Encyclopedia of Vedic Astrology: Yogas:- Raj Yogas, Chapter V, Part – 5


Dr. Shanker Adawal

Some Common Raj Yogas

Amsavatara Yoga:
If Jupiter & Venus are in Kendras,
lagna is in a movable sign and Saturn is exalted in a Kendra, this yoga is
formed. The yoga bestows unsullied name & fame, versatile learning, fond of
sex pleasures, passions under control, authority of philosophy and great
kingship or like him. The emphasis is on unsullied/ pure reputation and royal
The native was King of
Britain from Dec 1936 to Feb 1952. He had Jupiter and Venus in 10th
house and Lagna, which are in movable sign. He had exalted Saturn as well in
Lagna. Thus he had Hamsa, Malavya and Sasa Mahapurush yogas. Buddha-aditya yoga
in 2nd house aspected by exalted Jupiter made a learned & wise
King. 10th lord Moon conjoin with 2-7th lord Mars to make
him very rich.

Bheri Yoga:
This yoga is formed, when Lagnesh, Jupiter and Venus
are in mutual Kendra; and 9th lord is powerful. Alternatively
Mercury & Venus conjoin in 1st, 2nd, 7th,
or 12th house with strong 10th lord. This yoga makes one
long lived, ruler, income from various sources, religious and happy with wife
& children.

The native is a popular
leader of Russia. He has lagnesh  Venus
in lagna (Malavya yoga), in mutual aspect with Jupiter posited in 7th
house 9th lord Mercury in digbali in lagna in friendly Libra, and is
strong being Vargottam. He also has Chaamra,
Parvat, & Shrinath
yogas as well. There is exchange of 3rd
lord Jupiter with 7th Lord Mars. These yogas made him a popular,
very wealthy, unorthodox, and prosperous head of a great nation. His political
rise started with beginning of Jupiter dasha and on 31 Dec 1999, during Jupiter
– Mars dasha, he became President of Russia. Since then, till date, he is
ruling Russia with a firm hand either as President or the Prime Minister.
Chaamara Yoga:
This also has two variants- exalted lagna
lord occupying a Kendra and aspected by Jupiter; or alternately two good
benefics conjoin in lagna, 7th, 9th, or 10th
house. This yoga confers on the native Kingship or honour through a king,
eloquence, long life, wisdom, and knowledge of several subjects.
The native had exalted
lagna lord, Saturn in 10th aspected by Jupiter from 4th
house, forming Chaamara yoga. He was a very popular leader of China and took
his nation on the path of progress & development. He had some other very
good yoga also in his chart. Like Chatusasagra, Gajhesari, Sasa & Malavya
Mahapurush yoga.

Chandika Yoga:
It is applicable for only for four fixed
sign Lagnas, Taurus, Leo, Scorpio & Aquarius. If the lords of Navamsha
occupied by 6th & 9th lord combine with Sun and the
fixed lagna is aspected by 6th lord, this yoga is formed. Here a
combination of good and evil forces is blended to give a good result. The
native will be aggressive, famous, holds political power, be a minister or
equal to him, wealthy, and have long & happy life.

Chatusasagara Yoga:
This yoga is caused when all the Kendra
are occupied. The Kendras are pillars of any horoscope and occupation of all of
them strengthens the chart immensely. This yoga destroys numerous afflictions
in a chart. The native will enjoy great name, fame, wealth, & status (like
a King). His reputation like a famous king will travel to the confines of the
four oceans and is blessed with long life, good health & good children.
However all Kendra does not have equal benevolence.

For illustration, please
refer to chart No. 18 of Mahatma Gandhi, who had seven planets in Kendra and
the other two-Sun & Saturn were posited on either side of the Lagna.

Danda Yoga:
This yoga is different from the one with same name in
Nabhas yoga. It also has two variants. If Venus aspects Jupiter placed in 3rd
house, while 3rd lord is in exaltation; or alternately all planets
are posited in 3rd, 4th, 6th, 9th,
and 12th signs, this yoga is caused. It makes native reputed &
able administrator like a king, and is very rich, pious & charitable.

Dhwaja Yoga:
This yoga is formed when all malefic are
in 8th house and all the benefics are in lagna. This yoga makes the
native a great commander or leader whose orders, multitudes of persons follow.

Ekavali Yoga:
If all the seven planets are posited in
six houses in a serial manner starting from lagna or any other house. This
gives the native universal name, fame and rerputation. He may or may not get
enough wealth. For illustration, please refer Chart No. 2 of Pt. J. L. Nehru,
who had all the planets from lagna to 6th house. Similarly Florence
Nightingale, founder of modern nursing had all the planets from 6th
to 11th house.

Jaya Yoga:
When 6th lord is debilitated and 10th
lord is deeply exalted, Jaya yoga is formed. Such a native will be happy, long
lived, victorious over his enemies and successful in all his ventures.

Kaarika Yoga:
When all planets are posited in 7th,
10th and 11th houses, this yoga is formed. One born with
this yoga even in an ordinary family attains kingship and has a great

Kahala Yoga:
This yoga is formed when lords of 4th
& 9th houses are in Kendra from each other and Lagna lord is
also strong. Alternatively, if 4th lord is exalted/in own house,
conjunct with or aspected by 10th lord. The native is daring,
stubborn, head of an army or state, receive favours from king, generous, and
happy in later part of life.

The native had 4th
lord Mercury and 9th lord Mars in Kendra (7th & 10th)
house and lagna lord Jupiter in 11th (his debility is doubly
cancelled by Moon & Mars). He also met the second condition as 4th
lord Mercury is exalted and is aspected by 10th lord Jupiter. He was
commander of allied forces during 2nd World war and later President
of USA from 1952-60 during dasha of 4th lord exalted Mercury.

Kalanidhi Yoga:
This yoga is formed when Jupiter in 2nd,
5th or 9th house is joined or aspected by Mercury and
Venus. The native is clever, praise worthy, learned, fearless, enjoy a very high
status, revered by kings, given to sensual pleasures, and immune to diseases.
The native had exalted
Jupiter in 2nd house in mutual aspect with Mercury & Venus
posited in 8th house. He was very upright, honest, disciplined,
revered, held several high post including Prime minister of India and had a
very sound heath till almost the end. He is the only person to have received
highest civilian award of both India and Pakistan.

Koorma Yoga:
This yoga is formed when benefics occupy
lagna, 3rd or 11th houses or alternatively 5th,
6th & 7th lords are in their exaltation,
Mool-Trikone, own or friendly signs. It makes one world famous, reputed,
princely status, courageous, leader of men, helpful to others and of mild
temperament. This yoga indicates fame, reputation & influence but not much

Kuldeepak Yoga:
It has two variants. If 3rd lord
is placed in 9th/10th house with 9th/10th
lord in lagna; or alternately Mercury, Jupiter & Venus (any two in Lagna)
and Mars in 10th house, cause Kuldeepak Raj yoga. Such a native
attains high status through self- efforts and bring up the name of his
The native was famous Rani
of Jhansi, who fought valiantly against Britishers during first war of
Independence. She was born in an ordinary family but rose to be the famous
queen and brightened not only the name of her family but of all Indians. She
had 3rd lord Jupiter in 9th house with 9th
lord Mercury in lagna to denote Kuldeepak Yoga.

Kusum Yoga:
It has two variants. Either Jupiter in lagna, with Moon in 7th and Sun in 2nd
house; or Saturn in 10th house with Venus in a Kendra in a fixed
sign and a weak Moon in a Trikone house causes this yoga. One with this yoga is
born in aristocrat family of illustrious lineage, attain high status in the
society, blessed with all the enjoyments, has unblemished glory and is

Shanker Adawal

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