In whatever month and on whatever time one must watch the
ascendant he should check the length of the day in the given month with the help of the prevalent almanac
and how many gharis and pals have passed till the target time. Then, with the
help of the following table, namely the daily ascendant timing chart write down
the number under that month or holistic followed by addition of the ghari and
pal of the required time. Look for the sum in the daily ascendant timing chart.
The holistic under and in front that number occurs will be accepted as the
ascendant of that time.
Example of watching Ascendant: A person wants to elicit
ascendant for 2 o’clock afternoon on Baisakh Sambat 1973 corresponding to 10th
April 1916. When length of the day was worked out from the prevalent almanac it
shown 32 ghari 30 pal as the length of the day. Since we have to elicit the
ascendant for 12 noon the day length will be halved to get 16 ghari and 15 pal
which is the fortunate moment of our target time. It will be written down some were
separately. Further, let us add 16 ghari and 15 pal of the target time to 3
ghari and 31 pal entered in the lower box of the month of Baisakh facing the tenth
day. It will give Sun total of 19 ghari 56 pal. Now look at the daily ascendant
timing chart in the holistic of Cancer namely under 11 Sawan and in front of
the 17th day in the fourth box there will be the digits of 19 ghari and 56 pal.
Thus, it shows that Cancer ascendant is domiciling of which 16 ansh have passed
and 12 ansh are remaining. Therefore, we have to put the the planet in
respective holistic by observing the horoscope of 9 Baisakh according to the
ascendant of Cancer. This will make the horoscope complete.
When the ascendant has been worked out according to the
procedure described in the ascendant timing chart a horoscope of 12 houses is
to be drawn with the digit representing the ascendant filled up in the first
house. The digits 1, 2, 3 and so on will he put in other houses in the
given order. Subsequently, let the holistic in which all the nine planets occur
be mentioned according to the horoscope of the particular date from the
prevalent almanac.
While filling up the horoscope care should be taken that holistic
and ascendant are counted from Aries to Pisces because there are no more than
twelve holistic The digit resenting ascendant of the target time is entered by
the astrologers in the first house of a horoscope while remaining houses are
filled with other digits in a series. This constitutes birth horoscope.