How to Know the Character of Your would be Wife, Astrologically!

wife GIFFew persons with perverted sex combinations cannot destroy
the traditions and well laid foundations with regard to behavior and character
of wife.
Do not cherish any idea about your wife after reading the
following astro-analysis as the combinations speak of possibilities and may not
happen at all on account of other position of planets, Nakshtra, day of birth,
tithi of birth and so on. Further, the author takes no responsibility for any
action one may take in any walk of his/her life.

Astrologically, moral character of wife of a person is to be
judged from 7th house from Lagna, the Sun, the Moon and Venus apart from the
Lord of 7th house. The wife of a person is likely to have a loose character if
the 7th house is a house owned by Mars or Saturn and is aspected by
Mars/Saturn/Rahu without aspect etc. of Jupiter or other benefic. The character
of wife shall be questionable when an afflicted Mars is in the 7th house, or
Mars is hemmed by malefic without conjunction aspect of any benefic.
Mercury, normally a natural, is also responsible at times
for loose character of wife. When afflicted, combust and malefic Mercury is in
the 7th house and is under the benefic influence of Jupiter etc. the character
of wife is stated by sages to be that of immoral.
Briefly, the following combinations become responsible for
questionable/ immoral character of wife:
•             When the
Moon is in the 7th house in debilitation (Scorpio is the place for debilitation
of the Moon) or the Moon gets to the house of an enemy and is afflicted.
             When the
waning Moon in the 7th house is in debilitation and is under the influence of
malefic and is in the house of enemy.

             When the
Moon is in opposition to Mars or Saturn and is saturated in the house of Mars/
Saturn. This principle need to be verified.

Mercury is lord of the 7th house, is in debilitation or is in the house of
enemy and situated in infusions houses i.e. 6th or 8th and is afflicted /
hemmed by malefic.

             The evil
effect may be minimized in (iv) if the combination is guarded in any manners by

             When the
Mercury (iv above) is heavily afflicted, the wife may either get separated/
divorced and in few cases depending on the position of there own Moon, may also
kill the husband.

Mercury is afflicted/ combust etc. and the 7th house is of Sagittarius (Dhanu)
or of Pisces (Meena) – both the sings belong to Jupiter reprehensive of husband
and it has to be seen what is the strength of Jupiter.

             When the
7th house either belong to Mars or Saturn and 7th house is occupied by Venus
and moon.

house rules extra-marital relations apart from the 12th house. But position of
planets in the 6th, 7th and 8th house is very important in knowing about the
character etc of wife. See the relation of 6th Lord with 7th Lord and if both
are under the influence of Mars/Saturn/Rahu or other malefic. In such a
situation wife may have a paramour unless these planets are protected by benefices
specially Jupiter. In some cases it has been seen that situation of a malefic
in 6th house also suggest the paramour in the life of the native.

             When the
lords of 6th, 8th and 12th house are in one house aspected by malefic or
conjoined with malefic.

             When the
lord of 5th is in 6th house and also afflicted by malefic, apart from illicit
relations, even child may be from paramour of the wife.

             When the
lord of the 7th house joins the lord of the 6th house and is afflicted by
malefic they result into a paramour in the life of the wife. 

Without multiplying the combination, it would be better
if position is explained by the following two horoscopes and even placement of
few planets may justify unchaste character of the wife:
The horoscope belongs to a person whose wife had been found
to be of loose character and she also had a paramour. See affliction on Mercury
who is the lord of 7th house and is conjoined with 6th lord Venus. Saturn
afflicts by aspect. 6th house ruling extra-marital life of the wife is
conjoined by two malefic Mars and Ketu. 

Shanker Adawal

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