Encyclopedia of Vedic Astrology: Yogas:- Parivartan (Exchange) Yogas, Chapter XI, Part – 4


Dr. Shanker Adawal
Exchange of 4th lord with lords of other benefic houses
With 5th Lord:
This is an extra-ordinary good
Rajyoga as it is exchange of a Kendra and Trikone lords. It is a link between Poorva Punya with the present one. It
promises great happiness and success in life in field of education, luxuries,
comforts and authority. One may be a creative genius. It also indicates
happiness from children, who are comfortably settled. One gets inheritance from
both parents and becomes wealthy. If either lord is afflicted, it is an Arishta to parents. If Mars influences
Venus, one may have sexual overtures towards fairer sex. If afflicted by Rahu,
one may be addicted to gambling/ satta.
With 7th Lord:
Although it is an exchange between
two Kendra lords, yet it gives mixed results. Probably so, because 7th
is a Marak house & primary house
of spouse and if the lords are natural benefic, they suffer from Kendra-dhipati Dosh. The position gets
worsened if if either lord is afflicted. The spouse is more dominating to the
extent of causing tension. If 4th house gets afflicted, one may lose
affection of mother; and if 7th gets afflicted, one may marry late
or domestic harmony gets spoiled.
However, normally it indicates comforts, luxuries,
happiness and vahan-Sukh through
wife. The native will have high academic/ professional qualifications. If the
two lords are unblemished and related with Venus, one may marry early and gets
a wife with pleasing personality & disposition. Since 4th is 10th
of 7th house, one gets a wife, who is working or otherwise assist the
native in his profession. One will settle far or near his home depending on
whether the two lords are in fixed or movable signs.
The native has exchange of 4th lord Moon
with 7th lord Venus, both in identical degrees as lagna. Both
planets suffer from Kendra-dhipati Dosh.
The native is well-educated, pediatrician,having a serving doctor as wife. He
has all the comforts & luxuries of life, as both are having good medical
practice. His Moon is weak in Paksha-bala
with no benefic influence and Venus is in Rahu-Ketu axis afflicted by Saturn.
His wife is very dominating to the extent of causing marital disharmony at
times. He stays with his in-laws and do not enjoy affection of his mother,
although attached to her.
With 9th Lord:
This is an exchange of a Kendra &
a Trikone lord, yet normally it gives only mixed results as the two houses are
in 6-8 position from each other. If neither gives the best of happiness nor the
best of luck. If benefics do not influence them, one may have more failures
& depressions than achievements & gains in life. However, it is a great
Rajyoga. It gives native high fame & comforts, Vahan-Sukhand follow religious pursuits. One will have large land
& landed properties and high status in the society. It is very auspicious
for foreign journeys’ settlement.
With 10th Lord:
In this exchange, the two lords still
aspect their respective houses; hence the significations of both the houses get
enriched. As far as career is concerned, one will have success in one’s
profession and will rise very high. One acquires expertise in various fields.
One will have many properties & vehicles. One may get into profession
concerning properties, vehicles or army or profession which require expert
knowledge of them.
The native had Yogkaraka 4-5th lord Saturn
(associated with 9th lord Mercury causing Kendra-Trikonadhipati yoga) exchange place with 10th
lord Moon giving an excellent Rajyoga. He also had Gajkesari yoga in 1st-4th
house. The Moon being in 2nd house from Rahu cases Mahashakti yoga,
giving native abundance of courage, tolerance and success in every field. The
royal planet Sun is in his own sign in 11th house with Mars. The native
began career as a brave soldier. He was the product of French revolution, which
made him very popular. The great Rajyogas mentioned above, made him a ruler. On
6 Dec 1804, during Rahu-Moon dasha, he declared himself an Emperor of France,
and was crowned by the Pope himself.
With 11th Lord:
The exchange of 4th &
11th lord is not considered good as they form 6-8 relationship. This
is an Arishta to self, mother, father
and education. If Moon & 4th lord are strong, one will be
attached to mother and gain land, properties and comforts as part of
inheritance from mother/ maternal side. One may be liberal, helpful, and
charitable, but may not be a successful businessman. The parents may not be
healthy and may even die during periods/ sub-periods of either lord.

Shanker Adawal

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