Form the birth chart of son, all matters relating to his father, can be looked on an examination and analysis of the following.
1) IX House.
2) Lord of the IX House
3) Sun, and how placed in the birth chart of Son.
4) Jupiter
In South India, father is looked from the Xth House but in most of books, Xth house refer to the determination of one’s rank, authority, profession, business/ social status and also stand for authority (command). Since Father can command his son, hence, it can be stated that the Xth house is also to be looked for father.
Apart form wealth/ bhagya, IXth house stand for father p receptor. Hence, all things relating to father are to be looked from the Ixth house of the birth chart of the son apart from the position of Jupiter and the Sun.
There are various well laid down principles for determining the health, wealth and longevity of the father from the ninth house of the son. Birth chart has preferably to be of the eldest son or daughter, if any.
Some of the combinations are discussed below.
INDIGENT/ POOR FATHER:- 9th lord debilitated while the 2nd/4th from the 9th is occupied by Mars. (Mars in the 10 or 12th from Ascendant will not allow inheritance).
LONG-LIVED FATHER- 9th Lord in deep exaltation, Venus in Kendra and Jupiter is in 9th form Navamsha Ascendant.
WEALTH AND FAMOUS/FATHER- Lord of 9th in the 10th while 10th lord being aspected by a benefic.
SON: when devoted to father. Sun in deep exaltation and 9th Lord is the 11th or Sun in a trine from the Ascendant and 9th lord in 7th conjunction with or aspect to Jupiter
ENMITY WITH FATHER- Death of father before birth of the native:
a) Sun in 6th/ 8th/ 12th as the 8th Lord is in 9th, 12th Lord in the Ascendant and 6th Lord in 5th.
b) Death of father within 1 year of birth of the native: Sun be in 8th and its, lord be in 9th.
c) Death of father during 3rd/ 16th year of the native- Lordof 12th in the 9th while 9th lord is in debilitated Navamsha.
d) Death of father in 2nd or 12 year of the native:- Ascendant lord in 8th Lord with Sun.
e) Death of father in 16th/18th year of the native: Rahu in 8th from 9th (4th from Ascendant) as the Sun is in 9th from 9th (5th from Ascendant).
f) Death of father in the 7th or 19th year of the native:- Saturn in the 9th from the Moon and the Sun with Rahu.
g) Death of father in the 44th year of the native:- 9th lord in 12th or the 12th lord in 9th.
h) Death of father in 35th/41st year of the native:- Ascendant lord in 8th as the Moon is in the Sun’s Navamsha.
i) Death of father in 50th year of the native:- Sun being the lord of the 9th is conjunct with Mars and Saturn.
Without multiplying combinations, it would be better to refer to the following two actual horoscopes and seek your guidance:
The native is son No. 2 of the father. Father expired on 16.08.1988 when the position of planets on that day was as under:
DOB:- 10.11.1959, TOB 9.30 P.M
BAL. JUP. DASHA Y-2, M-04, D-02
The date of father death, 9th house had Rahu and its lord happened to be in 7th house i.e. sing of Jupiter and in turn Ketu had 5th aspect on the 7th house. No other malefic aspect on Sun and Jupiter.
DOB- 4/5-5-1983 POB MUSKAR (PB)
TOB- 12:00 A.M.
Itseld is in the frip of Rahu and Ketu casuing Kala ‘Sarap-yoga’. Ninth lord Jupiter is in 5th with Ketu having 4th aspect of Mars with Venus and Moon. Sun and Mercury in the 3rd House are causing Budh-aditya yoga but could not save his father who died on 10th October, 1990 when the position of planets was as under:
From the transit of planet, it is found that the 9th Lord of Jupiter is in Ascendant with Ketu and aspected by Rahu. Moon happens to be in 12th and Saturn in another inauspicious house i.e. 6th i.e. 8th lord in the 6th in the sign of Jupiter. Therefore, 9th House, and its Lord Jupiter were heavily afflicted. Sun in the 3rd house (though with Mercy and Venus) had also the 10th aspect of Saturn and 2nd lord Sun had the 4th aspect of Mars. Apparently, the father of the native had to be in serious trouble and that may why be the death took place on 10th October 1990 when position of planets was as under:
From the transit of planet, it is found that the 9th Lord Jupiter is in Ascendant with Ketu and aspected by Rahu. Moon happens to be in 12th and Saturn in another inauspicious house i.e. 6th i.e. 8th lord in the 6th in the sign of Jupiter. Therefore, 9th House, and its Lord Jupiter were heavily afflicted. Sun in the 3rd house (though with Mercy and Venus) had also the 10th aspect of Saturn and 2nd lord Sun had the 4th aspect of Mars. Apparently, the father of the native had to be in serious trouble and that may why be the death took place on 10th October.
Dr. Shanker Adawal
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7 replies on “Horoscope of Son can Predict about Father’s Past and Future!”
Professional FX September 25, 2021 at 10:09 am
Sir My dob: 07/02/1983
0020am Mumbai india
the most I love is my dad
he is in jail from past 25years
when will he be with me
narayan September 25, 2021 at 10:09 am
My son's dob is 24.02.2015(2.58pm)Kerala.can u pls predict if his birth chart has any negative effect on his father's
life(09.02.1982).if so any
??pls rply
Unknown September 25, 2021 at 10:09 am
Please reply
Unknown September 25, 2021 at 10:09 am
I want to know the reason for my father's death?can you please predict and tell me
Unknown September 25, 2021 at 10:09 am
My Eldest daughter's birth details are as follows
D.O.B 19.10.1997
Time: 11.15 Am
Karachi, Pakistan
Can you predict my financial position in future?
Anonymous September 25, 2021 at 10:09 am
Sir pls can u tell me if any problem in my sons birthchart.. 6th Nov 2013..1:34pm… Chennai….
Anonymous September 25, 2021 at 10:09 am
Sir can you predict any chances of loss of father from my son's birthchart.
Son's dob: 10 th Nov 2012 12:38PM
birth place udipi karnataka