Encyclopedia of Vedic Astrology: Yogas: Conjunction of Planets, Chapter IV, Part – 3

Dr. Shanker Adawal
Three Planets’ Conjunction
As Moon is weak & conjunct with two
malefic, though they are friendly among themselves, it does not produce good
results. The native will be valorous, cruel, powerful, destroy enemies, has
good knowledge of machinery, spurious articles, sculptor & work as per
house where they are placed, reasonably wealthy and especially good if in
lagna. However, Hora Sara has
condemned this combination as manifesting very sinful, miserable, hard on
progeny, and having blood disorders or deficient of a limb.
The native is intelligent, learned,
scholar, confidant of a king, blessed with wealth & beauty, may take up
Government job/ agency, politics, literary pursuits and fond of art, poetry or
scriptures. However Mercury may cause fluctuations in fortunes.
This is a combination of three natural
friends including highly virtuous Jupiter, but weak Moon. The native may be
learned, intelligent, lucky, pious, helpful to others, skilled in profession, a
man of power, authority, minister or businessman, visiting foreign places.
However he is more cunning than sincere, a bit proud, easily angered and fickle
Here the Moon is weak and Venus, though
benefic, is inimical to Sun & Moon. The native may be learned, noble, good
looking, but with fluctuating fortunes. It gives thieving tendencies, vices,
liar, wicked, changeable professions, eyeing others’ wealth & wives,
aversion to good acts, disliking for mother, delayed marriage and dental
diseases. It gives best results in 10th house.
Here weak Moon is associated with malefic,
separatist & bitterly hostile planets. None is comfortable in this
combination. The native is servile, bereft of riches & grace, slow in
learning, wicked, lustful, argumentative, troubled, diseased & under debt,
denotes a lot of efforts giving insufficient output. Reasonable results in
Upachaya (3, 6, 10, & 11th) houses with good aspects, indicates
legal/ metallurgical profession.
The fiery, malefic & martial influence
prevails. The native may be famous, wrestler/boxer, cruel, shameless, harsh
temperament, various foreign travels, earns & enjoys wealth, comfort, &
happiness, lack of marital comforts, but will have progeny. If influence of Mars
be less, one may be learned, wealthy & a powerful minister.
For illustration, please
refer Chart No. 35 of Bansi lal.
It is a combination of three friendly
fiery planets. The native will enjoy kingly status, very learned, healthy,
wealthy & truthful, eloquent speaker, aggressive & dominating, and will
attain high position/ authority like a great political leader, army commander
or a judge etc depending upon the house of conjunction. But in their
debilitation signs, there could be a fall as well.
Venus is inimical to both Sun & Mars.
The Native is fortunate, wise, wealthy, a good status & position in life,
good looking, charitable & religious, man of few words. This is a good
combination for intelligence of high order or success in movies, photo studio
or music. However it also denotes poor eyesight/ eye disease and sexual
This is a combination of malefic/
separatist planets. The native is bereft of father-son relations, friends,
wealth, wisdom & body comforts (may have deformed limb). He may be
quarrelsome, sinful, have a hairy body, suffers many diseases and litigations.
He may die in a foreign country through poison, fire, weapon or imprisonment.
The native is intelligent, learned,
scholar, sharp-witted, wealthy, helpful to others, favourite of kings &
superiors and attached to his wife. He may be a writer, professor, banker,
astrologer or sculptor. He may suffer from eye disease and at the last stage of
life, he may be devoid of money and will be fed by others, but his children
will prosper.
The native may be learned, of slender
body, talkative, clever, sweet speech, wanderer, having a comfortable life. He
may be of licentious habits, humiliated by parents, tormented by women and talk
against religious persons/ customs. One may not get a son before 40 years of
age. In case of females, she may elope or leave the house and face troubles
miseries & troubles due to her vice deeds, temperament and illicit
For illustration, please
refer chart No. 1 of P.N. Kak and Chart No. 16 of Pamela Bordes.
This is an evil combination as Mercury is
associated with malefic & separatist planets. The native is wicked, coward,
jealous, quarrelsome, may hate relations and rejected by relatives/ friends. He
may have a feminine face and behave like an eunuch and suffers humiliation. He
may live off others and remain sick.
This combination makes the native works
for others at his own cost. The native will be intelligent, bold, learned, a
minister/ refuge of a king, devoted to others’ jobs, talkative and has good
luck after marriage. He earns lot of wealth but loses through women/ gambling,
is tormented by his enemies and is of licentious habits.
For illustration, please
refer Chart No. 31 of J.F. Kennedy.
Here the Jupiter is badly afflicted, but
is inimical to none. The native is intelligent, clever, favourite of rulers,
fearless, pious, blessed with good wife, progeny & friends, charitable,
comforts from relations. One is benefited and gains from business. He may have
defect in some limb, waste money on women. This gives good results in Upachaya
Here Venus, a benefic, is badly afflicted,
by two malefic & Separative planets. The native is wicked, haughty, bereft
of learning, grace & honour, emotionally upset due to fear of enemies,
unskilled, miserable, cheat of first order, follow immoral pursuits, spends
more than earns, poor marital life, and may suffer from skin diseases, leprosy
or cardiac problems. As per Hora Sara, he may acquire some money in old age.
The native will be famous, eloquent, and
learned, but with fluctuating finance. He will be poor in middle life &
ill-famed & disrespected. He will be wicked, greedy, humiliated by his own
men, bereft of virtues & friends, sinful, and mean in conduct & habits.
As per Hora Sara, he may get fame & wealth in old age. It gives good health
& wealth in 1st, 4th or 5th house but
adverse in 10th or 11th house.
The three planets are natural friends
& wealth giver. The native will be very good looking, dear to women, and
gain strength & wealth in all houses except in Trika houses. He will be
short-tempered, and have marks of injury on the body. If afflicted he may be a
thief, addicted to women, adulterous, and of bad habits.
Mars afflicts two watery benefics. The
native may be born to a bad woman and also marry such a lady. His wife &
children will also be rash and source of trouble. If in 1st or 7th
house, may not marry at all. He will be intelligent & logical, but may not
be very wealthy, wanderer, fickle minded, and in dread of cold.
For illustration, please
refer Chart No. 17 of K.N. Rao.
The affliction of Moon by two high rate
malefic may cause death of mother in childhood or he may commit matricide. The
native may be wicked, fickle minded, quarrelsome, ill-famed, indulges in sinful
acts, and inimical to own people. One may suffer in vision, associated with an
old woman, and white & black spots on body. However he may gain in business
through government/superiors, and is beneficial to brothers. In 1st,
9th or 10th it will give very good results, bad results
in 3rd, 4th or 8th and moderate in other
For illustration, please
refer Chart No. 67 of B.D. Garware.
The combination of three benefics is good
for intelligence & wealth. The native is learned, eloquent, scholar,
wealthy, famous, favourite of king, blessed with power & authority,
virtuous, has many sons & brothers and may be a good astrologer. He may
gain through business of brokerage/ franchise. It gives very good results in
all except 2nd, 3rd & 4th houses.
It is not a good position for smooth
relationship in the family. The native is too much attached to money. The
native is learned, cultured, honourable, industrious, wealthy and engaged in
self-comforts. He is greedy, highly covetous, mean in conduct, jealous of
others, and blameworthy. In 7th house, it causes disturbances in
marriage, married life and troubles through children.
The native is learned with good knowledge
(of Botany, Zoology, Psychology & social works), intelligent, eloquent,
sweet tongued, respected by authorities, renowned, wealthy and holds good
position in society. He will, however has little comforts from children. Gives
bad results in 4th or 6th house, where he has asthmatic
or cardiac troubles.
Combination of three benefics manifests
auspicious results. The native is intelligent, highly learned, proficient in
many arts, has great literary success, very good looking, born to a chaste
lady, comfortable life, charitable, with no enemy, and will do good deeds. In 2nd,
10th or 11th house, makes one very wealthy. But in 7th
house, one will be ruined due to influence of opposite sex after marriage.
The native will be renowned, learned
knowing true meaning of Sasthras, clever, liked by rulers, healthy, wealthy,
religious, has constructive arguments, interested in occult science, respectful
to parents, God & elders, happy with children, fond of opposite sex with
elderly lady, and head of a village/town. It gives good results in all houses
except in 2, 8, 9 & 11th houses.
For illustration, please
refer chart No. 12 of M. Nostradum.
The native will be learned, lecturer in
religious subjects (Purohit), coming
from a good family, proficient writer, good mathematician, well versed in
astronomy & astrology, wealthy, and favoured by learned people. He will
have good company of many women, have bad married life or lose spouse early. He
may bring bad name to in-laws and die in foreign land.
The native is adept in music/ poetry, head
of family, helpful to others, blessed with property & charitable and
husband of a young, virtuous wife. One gains through finances of others. As a
rule, this is not good for articles, relations & professions of the three
planets particularly if aspected by Rahu.
Here Mars is inimical to both Mercury
& Venus. The native will be intelligent, learned, of strong determination,
wealthy, comforts from wife & children, does each work methodically,
obstinate, very talkative, fickle minded, wicked and with a defective limb.
For illustration, please
refer Chat No. 8 of Dr. B. V. Raman and Chart No. 18 of Mahatma Gandhi.
The Mercury is hemmed between two highly
malefic planets. The native will be servient, menial, working in lower echelon,
poor, seek help from others, wanderer, cheat, lives in secluded or foreign
places, and will have facial or eye diseases. The results are particularly bad
in 2nd, 6th, 8th & 12th houses.
The native will be blessed with riches,
good wife, children & comforts, liked by rulers, associate with noble
people and famous. He is respected, blessed with power & authority,
property & vehicles. One should avoid influence of opposite sex, otherwise
Venus being malefic brings ill-fame and unhappiness from progeny.
The Jupiter also turns malefic due to
association of two highly malefic planets. The native is intelligent,
honourable, liked by rulers, but jealous, licentious, cruel, wicked, conceited,
unkind, lean bodied, have wounds on the body and is bereft of friends. He will
be a helpless spectator of his ancestral property being disposed/ destroyed.
For illustration, please
refer Chart No. 15 of Walter Disney.
Here Venus turns malefic and joins other
two. The native has knowledge of various arts and attached to his own country.
He will be disliked by his mother, goes to foreign lands, will be addicted to
other women, will suffer humiliation from government & pretty ladies, has
bad children, harsh speech, always unhappy, is a liar, fraud, wanderer, and
wife will also be from a low family.
For illustration, please
refer Chart No. 6 of Z.A. Bhutto.
It is a combination of three benefics. The
native will be intelligent, learned, with kingly status, good health &
looks, success over enemies, fortunate, widely famous, plenty of wealth,
truthful and helpful to others. But in 7th house, one may not have
enough wealth, suffer from domestic and gstric troubles.
The native will wealthy, blessed with
properties, leads a good life full of honour, comforts, & vehicles
(particularly in 12th house). He will be learned, courageous,
fortunate and devoted to his wife.
It is a bad combination. The native is a
bad character, cheat, fraud, fluctuating-famed, wanderer, unreliable, vicious,
addicted to vices: but will have sudden rise & fall, knowledge of many arts
and popular among people.
For illustration, please
refer chart No. 63 of Borris Yeltsin.
The native will rise to dizzy heights or
chief of his race and loved by his people, even born low, will be very famous
& virtuous, of clear intellect. He will be happy with his wife &

Shanker Adawal

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