Encyclopedia of Vedic Astrology: Yogas:- Dhan Yogas, Chapter VII, Part – 7


Dr. Shanker Adawal
Kubera Yoga:
When Mars, Venus, Saturn and Rahu occupy
Virgo sign, this yoga is formed. Native will be as rich as Kubera.
Lakshmi Yoga:
This yoga has two variants. Either the 9th
lord is placed in a Kendra/ Trikone (preferably in own/exaltation sign), and
lagna is strong. Alternately lagna lord and 9th lord together aspect
lagna. This yoga confers uninterrupted financial affluence, learning, fame,
happiness, authority and all material comforts. In this yoga, if Moon is
aspected by Jupiter, Gauri Yoga is
formed. It further denotes that the native belongs to a respectable family and
has good progeny.
The native is elder son of
Sh Dhirubhai Ambani, and is one of the richest industrialist of the world. In
the chart 9th lord Mercury and Lagna lord Venus are both posited in
7th house aspecting lagna, thus conferring Lakshmi yoga. Jupiter is
depositor of Moon and from 11th house is aspecting Moon. Gauri yoga
is also formed. This Jupiter is being aspected by Yogkaraka Saturn from 11th
house. Besides there are several Dhan & Raj yogas in the chart.
Madhya Vayasi Yoga:
This yoga is formed when the 2nd
lord possessing Kaal bala joins lords
of lagna 7 of 11th house in a Kendra/Trikone and be aspected by a
benefic. Such a native acquires wealth by self efforts towards the middle part
of the life.
Marud Yoga:
Jupiter in a Trikone from Venus, Moon in the 5th
from Jupiter, and Sun in a Kendra from Moon, confers Marud Yoga. Such a native
is good conversationalist, large hearted, wealthy, learned, successful
businessman, like a king and having a protruding belly. Several variants of
this yoga are possible. The readers may study various combinations and their
significations for themselves.
The natie is an IAS
officer. In his chart Venus is in 11th house, Jupiter I sin 9th
from Venus (in 7th), and Moon is in 9th from Jupiter,
Whereas Sun is in Kendra (12th house) from Moon. This has conferred
Marud yoga on the native. However as lagna is in Rahu-Ketu axis, native had to
suffer the humiliation of a scam towards the end of his service.
Matru-Mooldhan Yoga:
If 2nd lord is conjunct with or
aspected by the 4th lord in a Kendra/Trikone, this yoga is formed.
Such a native gets wealth through mother or maternal relations. The wealth/
source of earning could vary as per the nature of the 4th lord. Thus
if 4th lord is Mars, agriculture may be the source.
Mriga Yoga:
This yoga is formed when the Navamsha lord of 8th
joins the exalted 9th lord in an auspicious house and lagna lord is
strong. Such a native is immensely rich, respected, charitable, and powerful.
Nabhi Yoga:
If Jupiter & Moon are in 9th house, and
9th lord is in 10th from 10th (7th
house), Nabhi yoga is formed. The native rises early in life, amass huge
wealth, and gets many honours and awards. This yoga is very auspicious as
Gajkesari yoga is formed in the best of Trikone (9th house of luck),
and 9th lord goes to a Kendra (10th from 10th
i.e. 7th house of trade & Padprapti).
Both Jupiter (from 9th house) and 9th lord from 7th
house aspects lagna, making lagna also very strong.
The native has 2nd
lord Moon & 7-10th lord Jupiter in 9th house (forming
Gajkesari Yoga), along with Indu lagna. The 9th & Indu lagna
lord Saturn is exalted in another Trikone in 5th house. Lagna lord
Mercury is in 2nd house with 3rd lord Sun causing
Buddha-aditya yoga. He has many Rajyoga and Dhanyoga with all the three Trika
(6th, 8th, & 12th) houses vacant. He rose
very high in dasha of Jupiter, Saturn & Mercury from 1945 onwards. During
this Period, he has been a senior congressman as chief minister of Himachal
Pradesh and union cabinet minister. However Mercury being debilitated in
Navamsha, caused his downfall at the end of Mercury dasha.
Putra-Mooldhan Yoga:
If strong 2nd lord conjoins 5th
lord/ Jupiter and lagna lord is very strong in most Vargas, this yoga is
formed. The native gets wealth through his sons or after the birth of his son
or through joint venture with his son.
Swaveerya-dhan Yoga:
This yoga has three variants as under, all
conferring huge wealth to the native through his own efforts & exertions:
i) Strong lagna lord
conjoins Jupiter in a Kendra and 2nd lord should also very strong.
ii) The Navamsha lord of
lagna lord should be strong and conjoins exalted 2nd lord in a
Kendra/ Trikone.
iii) Exalted 2nd
lord conjoins a benefic or an exalted benefic conjoins 2nd lord in a
Kendra/ Trikone from lagna lord.
Trilochana Yoga:
This yoga is formed when the Sun, Moon and
Mars are in Trikone from each other. The native is bestowed great wealth, long
life, smooth career, great intelligence and victory over enemies. Shri B.
Ramalingam Raju has this yoga, but unfortunately his Mars in 2nd
house is closely conjunct with Rahu, making the yoga non-operative.
Vasumati Yoga:
If benefic planets Jupiter, Venus and
Mercury (Unafflicted) occupy Upchaya (3rd, 6th, 10th
& 11th) houses from lagna or the Moon, this yoga is formed. The
native will never be dependant on others, and will always have plenty of wealth
and prosperity. This yoga is primarily for wealth. If the benefics are in
exaltation, the yoga becomes extremely powerful. Since the benefic planets are
only three, all the four Upchaya houses can never be occupied. Malefics could
be placed in 6th or 11th house to give good results.
The native was a great
industrialist of India. In the chart, Upachaya houses from Moon denotes strong
benefics-Jupiter in own Nakshtra in 6th, Venus in her
Mooltrikone  sign in 10th and
Mercury in 11th house. In Navamsha, Jupiter, Venus and Mercury are
in mutual aspect along 5-11 axis. Strong 8th lord Venus in lagna
with 11th lord Sun and aspect of Yogkaraka Saturn from 11th
gave him huge inheritance from his illustrious father, Shri G.D. Birla. Moon is
Digbali in own Nakshtra aspecting 10th house. There are many Raj
& Dhan yoga present in the chart.
Vishnu Yoga:
This yoga is conferred when strong (in Shadbala) Navamsha lord of 9th
lord conjoins 9th & 10th lords in 2nd
house. Such a native will lead enjoyable long life, acquires fortunes &
wealth from various sources, respected by rulers, be a worshipper of lord
Vishnu, be strong and a witty & well-versed in discussions.
Vidyut Yoga:
When exalted 11th lord conjoins
Venus in a Kendra from lagna lord, this yoga is formed. Such a native is
controller & owner of wealth, charitable, pleasure loving, and equal to a
The native was union
cabinet minister for over 30 years and was member of parliament for 40 years.
He had 11th lord Mars conjunct with Venus in a Kendra from Lagna
lord Mercury posited in 9th house, thus forming Vidyut yoga. In
addition he had exalted Jupiter in 2nd house.
There are many Dhan yogas described in classics. Almost every native has some
Dhan yoga is his chart. However wealth & prosperity of a native is
ascertained by number of Dhan yogas, the strength of planets (in Shadbala &
Vargas) forming Dhan yogas and their position in Navamsha (where their strength
& number should be retained or improved).
8.2 In
this chapter a total of 148 Dhanyogas and role of Indu lagna have been
discussed. However in order to maintain brevity only 19 illustrative charts
have been discussed to bring out the relevant points.

Shanker Adawal

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