Dr. Shanker Adawal
Divisional Charts
Divisional Charts
1. The divisional charts
provides excellent opportunity to measure the true strength of planets as only
strong planets are capable of giving good results. The weak planets not only
fail to deliver results of their significations but also spoil the results of
the Brava where they are placed or the yoga they form. Planets occupying
benefic positions e.g. exaltation, Mooltrikone, own sign or sign of his friend,
in different Vargas become strong and would give good results. On the other
hand if a planet is debilitated, in enemy’s sign, combust, defeated or other
wise weak, it should be treated as malefic. The location of planets in the
divisional charts materially influences the results of planets constituting a
provides excellent opportunity to measure the true strength of planets as only
strong planets are capable of giving good results. The weak planets not only
fail to deliver results of their significations but also spoil the results of
the Brava where they are placed or the yoga they form. Planets occupying
benefic positions e.g. exaltation, Mooltrikone, own sign or sign of his friend,
in different Vargas become strong and would give good results. On the other
hand if a planet is debilitated, in enemy’s sign, combust, defeated or other
wise weak, it should be treated as malefic. The location of planets in the
divisional charts materially influences the results of planets constituting a
2. The
Navamsha is the most important Varga to indicate basic/inherent strength of any
planet. A planet, which occupies same sign in natal & Navamsha chart is
called Vargottam. As Per Saravali, “A
planet in own Decante bestows good results, in own Navamsha makes one lucky, in
own Sapthamsa bestows courage, name & fame, while in own Dwadasamsa makes
one devout & helpful”. There are various grouping of Varga schemes, like
Shad-varga, Sapt-varga, Dasvarga & Shodas varga; but normally astrologers
consider Sapt-varga or Dasvarga scheme only. The strength of a planet in any
varga scheme is measured on a scale of 20 (Vimsopaka)
by occupying continuously benefic position. The value of each Varga in
Sapt-varga/Dasvarga groupings in Vimsopaka
(scale of 20) is as under-
Navamsha is the most important Varga to indicate basic/inherent strength of any
planet. A planet, which occupies same sign in natal & Navamsha chart is
called Vargottam. As Per Saravali, “A
planet in own Decante bestows good results, in own Navamsha makes one lucky, in
own Sapthamsa bestows courage, name & fame, while in own Dwadasamsa makes
one devout & helpful”. There are various grouping of Varga schemes, like
Shad-varga, Sapt-varga, Dasvarga & Shodas varga; but normally astrologers
consider Sapt-varga or Dasvarga scheme only. The strength of a planet in any
varga scheme is measured on a scale of 20 (Vimsopaka)
by occupying continuously benefic position. The value of each Varga in
Sapt-varga/Dasvarga groupings in Vimsopaka
(scale of 20) is as under-
i) Rasi (D-1) – 5.0/3.0
ii) Hora (D2) – 2.0/1.5
iii) Drekkana (D-3) –
iv) Saptamsha (D-7) –
v) Navamsha (D-9) –
vi) Dasamsha (D-10) –
vii) Dwadasamsha (D-12) –
viii) Shodasamsha (D-16) –
ix) Trimsamsha (D-30) –
x) Shashtiamsha (D-60) –
Varga Designation & strength: To assess the
benevolence/strength of a planet forming a yoga or otherwise, the astrologers
normally consider its position in Sapt-varga or Dasvarga scheme of charts.
Depending on the number of times a planet occupies a benefic position in
Sapt-varga/Dasvarga groups of divisional charts, the strength of planet
increases. In Dasvarga scheme, the planet is assigned a specific name with its
meaning as shown against each as under-
Varga Designation & strength: To assess the
benevolence/strength of a planet forming a yoga or otherwise, the astrologers
normally consider its position in Sapt-varga or Dasvarga scheme of charts.
Depending on the number of times a planet occupies a benefic position in
Sapt-varga/Dasvarga groups of divisional charts, the strength of planet
increases. In Dasvarga scheme, the planet is assigned a specific name with its
meaning as shown against each as under-
in nos. of D-charts |
of type of planet |
of the type of Planet |
A wealthy, happy,
reputed & virtuous person |
A noble, humble, wealthy
& religious person |
A man of all round
prosperity & knowledge |
One is object of praise
and head of his clan |
A King-like man knowing
all science & arts |
A highly charitable and
very high dignitary |
An emperor like person
with name, |
Fame, and many
subordinates. |
Sri Dham
One highly spiritual
& owner of all virtues |
Contrary to above, if a planet occupies malefic/weak position.
Contrary to above, if a planet occupies malefic/weak position.
a) In Nine Vargas: Causes
b) In Eight Vargas: Gives
sorrow & lamentation.
sorrow & lamentation.
c) In Seven Vargas:
Denotes bad luck/misfortune.
Denotes bad luck/misfortune.
d) In six Vargas: Makes
native unhappy, restless & worried.
native unhappy, restless & worried.
As per Position of Planet
As per Position of Planet
The Jatak Parijaat
(Chapter 7: Sloka 58) and Saravali (Chapter 34: Sloka 14) gives a simple but
approximate method of calculating strength of a planet as under:
(Chapter 7: Sloka 58) and Saravali (Chapter 34: Sloka 14) gives a simple but
approximate method of calculating strength of a planet as under:
i) In exaltation sign:
Full benefic result
Full benefic result
ii) In Mooltrikone sign:
3/ 4 benefic results
3/ 4 benefic results
iii) In own sign: Half
benefic results
benefic results
iv) In Friend’s sign: 1/ 4
benefic results
benefic results
v) In enemy’s sign: 1/ 8
benefic results
benefic results
vi) In debilitation sign:
1/ 16 benefic results
1/ 16 benefic results
vii) in combustion: 1/ 32
benefic results
benefic results
The above order should be
reversed for malefic. The benefics are good in exaltation and malefic are good
in debilitation., A malefic debilitated planet must give 3/ 4 benefic results
and when exalted gives only 1/ 32 benefic results. This will be found to hold
truer in respect of finance.
reversed for malefic. The benefics are good in exaltation and malefic are good
in debilitation., A malefic debilitated planet must give 3/ 4 benefic results
and when exalted gives only 1/ 32 benefic results. This will be found to hold
truer in respect of finance.
Concept of Nakshtra & their lords
Concept of Nakshtra & their lords
classical texts are silent about exact role of Nakshtra & their lords of
delineating a chart. However it is generally agreed that one of the major
influences on any planet or lagna is of its Nakshtra lord, its placement,
association or aspects. The real, subtle and invisible strength emerges only
when Nakshtra and their lords are integrated in analysis of a chart.
classical texts are silent about exact role of Nakshtra & their lords of
delineating a chart. However it is generally agreed that one of the major
influences on any planet or lagna is of its Nakshtra lord, its placement,
association or aspects. The real, subtle and invisible strength emerges only
when Nakshtra and their lords are integrated in analysis of a chart.
2. The zodiac is divided
into 27 equal parts each of 13 degrees 20 minutes, called Nakshtra. Each
Nakshtra has four quarters (Pada) of 3 degrees 20 minutes each. Each sign thus
has nine quarters of Nakshtras starting from all four quarters of Ashwani in
Aries. The nine planets rules each Nakshtra in the same sequence in which dasha
periods in Vimshotri dasha are allotted. The analysis of a horoscope should be
done as under:
into 27 equal parts each of 13 degrees 20 minutes, called Nakshtra. Each
Nakshtra has four quarters (Pada) of 3 degrees 20 minutes each. Each sign thus
has nine quarters of Nakshtras starting from all four quarters of Ashwani in
Aries. The nine planets rules each Nakshtra in the same sequence in which dasha
periods in Vimshotri dasha are allotted. The analysis of a horoscope should be
done as under:
i) The Nakshtra rising in
the house is given preference over the sign. The planets influencing the house
indicate basically the promise of the house.
the house is given preference over the sign. The planets influencing the house
indicate basically the promise of the house.
ii) The planets’ behavior
is determined more as per their placements in the Nakshtra rather than in the
is determined more as per their placements in the Nakshtra rather than in the
iii) Two planets posited
in different houses but under same quarter of Nakshtra lord will influence each
other and manifest common behavior whether they have any mutual aspect or not.
This may be strengthened further because the same quarters of a Nakshtra are in
trine to each other.
in different houses but under same quarter of Nakshtra lord will influence each
other and manifest common behavior whether they have any mutual aspect or not.
This may be strengthened further because the same quarters of a Nakshtra are in
trine to each other.
iv) The characteristics of
a Nakshtra for various aspects are obtained after synthesizing the attributes
of a planet ruling the sign and Nakshtra lord vis-à-vis the houses they rule.
For example the characteristics of Bharini Nakshtra will be as per Mars (house
lord) and Venus (Nakshtra lord) and houses over which they rule in a chart.
a Nakshtra for various aspects are obtained after synthesizing the attributes
of a planet ruling the sign and Nakshtra lord vis-à-vis the houses they rule.
For example the characteristics of Bharini Nakshtra will be as per Mars (house
lord) and Venus (Nakshtra lord) and houses over which they rule in a chart.
Shanker Adawal
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