Encyclopedia of Vedic Astrology: Yogas:- Yogas with Trikone Houses and their Lords, Chapter IX, Part – 2


Dr. Shanker Adawal
Yogas with Trikones & their lords
Bhagya Yoga:
This yoga is formed when 9th
lord is in 11th house with Jupiter in either house, or a strong benefic
is posited in lagna, 3rd or 5th house aspecting 9th
house. A strong lagna, 3rd, or 5th or 9th
house with equally strong Jupiter enable the native to be wise, prosperous and
extremely fortunate. The native with such a yoga is wealthy, fortunate, pleasure
loving, and prosperous person.
The native is at present
the President of India. She has Jupiter in own Nakshtra in 5th house
aspecting 9th house and the lagna. It also aspect 8-9th
lord Saturn in 9th house. She 
has exchange of lords of 5th and 7th houses also.
As soon as Jupiter dasdha started, she had an unorthodox marriage with Mr. Devi
Singh of Rajasthan in Jul 1965. In Jul 2007 she was suddenly elected to the
highest post of President of India due to combined effect of Saturn & Jupiter.
Bharati Yoga:
If 9th lord is associated with
exalted lord of Navamsha of 2nd, 5th or 11th
lord, this yoga is formed. A Native with this yoga will be a reputed scholar,
fond of music, religiously inclined, romantic and handsome.
Bhupa Yoga:
When 9th lord from Navamsha lord of Rahu,
conjoins 5th lord in own sign and is aspected by Mars, this yoga is
formed. Such a native is victorious in warfare and attains high military and
administrative status.
Gola Yoga:
This yoga is different from the one of same name in
Nabhas Yogas. This type is formed when full Moon is in 9th house
with Jupiter and Venus or Mercury is in Navamsha lagna. Here the stress is on
full Moon & Gajkesari in 9th house and strong position of
Mercury/ Venus in Navamsha. The native will be wealthy, polite, learned,
long-lived, a magistrate or local head and eat good food.
Kulvardhana Yoga:
This yoga is formed when all the seven
planets are in the 5th house from Ascendant, Moon or from the Sun.
The stress is on the 5th house of progeny; probably one more element
from Jupiter, the karaka of progeny could also have been added. This yoga
blesses native with unbroken line of succession, wealthy & long life. The
native will have plenty of good progeny, and family traditions perpetuated by
children and grand-children.
Matsaya Yoga:
If lagna and 9th house are
joined with a malefic, and 5th house by both benefic & malefic
planets aspecting 4th and 8th houses from lagna, this
yoga is formed. In Sanskrit, “Matsaya
means fish, and this yoga is supposed to be a very favourable yoga. This is a
rare and peculiar yoga, because of involvement of all the Trikone houses. Such
a native will be an ocean of love, a reader of times, good natured, famous, of
strong character, religious and learned.
Nagendra Yoga:
This yoga is formed when 9th
lord is posited in 3rd house and is aspected by Jupiter. This yoga
bestows on the native good physique, good nature, prosperity and knowledge.
Padma Yoga:
This yoga is formed if the 9th lords from Ascendant
and from Moon are in 7th from Venus. A native born in this yoga is
very happy, rich, enjoys all type of comforts & luxuries, and is involved
in many auspicious activities.
The native is a famous
politician of Bihar. In his chart, 9th lord from Ascendant and from
Moon happens to be Jupiter posited in own Mooltrikone sign and is in 7th
from Venus, 2-7th lord. This conferred Padma yoga on him. Between
him and his wife, they were chief minister of Bihar from 1990 to 2005 and from
2004 to ’09 he was a successful union minister for Railways. 10-11th
lord Saturn in 4th house made him a popular mass leader. But with
Lagna and lagna lord both afflicted by Rahu, he was involved in various scams
as well.
Shiva Yoga:
This yoga is formed when 5th lord is in 9th
house or 10th lord in 5th house and 9th lord
is in 10th house. The native with such a yoga will be a big trader,
or a conqueror/ commander of army. He will possess divine wisdom and will lead
a virtuous life. This yoga establishes relations among Trikone houses (5th
& 9th) and the strongest Kendra (10th house). In
chart no. 53 of Dhirubhai Ambai, 5th lord is in 9th and 9th
lord is in Lagna.
Shrinath Yoga:
This yoga has two variants. Either 9th
lord, is in mutual Kendra/ Trikone with Venus and Mercury is in own, friendly
or exaltation sign; or 7th lord is in its exaltation sign in 10th
house; but in either case, the 9th lord should be related with 10th
lord. Such a native will be wealthy, religious, & clever and loved by all
like a king.
The native was owner of
T-series. He had an ordinary childhood Followed by a sudden rise in career
during dasha of exalted 9th lord Jupiter. The native had Shrinath
yoga as 9th lord exalted Jupiter is in mutual Trikone with exalted
2-7th lord Venus, while Mercury is in friendly sign of Venus in 2nd
house and exalted 10th lord Saturn aspected exalted 9th
lord Jupiter. This has also made him highly religious, clever and loved by
Trikone-adipathi Yoga:
This yoga is formed when lords of all the
Trikone i.e. of 1st, 5th, & 9th houses,
conjoin in a Kendra house with the lord of that Kendra. However better results
are obtained if it takes place in 10th house or lagna. This is a
highly auspicious yoga making the native highly intelligent, great scholar,
with great name and fame, although he may not be sufficiently wealthy.
The lady was a great
French scientist (Born Polish). She had Lagna lord Saturn, Yogkaraka 4-9th
lord Venus, & 5th lord Mercury, conjoin 10th lord Mars
in 10th house of mystic Scorpio without any aspect/ affliction. This
made her highly intelligent, and learned scientist. Her Venus lost in planetary
war to Saturn, making her a widow at a young age during Mercury-Rahu dasha. Her
5th & 9th houses were free from affliction and
aspected by divine Jupiter, in the Nakshtra of 10th lord Mars from
Lagna. Thus she also had Gajkesari, Ruchika, Parijaat, Dharma-Karmadhikari and
one Neech Bhang Rajyoga. During the
dasha of 5-8th lord Mercury, She got
Noble Prize for Chemistry Twice (a unique feat) –
first during Mercury-Mars
in 1903 for study on radioactivity and again during Merucry-Saturn in 1911 for
discovery of Radium & Polonium. Hers
was a great family of scientists, as her husband and Daughter also got Noble Prize
for Chemistry.
Vibhavasu Yoga:
This yoga is formed if Jupiter & Moon
are in 9th house (Gajkesari Yoga), and Mars in own or exaltation
sign in 10th house. By implication, it also means that lagna is
strong aspected by strong Jupiter & Mars. A native with this yoga will be
wealthy, attains high status, has adorable wife and leads a happy personal
Viranchi Yoga:
This yoga is formed if Jupiter or Saturn
as 5th lord is in its own, friendly or exaltation sign and occupy a
Kendra/ Trikone. A native with such a yoga will be wealthy, intelligent,
religious, gentle and has good wife and children.
The native has been the
only female Prime Minister of Britain from 1979 to 1990. She had Viranchi Yoga
as 5th lord Saturn is in exaltation in lagna in identical degrees
with lagna. She was no doubt one of the most intelligent and wealthy lady who
ruled Britain for over a decade. She did not have Saturn dasha in effective
life period of hers. Therefore Rahu, who is posited alone in 10th
house in Nakshtra of Saturn and is aspected by Yogkaraka Saturn from lagna,
delivered the results of Saturn. Rahu’s depositor Moon is placed in 2nd
house from Rahu, forming Mahashakti yoga, giving native abundance of courage
and success in her political career. During Rahu-Saturn, on 5 Apr 1979, she
became Prime Minister of Britain and remained a strong Prime Minister for rest
of the Rahu period.
3.14 A
great Rajyoga & Dhanyoga is formed if 2nd lord is in 11th
house aspected by Lagna lord and lord of 5th/ 9th house,
whether from lagna or from Moon sign.
The native was last Nizam
of Hyderabad (ruler from 1911 to 1948). He had 2nd lord Mars in 11th
house, aspected by lagna lord Venus and 5th lord Saturn. From Moon
sign also, 2nd lord Venus is in 11th house aspected by
Moon sign lord Mars and 9th lord Jupiter from previous sign. He was
one of the wealthiest persons of the world.
Dharma Trikone is the most important group of houses in any horoscope. For
success or failure of any yoga, it is essential that these houses are strong.
If these houses are strong, a native will be bestowed all that one can desire
or hope for. But, if somehow 10th or 11th house could be
associated with them, we can have much more useful yoga. Among the Trikone
houses/ lords, Lagna/ its lord has a special place, as lagna is a Kendra as
well as a Trikone. Secondly for any Yoga to fructify, the strength of lagna
& its lord is very essential. In this chapter we have discussed 26 yoga
with the help of 11 charts.

Shanker Adawal
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