Influence of Jupiter on Marital Life

Dr. Shanker Adawal (Jyotishaacharya, PHD, MBA)

The benefic nature of Jupiter is well known and need not commented upon. It would suffice to say that Jupiter in one’s horoscope, inter-alia, indicates success, honor, glory one can have, well placed Jupiter enables the native to enjoy the providential help. Depending on the combinations in one’s horoscope, Jupiter helps the native to advise (specially refers to the Judges/Govt. officials etc.) provides all comforts, is a benefic planet, belong to the highest strata of society, makes the native highly learned apart from being a Male planets.
In astrology, Jupiter is exalted at 5th degree of Cancer and this degree is ruled by Nakshatra ‘Pushyami’ owned by Lord Saturn. Hence from this point of view, involvement of three planets comes to stay with exalted Jupiter i.e. Jupiter himself, Saturn and the Moon. Saturn also come into picture as Jupiter is debilitated in Capricorn. The intimate connection has to be taken into account for all purposes.
Jupiter debilitated in signs and various houses has different things to say. But for the purposes of present write-up, it would suffice to confine to the positioning of Jupiter in the VIIth house and in its own sign i.e. Dhanu (Saggitarius) and Meena (Pisces). To start with, it would suffice to confine to the positioning of Jupiter in Dhanu makes the native wealthy, learned, influential, noble, dependable, charitable, a good talker and provides a good organizing ability. So Jupiter in PISCE (Meena) enables the native to have some inheritance, enterprising and gives high position.
The important question posed in this write-up is whether Jupiter in the 8th house aspecting and aspected by Saturn in the 1st House (Ascendant) is responsible for the husband and wife to live apart amicably because of service and professional constraints. In one of the cases which has recently come to my notice is that the husband and the wife are living separately for the last 15 years but amicably and with mutual consent. Now, the husband has expressed a desire and sought astrological advice whether it is possible to live together i.e. on one station for the rest of their lives. The Horoscope of the husband and wife are given above:
The important question posed in this write-up is whether Jupiter in the VII the hose aspecting and aspected by Saturn in the 1st House (Ascendant) is responsible for the husband and wife to life apart amiably because of service and professional constraints. In one of the cases which have recently come to my notice is that the husband and the wife are living separately for the last 15 years but amicably and with mutual consent. Now, the husband has expressed a desire and sought astrological advice whether it is possible to live together i.e. on one station for the rest of their lives. The horoscope of the husband and wife are given above:
Before discussing the above horoscopes, it would be better to say something more for the Jupiter and Venus.
Jupiter’s aspect is a source of strength everywhere, whether it is in the filed of wealth or progeny or official career. Jupiter is also significators of Law and inter-alia stands for excellence of spiritual and moral qualities. Jupiter is the Karka of wealth but the point under consideration is marital bliss. Normally, 7th house, Jupiter makes the native learned, of high family, kind, expert in Mantras, attains high position than that of father, wealthy, religious and spiritual but the native remains worried throughout life. However, weak and afflicted Jupiter (aspect of conjunction of Saturn, Rahu, Ketu and Mars) makes the native immoral but Jupiter is in own houses, the spouse is in own house, the spouse is instrumental in getting wealth and happiness.
The highest pleasure of a man and woman in this world is to have a modest, loving, virtuous, handsome, agreeable and sympathetic spouse, Apart from good health, domestic happiness, peace of mind, prosperity, dignity and fair name are just heavenly pleasures on earth. However, this all depends on the sign in the 7th house, whether movable, foxed or dual, planets posited in the 7th house, planets aspecting the 7th house including the relationship inter-se-of the planets with reference to the 7th house.
Among other principles, it would suffice to say briefly that if the 7th house or its lord is conject with a malefic, the native’s wife will generate many difficulties specially if the 7th house or its lord is bereft of strength. Lack of conjugal happiness is indicated if the Moon (decreasing Moon) is in the 7th house as the 7th lord is in the 12th house and Karka (signification of Venus) is bereft of strength and thus the native may not have the desired marital happiness.

Shanker Adawal
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