Essential Planetary Principles: The Sun
Dr. Shanker Adawal (Jyotishaacharya, PHD, MBA)
Sun is the source of the entire solar system. He is also called the “Father of the Stars”. The Sun is the nearest star to the earth. The Hindus regard the Sun as the centre of all life, force and energy, and the giver of Praana. Prayers are offered to the Sun thrice daily and is said to represent Brahma, the Creator, with all his four faces to have a survey of all the four directions causing four seasons and the four elements, namely, fire, earth, air and water. Sundays (known as the Sabbath day in the West) are declared holidays to worship, the Sun. According to Greek mythology the Sun is termed Apollo and the son of Jupiter and Latonia. Apollo is the brother of Diana.
The Sun stands to us as a symbol of spirit. The Hindus consider him to be the soul of Kalapursha, the Moon is the mind, Mercury is the speech, Jupiter is knowledge and happiness, Venus is his desire and Saturn in his misery, etc. The Sanskrit names of the Sun are Aaditya, Arka, Bhaanu, Dinkar, Heli, Pusha, Ravi, Surya and Taapan. In Persian he is known as Aaftaab. In astrology, the Sun gives to every living organism Praan or soul of life, heat and stands to each nativity as the symbol of vitality and activity, mind and intellect, love and feeling. In one word, he represents the centre of each separate individual character as the sum total of himself by absorbing into himself as much of the influence of the solar rays and the planetary vibrations as possible during his previous physical manifestations. The permanent and vital conditions of each life are denoted by the Sun.
In the outer world, he signifies the king, emperor, President or chieftain as Head of the State and where the real power is exercised by the Prime Minister. The Sun represents the Prime Minister or by whatever name otherwise you may call him, together with or the King’s or the Nation’s or the Government’s representatives and anyone, who is exalted in position superior in general, down to the employer and the husband as the head of the household. He represents these not as private persons, but only in respect of their relative position or rank. He also signifies the places in which such persons carry on their characteristic activities such as palaces, Government Houses, Secretaries official residences, large or grand edifices perhaps theatres, bankers, ministers, money gold and goldsmith, diamonds, the colour of orange. In some lists, carbuncle and other stones are included also pinsetters, bronzers, coppersmiths, but these are doubtful and are only to be taken as representatives of ornament, luxury and display in general. He governs Sun light and all other vital or other forces proceeding from the Sun and flowing through the solar system, enabling life and all activities to be carried on.
In consciousness, he signifies power, the sense of dignity, authority, grandeur, pride, ostentation, subtle ardour, generosity, will; he vitalizes desire as well as Wisdom.
In body, the Sun Sun rules the heart and circulation arteries, eyes, spinal chord and the vital force.
The Sun, Moon and the Ascendant are the three forces upon which life depends.
The sign in which the Sun is placed affects the individuality. The house in which the Sun is placed is of very great importance in our development. If the Sun receives strong harmonious aspects or is favourably posited (i.e. in a congenial house or sign) then the circumstances are favourable for the development and expression of the inner side; if, on the other hand, the Sun is posited in less harmonious houses or signs and is afflicted by one or more planets then there would be clouds before its face, so that the flow of vital force is only felt in parts, One has more self-confidence, more vitality, and more influence on others in proportion to the strength of the Sun, one is then less liable to outside influences because one gives so much energy to himself. That is why the Sun is naturally weak in the sign given to self-sacrifice and meekness (i.e. those owned by his son Saturn), a “Sunny” man does not know the word “sacrifice” He gives of his own fullness because he cannot but do so and the very giving procures him his joy and ever increasing growth (Leo ruled by the Sun), is above all Sunny radiating rich, proud, generous; the ideal ruler who guides the good and the wicked by the force of his being, the strength of his warm heart.
The Sun is a dry, masculine, positive and hot planet. He is the God of Fire and is fiery by nature. It indicates father, Satwaguna, windy and bilious temperament, a male, Kshatriya. He rules over the direction East and the months of June and July (Gresham or hot season). His day is Sunday. His precious stones are Ruby and diamond. Those who suffer trouble, eye diseases or those who want security in service or power in Government or favours fromhigh Government officials can use these gems to enjoy health and success and be able to realize their ambition.
His numbers are 1 (positive) and 4 (negative). The dates governed by these numbers are- 1, 4, 10, 13, 19, 22, 28, 31.
Similarly good years in life are 1, 10, 19, 28, 37, 46, 55, 64, 73.
Bad dates are 7, 16, 25, and bad years in life are 7, 16, 25, 34, 43, 52, 61, 70, 79.
This number 7 is controlled by Neptune or Varuna according to westerners and is the negative number of the Moon according to Indian numerology.
Ruby, the Sun’s gem, is called padmaraag in Sanskrit and yakoot in Persian. For use on the body in a ring its weight should be about 600 milligrams. It should be embedded in a gold ring in such a way that it should touch the middle finger (the finger of Apollo). The gem should be fixed on a Sunday and the ring also used for the first time on a Sunday.
The significations will deteriorate and decline if the Sun is weak. The Sun’s effects will be noticed prominently during his major period (or mahadasa of 6 years) and his transits.
The Sun is the chief governor for father, soul, authority and for houses 1st (self), 9th, father and 10th, karma or profession). As chief governor for father, one should ascertain all about him as if the sign occupied by the Sun were the rising sign (ascendant) of the father. His appearance etc., will be indicated by the sign occupied by the Sun. The next sign will indicate his finances, family, etc; the 3rd will indicate all about brothers or sisters, etc; the 4th about the grand mother (father’s mother) and the father’s happiness, conveyances, etc.; the 5th from Sun sign will indicate the father’s intelligence and tranquility of mind. From the 6th house, about his sufferings, injuries, enemies, his maternal uncle; from the 7th his love or passions and his misery, death and longevity from the 8th. The 9th house from the Sun will indicate all about the grand father, the father’s religious merit, happiness, fortune, etc., while profession, name, fame and honour are to be judged from the 10th house to the Sun. His gains, income, pleasure and profit are to be looked into from the 11th house and his expenses, etc. from the 12th house to the Sun. These significations will be most marked if the Sun were to occupy the 9th house itself and in a broad sense or one could similarly examine the house in the same manner as indicated above as if the cusp were to be your father’s rising degree.
The Sun casts a quarter glance on the 3rd and 10th houses, half a glance on the 5th and 9th house and three-quarter glance on the 4th and 8th houses. He aspects the constellations of Mrigasiras (ruled by his friend Mars) and Svati (ruled by Rahu). His friends are Moon, Mars and Jupiter while Saturn, Venus and Rahu are his enemies and Mercury alone is his neutral.
He is strong in the first, ninth and tenth houses. His deep exaltation point is 10th degree of Aries and the most debilitated point the 10th degree of Libra. He is in his Moolatrikona up to 20 degrees in the sign of Leo and the rest of that sign constitutes his own house. His inimical signs are Taurus and Libra (ruled by Venus-Libra is also his sign of debilitation), Capricorn and Aquarius (ruled by Saturn-Aquarius his sign of fall) and Virgo (ruled by Mercury). The other Mercurial sign of Gemini is excluded from the list of inimical signs, as Mercury is not his enemy, but only a neutral.
If fortune is to rise due to occupation of a favourable position by the Sun, its dawn will be in the 22nd year. One could even take the years 22 and 23 together as the 24th year is assigned to the Moon.
The constellation ruled by him and their longitudes are given below:
Constellation Sign |
From Degree Minutes Sign |
To Degree Minutes |
Krittika |
0-26-40 |
1-10-0 |
Uttaraphalguni |
4-26-40 |
5-10-0 |
Purvasadha |
8-26-40 |
9-10-0 |
Each of these constellations is at a distance of 120 degree (4 signs) from the other.
Disease: Indicated by Sun: Any disease due to bad bile, disease of head, brain or bone or oesophagus, fever, eye-disease, disease of nerve, arteries, veins, lungs or heart. It also causes disease of mouth or cholera.
Metal: Gold, Mercury, Ruby.
Colour: Golden colour, red-copper colour.
Vocation: Physician, engineer, administrator in a Govt. Institution.
Birth star: Visakha (16) and Anuradha (17).
Digit: 12, 33, 48, 70.
Strength: Sun is strong when he occupies Aries, Leo or Scorpio sign or while full Moon is associated with 7, 13, 16 or 17th Stars (Nakshatras).
A man may possess Satwaguna, if Sun is conjoined with Moon, but there is chance of his losing power of thinking due to dark Moon (Amabasya). The native may be endowed with real Satwaguna if these two planets are posited opposite to each other. In that case the native becomes truly an energetic person and a lover of independence. While in case of a weak Sun the native cannot easily be successful in any of his endeavours. Combination of Sun and Saturn or if they are opposite to each other, or if Saturn is combust the native may experience many changes in his career, suffer from various sorts of troubles, will be unsuccessful in life or pass through many vicissitudes in life.
Note: It is a basic principle in astrology that the occupants of a house are stronger than the owner and in this background the planetary effects in the different houses or bhavas assume considerable importance.
To sum up: The Sun is the chief governor for-Father, one’s own self, happiness, dignity, courage; power, service under the sovereign (or Government), glory, any work relating to the God Shiva, trip to forest or mountainous regions, taking an active part in yagya (haven), temples, acuteness, exertion, anything auspicious, copper, gold.
It is also the significator of houses 1st (Ascendant), 9th, (along with Jupiter) and 10th, (along with Jupiter, Mercury and Saturn).