Know about Saturn’s zodiac change and its effects on the basis of ‘ASHTAKVARGA’ rules!

The Saturn transit is an important event in Hindu Vedic
Astrology. Transit in sign Capricorn on 24th January 2020 has come after 30
years which is being seen for the good in all esteem. Saturn duration in one
RASHI is two and half years which is being called ‘DHAIYA’. This time Saturn’s
‘DHAIYA’ is being seen to be on ‘for the good’ overall.
Saturn’s transit connection with zodiac signs is important
and tells the impact where if we use ‘ASHTAKVARGA’ Rules, we have to see the
its influence through i) Saturn’s current position in the horoscope, ii)
Saturn’s transit ‘DASHA’ through Moon, iii) Transit influence through native’s
‘LAGNA’ chart as well as its transit through its own move.
Let us see the Saturn’s impact on different zodiac signs.
  1. Saturn in
    the tenth house will promote growth and justice in livelihood.
  2. It will
    help getting recover in case of any health issue related to the spine.
  3. DASHA is
    beneficial to those who have genuine issues related to their own property
  4. Increase
    in employment to those who are struggling and unemployed.
  5. It is
    going to benefit you from every point of view including benefits in father’s
  6. On the
    contrary, there may be loss to those who have ill intentions and did something
    wrong to others or grabbed a house or things from someone.

  1. Taurus
    native may feel LUCKY during this DASHA.
  2. Livelihood
    and employment for Taurians.
  3. They may
    visit religious places and enter into some positive mindset. All the evils and
    depressions inside you will go.
  4. The
    sleepiness will end; you may feel more energetic.
  5. You will
    be stronger physically and mentally.

  1. Possibilities
    of some difficulties or troubles if you are in some research field.
  2. Best time
    for those who are into psychology, weather student or in teaching.
  3. Best time
    for writers and poets.
  4. There is
    a need to focus on health. Possibility of some injury to bones.
  5. Good time
    for learning.

  1. Saturn
    transit in 7th house.
  2. You will
    get some good news from your spouse.
  3. Issues in
    marital or love life, will end soon. You are going to enter into a good life.
  4. If you
    are a law student or are connected to the court in any way then this is a
    special occasion for you.
  5. Marriage
    can be arranged. Livelihood can progress in employment.
  6. There will
    be little fear of getting hurt. Apart from this, physical condition will be

  1. Whatever
    was disturbing you, will going to end in this period.
  2. Opponents
    will be defeated.
  3. Learning
    time, you will learn a lot.
  4. Health
    issues will end.
  5. Benefit
    will come from the maternal side.
  6. The
    elders will be blessed.

  1. A great
    time for students, writers, astrologers and for those who are in technical
  2. Whatever
    you want to do in the field of knowledge, Shanidev has opened the way.
  3. Take
    advantage of physical fitness
  4. Amazing
    decision making ability will come.
  5. A boon
    for people suffering from depression.
  6. The
    problem related to the child is also going to end.

  1. Mother
    health will improve.
  2. There
    will be purchase of land, house or vehicle.
  3. Generally,
    we know Saturn in 4th house gives depression, discord but Saturn in his own
    house will be benefiting.
  4. It will
    increase physical comforts. Native will progress in life.
  5. There may
    be some celebration at home.
  6. There
    will relieve in heart disease, some improvement in BP issues.
  7. And good
    for the people who are connected with construction sector.

  1. You will
    be more lively with best energy, good time for new ventures.
  2. Good time
    for jobs etc. will get new contracts
  3. You will
    meet new people for the good, will rise in this period.
  4. Medical
    issues related to nose, ear, throat and arms will be cured. Time is good in all

  1. Excellent
    time, all hurdles will be over.
  2. Continuous
    upward progress.
  3. Increase
    in liquid funds and family happiness.
  4. Time to
    get new contracts etc.
  5. Whatever
    you lost in two and a half years, will get all or double.

  1. Energy
    deficit is over. Kindness will increase, will shine like shining stars.
  2. Will get
    good employment.
  3. Physical
    fitness will be available. There will be good luck in life.
  4. Time is
    good from every point of view.
  5. Some
    expenses will increase, but all this expenditure will be in auspicious events.

  1. Lagnesh
    is DWADESH BHAVA but SWAGRAHI. So, not to worry as Saturn will not give you any
    ill effect being SWAGRAHI.
  2. There
    will be contact with foreign countries. New relationships will be formed.
  3. Will
    progress in life.
  4. Those
    whose partnership was deteriorating will improve.
  5. Time is
    good from every point of view.

  1. Tenth BHAVA VRIHASPATI will give good results.
  2. Saturn of
    the eleventh house are giving excellent benefits.
  3. A
    progressive life, increase of profit with better health.
  4. Good
    business with new opportunities.
  5. Good love

Dr. A. Shanker

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