Encyclopedia of Vedic Astrology: Yogas:- Yogas for Marriage & Progeny, Chapter XIII, Part – 5


Dr. Shanker Adawal
13. Yogas for
Jupiter and Venus in lagna with Venus longitudinally behind Jupiter.
Sun & Mars together in 1st, 7th, 8th, 10th
or 12th house without any benefic influence.
iii) Moon
& Rahu in 6th/ 7th house and Saturn conjoins or
aspects 7th lord.
iv) If
the lords of 7th & 8th conjoins in 8th
v) 7th
lord in 11th house and afflicted.
Planets occupying, aspecting or related with 2nd house/ lord or 8th
house/ lord, during their dasha/ antra cause widowhood.
Mars in 1st, 2nd, 4th, 7th, 8th,
or 12th house influenced by separative planets cause widowhood.
viii) 6th
or 8th from 7th house, their lords and Jupiter, when

The native was wife of one
of the most charismatic President of USA, Mr J.F. Kennedy. She was married to
him on 12 Sep 1953 During Venus – Ketu. She had Moon-Rahu in 7th
house while Saturn from previous house aspected Karaka Jupiter in 8th,
7th lord Mars in 11th house. Therefore her husband died
on 23 Nov 1963 during Moon-Rahu. She remarried business tycoon Aristotle
Oanasis on 20 Oct 1968 during Moon-Venus. But unfortunately she again became
widow on 15 Mar 1975 during dasha of Mars-Mercury.
14. Yogas for
Afflicted 11th lord related to 7th house, its lord or
ii) 7th
lord is strong and is related with benefics.
iii) 2nd
house is aspected by benefics including 2nd lord.
iv) 7th
lord, 2nd lord or Venus/ Jupiter is related with benefics and 2nd
Venus/ Jupiter occupies 11th house and 11th lord is
related to 2nd house.
In the above chart No.
133, the native remarried after her husband’s death because Jupiter & Venus
aspect 2nd house and 7th lord Mars from 11th
house aspect 2nd house.
15. Introduction
Once a native grows up
into an adult, to realize the goal of life, whether apparent or real, he
immerses in everyday world and various social relations. Marriage & progeny
are the basic tools which link him to the social/ spiritual fabric. During the
course of life, the motivation for involving oneself in the external world
arises from the basic impulse of multiplication. The birth of a child is a
unique creation of oneself and represents the basic urge of self-expression.
Whatever one could not achieve in one’s lifetime, one desires to accomplish
through his child. From time immemorial, couples pray to almighty to bless them
with children. The delay or denial of this blessing has caused sadness and at
times havoc to many. Natives have gone to any length or method to achieve this
desire. As per Vedic religious code, it is one’s sacrosanct duty to have at
least a child to repay the Pitr-rin
and ensure one’s Vansha-Vriddhi or
continuation of family lineage.
The 5th is
basic house for progeny. The 5th from lagna, Moon and Jupiter
(Karaka of progeny) indicates children. Other important houses are Lagna (the
microscope of the entire horoscope), 2nd (as arrival of a child is
an addition to family), 9th (5th of 5th by Bhavet Bhavam) and 11th
(house of fulfillment of desires and also 5th of the spouse). Venus
produces semen, while ovam is denoted by Mars. Sun, Mars, Jupiter & Rahu
are Male planets, Moon, Venus & Ketu are females, while Mercury &
Saturn are considered eunuch planets. Aries, Gemini, Leo & Virgo are
considered barren signs. Ketu is abortive node and Mars causes caesarean birth.
16. Procreative Power
Man’s strength to
impregnate depends on the strength of Sun and the strength of semen on Venus.
The sound condition of ovary in females is indicated by the Moon and the
fitness of ovum is shown by Mars. The conception takes place when the seed is
healthy and the soil is fertile and the planetary position permits. When 7th
lord occupies Nakshtra of Mercury/ Saturn and the two planets are in their own
or in each others’ Nakshtra, the procreative power is weak. However it is seen
that a very fertile soil may get impregnated by even a week seed.
It is an index of the virility in a man to impregnate.
It is calculated by adding longitudes (from zero degree in Aries) of Sun, Venus
& Jupiter. If the sum reveals an odd sign in birth chart and in odd
Navamsha, virility is assured. If the resultant sum is odd at one place and
even at the other, the virility is limited and requires some medical help and/
or astrological remedies to produce a child after some delay/ difficulty. If
both are in even sign, the seed is almost defective or virile power is not
Kshetra-Sphuta: In
case of females, it indicates the fecundity in a lady. The Kshetra-Sphuta is calculated by adding the longitudes of Moon, Mars
& Jupiter. If the resultant sum (after ignoring multiplies of 12 signs), is
in even sign in natal chart and in even Navamsha, the soil is fully fertile. If
one is odd and the other is even, children are expected after delay/
difficulties with the help of medical and astrological means. If both are in
odd signs, the soil is not fertile. However a strong Jupiter, Lagnesh and 10th
lord may still give positive results if followed by astrological remedies/ necessary
medical/ surgical help.

Shanker Adawal

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