Encyclopedia of Vedic Astrology: Yogas:- Parivartan (Exchange) Yogas, Chapter XI, Part – 1

Dr. Shanker Adawal

are various ways in which one planet influences another or gets influenced in
return. The simplest way is of being together in a house/ sign. When two or
more planets join together in one house, they influence each other and modify
each other’s results in a significant manner from what they would have produced
singly. We have discussed such cases in Chapter No. 4 on “Conjunction of

Another important method of one planet influencing the other is by aspect. The
aspect may be mutual or singly. In mutual aspect, the two planets mutually
transfer their characteristics to each other in proportion of their strength
and thus modify each other’s results. A planet may aspect the other/ others
singly or the planet may aspect others without getting aspected in return. This
unilateral aspect transfers the characteristics of the aspecting planet to
those it aspects. In this method the aspecting planet influence the aspected
planet/ (s) without getting influenced itself.

There is also a third method by which two planets mutually influences each
other; this is called Parivartan
Yoga. The “Parivartan” is a Hindi word meaning exchange. This yoga takes place
when two planets exchange their houses. By doing so, they tend to closely link
two different houses, besides linking themselves. In this yoga, not only the
planets share their characteristics, but the two concerned house also influence
each other modifying each other’s characteristics. The planets undergoing
exchange modify and gain some strength and behave as if they are located each
in his own house.

The Parivartan yogas are an important feature of Vedic astrology. Any
delineation of a horoscopic chart must include an identification of any
Parivartan yoga present therein. Benefic yogas are produced if the exchange
involves the lords of benefic houses. However, if the lords of adverse houses
are involved, the results will also be adverse. Sometimes the exchange takes
place between a benefic and a malefic lord; in such a case, the result will
show the nature of the stronger of the two lords. The results in general are
indicated by the nature, strength, and mutual friendship between the two lords.
Any other planet conjunct/ associated or aspecting either of the two lords also
modify the results.

Shri Mantreshwar, author of “Phaldeepika”, have divided the Parivartan yogas
into three categories, depending on the nature of the houses involved.

They involve exchange between benefic houses-1st,
2nd, 4th, 5th, 7th, 9th,
10th, and 11th lords. These are 28 in number. They
promise wealth, health, status & physical enjoyments.

Dainya Yogas:
They involve exchange of Trika (6th,
8th, & 12th) lords with lords of other houses. They
are 30 in number and generally produce adverse results regarding health,
troubles from enemies & wicked nature.

Khal Yogasa:
These yogas are produced when 3rd
lord exchanges place with lords of houses other than Trika houses. They are eight
in number. They indicate fickle & wicked nature, fluctuating fortunes and

However the author is of the opinion that in addition to three group of
exchange mentioned above, there are two more groups. One is exchange of lords
of houses within Trika house, called Vipreet Raj Yoga. These are three in
number. The other group is between lords of auspicious lords of houses (1st,
5th, 9th & 10th) on the one hand and the
lords of houses 3rd, 6th, 8th, & 12th,
on the other hand. These yogas are 16 in number and produce good results if the
lords of auspicious houses are strong. It is proposed to discuss Maha yogas,
Vipreet Rajyogas and yogas of auspicious yogas in this chapter. The other dainya and Khal
yogas will be discussed in a separate chapter later.

Shanker Adawal

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