,
indicates certain death within a month.
Sun, Mars & Saturn together in 6th or 8th house,
indicates certain death within a month.
Malefics in 6th or 8th house, aspected by another
malefic, cause death within a month.
Malefics in 6th or 8th house, aspected by another
malefic, cause death within a month.
Birth at the time of eclipse and lagna aspected by Saturn & Mars, cause
death within a fortnight.
Birth at the time of eclipse and lagna aspected by Saturn & Mars, cause
death within a fortnight.
Birth in dark-half & day-time, 7th house occupied by Jupiter
& Venus; and Moon aspected by Saturn/Rahu, cause death within a weak.
Birth in dark-half & day-time, 7th house occupied by Jupiter
& Venus; and Moon aspected by Saturn/Rahu, cause death within a weak.
xiv) If
Moon & Rahu conjoin with Mars/Saturn, the child dies early. If
simultaneously Sun occupies lagna, an operation may be the cause of death.
Moon & Rahu conjoin with Mars/Saturn, the child dies early. If
simultaneously Sun occupies lagna, an operation may be the cause of death.
xv) A
Week Moon conjoin with a malefic, and aspected by Rahu, denotes early death.
Week Moon conjoin with a malefic, and aspected by Rahu, denotes early death.
One born in extremely poor & humble circumstances, with very strong
Rajyogas, dies very soon.
One born in extremely poor & humble circumstances, with very strong
Rajyogas, dies very soon.
xvii) If
all malefic are in 5th & 9th from Lagna, and Moon is
in Cancer sign, all without any benefic aspect, child dies early.
all malefic are in 5th & 9th from Lagna, and Moon is
in Cancer sign, all without any benefic aspect, child dies early.
xviii) If
Lagnesh or Moon sign lord is weak, posited in a Trika house and aspected by a
Malefic, the child lives for years equal to the number of sign of the Trika
Lagnesh or Moon sign lord is weak, posited in a Trika house and aspected by a
Malefic, the child lives for years equal to the number of sign of the Trika
xix) If
the lord of Dreshkon of Lagnesh or Moon sign lord is weak, posited in a Trika
house, and aspected by a malefic, the child survives for months equal to the
number of sign of the Trika house.
the lord of Dreshkon of Lagnesh or Moon sign lord is weak, posited in a Trika
house, and aspected by a malefic, the child survives for months equal to the
number of sign of the Trika house.
The exchange of lords of lagna & 8th house with 8th
lord stronger of the two and no benefic influence on lagna lord.
The exchange of lords of lagna & 8th house with 8th
lord stronger of the two and no benefic influence on lagna lord.
The child with debilitated
8th lord Moon conjunct with Ketu in 12th house and was
aspected by Sun, Saturn, Rahu & Mercury from 6th house. The
lagna lord Jupiter was in Badhak-Sthan
with 6th lord Venus & 12th lord Mars. In accordance
with conditions (i), (vi) &^ (xi), above, the child died 27 Oct 2003.
8th lord Moon conjunct with Ketu in 12th house and was
aspected by Sun, Saturn, Rahu & Mercury from 6th house. The
lagna lord Jupiter was in Badhak-Sthan
with 6th lord Venus & 12th lord Mars. In accordance
with conditions (i), (vi) &^ (xi), above, the child died 27 Oct 2003.
The child was born with 2nd
lord debilitated Moon in Gand-Moola Nakshtra conjoined with Ketu and aspected
by 8th lord Saturn & Rahu from 12th house. Lagna lord
Mercury is also debilitated. Even the exalted Jupiter-R, aspected by Saturn
& Ketu, could not save the child even for a month. In accordance with
conditions mentioned in sub-Para 4.2 (i) and 4.3 (i), (vi), (ix) & (xv),
the child died in Apr 2003.
lord debilitated Moon in Gand-Moola Nakshtra conjoined with Ketu and aspected
by 8th lord Saturn & Rahu from 12th house. Lagna lord
Mercury is also debilitated. Even the exalted Jupiter-R, aspected by Saturn
& Ketu, could not save the child even for a month. In accordance with
conditions mentioned in sub-Para 4.2 (i) and 4.3 (i), (vi), (ix) & (xv),
the child died in Apr 2003.
Shanker Adawal
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