Indian Politicians

Dr. Shanker AdawalJyotishaacharya, PHD, MBADoctorate in Agriculture and MBA
Dr. Shanker Adawal is a professional and Astrology is his passion and an urge. His predictive technique is based on Bhrigu Technique whose principles and doctrines have been deciphered from research of above two decades . He is a professional in the field of telecommunications. He is presently working for one of the Fortune 500 Indian companies at a senior position. Did his MBA and PhD. and worked with Multinationals in India and abroad, before joining his presnt assignment. He has travelled extensively both in India and abroad. He also has keen interest in Human Rights.

He got interested in astrology when he was young, did his Jyotishacharya. His desire and aspiration to share the findings of his research and the new dimensions which can be given to the science of astrology.

Date of Birth : 15 June, 1950
Place of Birth : Sadoolpur, Rajasthan, India

The period which would be better than the past years from the age of 60 to 70. This is because Jupiter will be transiting in Cancer whose depositor is exalted with Mercury. The current year i.e. November 2007 to 2008 would be, however, a period where he would be taking important, critical and bold decisions to realign people and take control. This year would be good for the progress of his children and from middle of 2008, he would do major changes in his business and partnership. Year 2008 as mentioned will be a period where he will commence changes. So, there would be pins and pricks as Saturn transits Leo and Jupiter would be transiting the 8th House from Moon – nothing negative would happen as Jupiter transits its own House and its depositor i.e. Jupiter itself is 11th from the transiting Jupiter. Bold decisions would be taken which would create initial hurdles but will not go wrong. The Native will attain a very high peak between the age of 65 to 67.

Date of birth: 16-09-1945
Place of Birth: Shivaganga (Tamil Nadu)

As per the details, Mr. Chidambaram has born on September 16, 1945 at Shivaganga in Tamil Nadu. The horoscope is based on the principles of Bhrigu Nadi which takes into account the rotation of Jupiter and other planets.

The year 2008 for the Native will be a period of change. He will be able to maintain his prestige. This is because of Jupiter transiting on natal Moon with the aspect of Mars and Saturn on it. The year of 2008, because of this, will be a time where a lot of issues will have to dealt with.

MR. SUSHIL KUMAR SHINDE Date of Birth : 04 September, 1941
Place of Birth : Solapur, Maharashtra, India
As per the Bhrigu Nadi system, the rotated Jupiter is in Libra and the depositor of the same is Venus which is debilitated but exalted with Mercury and Rahu. The depositor being in the 12th House, the Native will get opportunities but they will not fructify to his likening or desire. The year 2008 will be a good year which will get the Native unexpected success and victory. This, however, again may not culminate into desired results. This is because the depositor of transiting Jupiter is in 8th from the transiting House and Saturn in opposition to Moon transits over Sun. There will be some kind of mental anguish as though the Native would do well but not get the power and position expected from the performance.

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