Encyclopedia of Vedic Astrology: Yogas:- Yogas Related with The Sun & Moon, Chapter VIII, Part – 3


Dr. Shanker Adawal


Anafa Yoga:
When there is at least a planet in the 12th
house from the Moon (with no planet in 2nd), the Anafa yoga is formed. Like Sunafa yoga, it also has 31 variants.
As the planet/ (s) is in
12th house (of expenditure) from Moon, the emphasis here is on
enjoyment, comforts and spending on causes as per the nature of planet
The native born with this
yoga, is healthy, affable, renowned, eloquent orator, virtuous, authoritative,
pleasant in looks, and given to varied material comforts/luxuries. As per Mansagri, different planet when posited
alone in 12th house from Moon gives results as under:

Leader of a group of person, bold, praise worthy, hurtful to others, arrogant,
good looking, persevere and courageous.
Eloquent, honoured by rulers, well versed in music,
acting, dance & poetry, handsome and renowned.
Blessed with strength, virtues, energetic, learned,
wealthy, honoured by rulers, and if Jupiter aspects 6th house from
lagna, one is happy & contended.
Charmer of young folks, adulterous, blessed with
wealth, vehicles & material comforts and sweet tongued.
Owner of vast lands & vehicles, enjoy wealth of
others, wicked, inclined towards forbidden pursuits.
Sunafa/ Anafa yogas are formed by many planets, the yoga becomes strong and the
results of each of them get modified.
For illustration, please
refer chart No. 53 of cine star Amitabh Bachhan. Here Moon is in 9th
house, but is weak in both Paksha &
Dig bala
and with exalted & Vargottam Jupiter in 6th forms
Gajkesari yoga. In 12th from Moon, there are three planets (excluding
Sun), 10th lord Mars, exalted 8th lord Mercury and
Yogkaraka Neech Bhang Venus in 8th
house. Mars made him persevere, bold & courageous. Mercury gave him a husky
& affectionate voice and Venus gave him material comforts and honours.
However since the Yoga is formed in 8th house in dual sign, his
achievements are somewhat delayed and with ups & down.
Durudhara Yoga:
When planets other than Sun, occupy both
the 2nd and 12th house, this yoga is formed. Here the
native simultaneously possess/ accumulate on the one hand and enjoy the
expenditure on the other. Durudhara caused by benefic planets is definitely
superior to one caused by malefic. This is equivalent to a Kartari yoga confers
immense wealth, lands, vehicles, servants, material comforts & luxuries,
and freedom from enemies.
Depending on one or more
planets in the 2nd/12th house from Moon, there could be
180 variants. The results produced by this yoga depend upon the nature of
planets that surrounds the Moon. If the planets are in their sign of
exaltation, own or friend’s, or in own Navamsha, the results are better. But if
Moon is close to Sun or Rahu/ Ketu, the results get reduced. The general
results, as per Mansagri, are as
Mars & Mercury:
Untruthful, clever, wicked, greedy, rich,
respected in own family, and addicted to elderly women.
Mars & Jupiter:
Renowned and wealthy, accumulator of
fortunes earned by own efforts, courageous, easily angered, protector of his
kith & kin, contended, but harassed by opponents.
Mars & Venus:
Handsome, valorous, athletic, efficient,
wealthy, and blessed with a lovely wife.
Mars & Saturn:
Addicted to unchaste women, wicked, easily
angered, treacherous, annihilator of enemies, bold, rich, hoarder and without
Mercury & Jupiter:
Religiously inclined, intelligent,
eloquent, rich, highly renowned, a minister and honoured by rulers.
Mercury & Venus:
Sweet tongued, good looking, fond of music
& fine arts, heroic, and commands respect.
Mercury &  Saturn:

Goes from place to place to earn money, moderate learning, opposed to his own
kith & kin, but commands respect.
Jupiter & Venus:
Blessed with wisdom, intelligence &
comforts, very renowned, steadfast, a royal man, a minister, and prosperous.
Jupiter & Saturn:
Blessed with wealth, comforts, learning,
quiet temperament, contended or renunciant, learned, hard working.
Venus & Saturn:
Clever, wealthy, favoured by rulers, of
mature thinking, head of his family/clan, and liked by women.
The native is a famous
model, dancer and actress of Hindi films. She has digbali Moon in 4th
house hemmed between two natural benefics Mercury & Jupiter. Venus, the
Karaka of music is digbali with Moon in the 4th house only. This has
given her multifacet talents in the field of music & acting. During Moon
dasha, she was selected as Miss World and got Filmfare award in 1994. She is a
beautiful, green eyed, and great favourite at the pageant. In the beginning of
Rahu dasha, in Jan 2008, she got married to another top actor, Abhishek
Bachhan, more than three years younger to her. She has acted in Hindi, Tamil.
Bengali & English films and is currently one of the top heroine of
Kemdrum Yoga:
This yoga is formed when there is no
planet either in 2nd or 12th house from the Moon. The
presence of Sun in these houses is of no consequence. A native born with this
yoga is bereft of health, wealth, learning, wisdom, wife, and mental peace.
This yoga reduces a native born even in a royal family to a pauper and he
suffers from misery, failures, illness and humiliation. This yoga primarily
leads to financial losses and fall from status.
The Moon is considered
inherently weak. It proves adverse unless it is supported at least on one side
by planets other than Sun or Nodes. There is no similar yoga with Sun, which is
supposed to be strong enough to stand alone and deliver its results. As per
Jatak Parijaat and Jaimini system, there are several other planetary
combinations, which leads to formation of Kemdrum yoga and arer equally bad.
According to classics, the
Kemdrum yoga gets cancelled under any of the following circumstances:
of planets in a Kendra from the lagna. When this takes place, the adverse Kemdrum yoga yields place to a highly
benefic Kalpadruma yoga, which bestows all comforts on the native.
Presence of a planet in a Kendra from the Moon.
The Moon or Venus occupying a Kendra associated with or aspected by Jupiter.
iv) A
strong Moon in a Kendra aspected by or associated with Mercury, Jupiter or
Moon in Navamsha, occupying its exaltation, own or friend’s sign and aspected
by Jupiter.
vi) A
full Moon occupying the lagna in conjunction with a benefic.
Moon exalted in 10th house and aspected by a benefic.
viii) If
Mars & Jupiter are in Libra, Sun in Virgo and Moon in Aries.
The cancellation of an adverse yoga, first considers the existence of the yoga
and then its cancellation. Therefore some effects of such as adverse yoga do
manifest, before they get cancelled.
The native was famous
actor of Hindi films. His Moon was debilitated & in Rahu-Ketu axis and
there was no planet on either side of it, giving rise to Kendrum Yoga. However presence of Jupiter in 4th and
Venus in 10th from the Moon, caused cancellation of this yoga.
Additionally there is Mercury in a Kendra from Lagna. Thus Kemdrum yields place to Kalpadrum
Yoga. The native earned a great name for his acting qualities in number of
Hindi films and became a wealthy person (confirmed by Gajkesari yoga in 2nd
& 11th house). However since Moon is 7th lord, he
could not get married and died of a heart attack during dasha of Moon only.


Shanker Adawal
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